Alan Kirker

Humanoid Radio > Humanoid Radio Play-list Archive

Note that these play-lists each begin at roughly 9:30 pm and end at 11 pm EST for the Tuesday covered, unless otherwise specified. They do not make reference to times of announce breaks, station IDs, promotions, or the exact sequence or ordering of additional layered components such as spoken word. An audio archive of the show going back several years exists at

Humanoid Radio Play-list Archive
Artist Album Track
January 7, 2020
Suzanas Bauten Nektar vol. 9.2 080101 000
Feedback Aerophonium Classwar Karaoke - 0028 Survey Transducer
Berthelot Classwar Karaoke - 0028 Survey La Theorie de Lassiette Creuse
Art Electronix Classwar Karaoke - 0028 Survey Curiosity and Penetration
Suzanas Bauten Suzanas Bauten Pure Data Song
Ambient Fabric Classwar Karaoke - 0028 Survey Pillars of Creation
Rosalind Hall A Trail A Texture Trails
John Haught read by Alan Kirker (source book of reading: Atoms and Eden) (Question responses)
Lee Rosevere Asimov The Last Question
Nadav Masel Experimental Israel Improv 3 halasam
January 14, 2020
Jeff Gburek Radius PATCH 06 - Ghosts Radio Wide World (Part 1)
January 21, 2020
Jeff Gburek Radius PATCH 06 - Ghosts Radio Wide World (Part 2)
Deef (untitled ep) Your Daily Beatermezzo
Sea Oleena (self-titled ep) Everyone With Eyes Closed – Johnny Ripper Remix
Smoking Fox Johnny Ripper Deximer - Summer Breeze Let it Out – Johnny Ripper Remix
Rui P. Andrade Various Artists (Enough Records) Turdus Merula
Black Sea Hotel Live on WFMU with Irene Trudel - August 25, 2014 Ibish Aga
DR Insomnia Insomnia
Sucking Chest Wound God Family Country Isn’t That a Beauty?
January 28, 2020
DR Insomnia Overdrive
Jojo Worthington (self-titled lp) Inveterate
Ctodo Do N 837ix
Andrea Pensado and Davindar Singh (self-titled lp) Duo With Davindar Singh
Andrea Pensado and Alexei Borisov (self-titled lp) Duo With Alexei Borisov
Jojo Worthington (self-titled lp) Sojourner
Alex Davies Sonic Mmabolela 2017 Three Generative Inversions
Steve Ashby Sonic Mmabolela 2017 Mosima
February 4, 2020
Kosta T. 10 Percent Idiot Trokai (excerpt)
Sam Shalabi & Stefan Christoff Shalabi & Christoff: Live at Silence, Guelph, Nov 2014 (untitled composition)
Subversive Intentions Classwar Karaoke - 0025 Survey 10 06 am
David Bohm Millennium Interview (Youtube video) (spoken word excerpt)
Little Cloud Johnny Ripper Deximer Johnny Ripper Remix
(space-machine-drone-fx) (freeware CD) (excerpted from various drone sounds)
Joseph Campbell (Youtube video) (various spoken word excerpts)
Lauki (single) Domo
Surak (single) Rescue
Szubrawy Ko (single) Nincompoop
Trigger (single) Karst
Krowne (single) Uncle Fredrick Theme
EPV195 (single) re1
Julsy Johnny Ripper Deximer Tout se Transforme – Reinterpret par Johnny Ripper
Kosta T. 10 Percent Idiot Trokai
February 11, 2020
Rest You Sleeping Giant Cold Harvest II Open Eyes
Rest You Sleeping Giant Cold Harvest II Treated Acoustic Guitar
EPV195 (single) Re 2
David Bohm Millennium Interview (Youtube video) (spoken word excerpt)
Sea of Aland Maritime We Belong To The Sea – Part 1
Telegraphy (single) Watered Down Focal Point
David Behrman Recorded Live At the Kitchen QSRL 1
Telegraphy Somewhere in Detroit If Monday Was On Sunday 1
Terence McKenna (Youtube video) (spoken word excerpts)
Luyos MaryCarl (single) Lake Agco droplets
La Republique des Granges Draache Causses
February 18, 2020
Telegraphy (single) Bottom of the Fisher Building
10 (single) Shape 10
Avoidant (single) Birth In Carpathia
Sam Shalabi On a Steady Diet of Hash, Bread and Salt Rebetikaud
Go-Qualia Epilogue The World Turns At Our Centers
Aboombong Improvisations and Interludes; Music for Repaired Piano Aphronesis
David Bohm (Millennium Interview - Youtube video) (spoken word excerpts)
Aboombong Improvisations and Interludes; Music for Repaired Piano Areopagitica
LG17 Ascia Behind Our Efforts Let There Be Found Our Efforts
LG17 Ascia I Am Loyal To The Group Of Seventeen
LG17 Ascia How Are The Hands Nourished
Shapes and Monsters Chkm Fagocitosis
February 25, 2020
Sea of Aland Extended Play One The Strange Colour of Her Tears
(various) Commander Cody - Radar Men from the Moon (Youtube video) (spoken word excerpts)
Schemawound My Time As A Rat - Szczur Archive (2001​-​2004) Sugar
The Icarus Descent Dead Strings Echo An Echo in the Ashes
Emilie Mouchous & Andrea-Jane Cornell Radius PATCH 04 - Landscape Rise - Shine
Jojo Worthington (self-titled lp) Sands
(found sounds and field recorded sounds) (personal archive) (various excerpts)
Illocanblo (single) RyanAir 73S
March 3, 2020
Jasnoch and Woolf Classwar Karaoke - 0028 Survey Thrown Out of Their Pram
Julien A. Lacroix Lyuluyl Lyuluyl with Strange Meat
Sabrina Siegel, Bryan Day, Tom Djll, & Bob Marsh Ocean of Lakes Part 3
Chris Zabriskie Sun Salute (compilation) The Sun Is Scheduled to Come Out Tomorrow
Mantra Espectra (single) Raga Tidi
Ram Gabay Experimental Israel Improv Halasam
C.G. Jung Psychology Library audiobooks (via Youtube video) (various spoken word excerpts)
Feldmaus Sun Salute (compilation) Sunbeams in High Grass
Labrosse, Mori, & Tetreault Ile Bizarre Magneticum Phaenomenon
Alto Clark Sun Salute (compilation) Under the Sun
Ayato Nektar Revelation Artificielle
March 10, 2020
Rocheleau, Bussiere, & Couture RBC Really Bizarre Calimari
Lyn Goeringer Dolly Aperture
C.G. Jung Psychology Library audiobooks (via Youtube video) (various spoken word excerpts)
Labrosse, Mori, & Tetreault Ile Bizarre Belli-Machina
Mantra Espectra (single) Catatonic
Project 5am 5am Wabi Sabi Yves
Maria Jiku Go Tsushima Katharsis
Grasshopper Live on WFMU's My Castle of Quiet, 5.28.2014 Pretzel Bill
Labrosse, Mori, & Tetreault Ile Bizarre Subterraneus Labyrinthus
Labrosse, Mori, & Tetreault Ile Bizarre Ad Ventum Capere Grandes Machinee
Arciv Ev Noise Maintenant Hytinin
Arciv Ev Noise Maintenant Gallicbhels
March 17, 2020
Bobby Bunny Bobby Bunny's Adventures in Magnetic Recording Vol.1 MMM
D. Burke Mahoney Radius PATCH 06 - Ghosts Fading Signals Dead Air
Labrosse, Mori, & Tetreault Ile Bizarre Marinae Creaturae
Eli Keszler (single) Catching Net
C.G. Jung Psychology Library audiobooks (via Youtube) (various spoken word excerpts)
Uncle Fester on Acid LCL Netlabel Day (compilation) Galileo Frequency Feast
Simon Mathewson Vault-age Hairy Chest
Labrosse, Mori, & Tetreault Ile Bizarre Monopodii et Cyclops
The Vainglories (single) I Am The Only
March 24, 2020
Telegraphy (single) The Last Soltice
The Vainglories (single) Solace
Sampleconstruct Reverse Universe Mast
Colektro Wakka Chikka Wakka Chikka Porn Music for the Masses Volume 1 Brainwank Psycho Foo Edit
Thanvannispen Ohm sing Cl2 Cut 1
Ditzky (single) Prepare for Battle
Mexicanvader (single) A Night Fraught with Anxiety
Alexei Biryukoff (single) A Six Minute Trip
Labrosse, Mori, & Tetreault Ile Bizarre Simplicia Animales
C.G. Jung Psychology Library audiobooks (via Youtube) (various spoken word excerpts)
Labrosse, Mori, & Tetreault Ile Bizarre Sacri et Profani Ritus
The Wyrding Module Chapter 3 XIVIX Dissolution of the Thantic Shield
Avoidant AVDN Chamber
Arciv Ev Noise Maintenant Erstaw
Firnwald Elft Rubber House
March 31, 2020
KWC Performance Sacred Hour Steel Group Steel Prayers Found Sound Service
Labrosse, Mori, & Tetreault Ile Bizarre Lactea Via
Patrik Glassel Brandstifter SK Orchestra Live At Rinckenhof You Have The Job
C.G. Jung Psychology Library audiobooks (via Youtube) The World Within (spoken word excerpts)
Eddie 135 + The Shitblaster Dragons Teeth Dragons Teeth Part 1
Suzanas Bauten Serie 080727 080727 000
April 7, 2020
Sea of Aland Maritime The Big Blue
Eckhardt Tolle Doorway to Now (Part 1) (Youtube video) (spoken word excerpts)
Lori Gemmel Prelude Shadows
La Schola des Peres du Saint-Esprit du Grand Scholasticat de Chevilly Gregorian Chant Easter Liturgy
Victoria Kaspi Perimeter Institute talk (Youtube video) (spoken word excerpts)
THF Drenching Labour Toast
Ala Social Net (single) Ala Netlabels Session
Augustus Bro Gallery Six Led by the Dress Colored in Red
Black Ant (single) Black Ant
Podington Bear (single) Sad Cyclops
Reed Blue (single) Underworld
Nasienie (single) Chamber Ambience
The Clinamen (single) Devolving Sssgod
April 14, 2020
Momenta Quartet Live Samples - Jason Kao Hwang If We Live in Forgetfulness We Die in a Dream
Eckhardt Tolle Doorway to Now (Part 2) (Youtube video) (spoken word excerpts)
Alan Kirker Cities and Memory - Future Cities Oxford Birdy Num-num
Lori Gemmel Prelude Quarks
Webly Edwards with Al Kealoha Perry Hawaiian Shores Mauna Kea
(nameless, random) Psychiatric Patient (Youtube video) (spoken word excerpts)
Nameless Dancers and K-D Rock Fluteman Fluteman Unplugged Studio Jam
Sol Rezza (single) The Existence of the Light
Michael Mucci (single) Days Blur Together
Lisa Randall Matter, Space, and the Universe (Youtube video) (spoken word excerpts)
Katsuhiro Chiba (single) Lorr
Alan Kirker (nameless) old reel to reel audio tape (audio experiment)
April 21, 2020
Brice Catherin (single) Winterreise
Eckhardt Tolle Doorway to Now (Part 3)(Youtube video) (spoken word excerpts)
Hieronymous SteamCake A Tribute to the Passing Of Christopher Lee + Ornette Coleman Afterlife of Amphibian Dancer Body
Shaun Robert A Tribute to the Passing Of Christopher Lee + Ornette Coleman Ghustycav
Floating Spirits Earth Tones Like The Rain
Floating Spirits Earth Tones 653
Berthelot - Launay Imaginarium Memoire Prelogique
Luyos MaryCarl (single) Lake Agco Droplets
Chris Silver T and Mauro Sambo Serpeggiava Un Freddo Viscido Di Ombra Perenne Adesso Vivono Separati
King Imagine Pankifared Episodes (Concerto For Two Pianos & String Quartet) Episode 5 Meeting Under The Christmas Tree
Visciera Six Bits Of Black Broken Glass Tension
Pat Ptak (read poem) (phone audio excerpts)
Zena Straight World They Dont Want My Blood
April 28, 2020
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Outland IV Our Small Blue World
Lori Gemmell Prelude Novelette for Harp
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Outland IV DSPill
Simon Mathewson Your Oldest Friends are the Ones it Takes You Longest to Realise You Don't Like Offerdal
Autechre Incunabula Bike
Autechre Incunabula Autriche
Rob Ray Radius PATCH 14 - Crisis Subject To Greater Uncertainties
Tim Brady (single) Canonic Strategies
David Steindl-Rast + Jeffrey Mishlove Thinking Allowed (Youtube video) (spoken word excerpts)
May 5, 2020
Nick Storring My Magic Dreams Have Lost Their Spell Tides That Defeat Identity
Nick Storring My Magic Dreams Have Lost Their Spell Pretending You and I
Rob Clutton Trio Counsel of Primaries Counsel of Primaries
The Fucked Up Beat The Watch Towers of Metropolis A Disinfosomnolence In Metropolis A
Ryuichi Sakamoto FunkunFusion Anger
Jalopaz Macska Leves Siegfrieds Schwab
Noexit Macska Leves Chains
Rngmnn (single) Svartedauden
Futurologia Lo que Escuchan los Satelites Va Op3
Richard Dawkins (youtube video) April 9, 2020 - The AI Podcast with Lex Fridman (video interview excerpt)
Les Momies de Palerme Live on WFMU - If You Got Ears May 22, 2013 Maldoror
Unthunk (single) Hummus
May 12, 2020
Ways + Simon Toldam Fortunes Health
Nick Storring My Magic Dreams Have Lost Their Spell Now Neither One of Us is Breaking
Foreign Terrain LP 1 Lament of Mahgreb
PS A Moment Secluded in Life Wait While I Fall Asleep
Audiopollination (single) Aniqa and Jo
Gabriela Gonzalez (youtube video) Perimeter Institute Talk
Remus Downloadable Warschaupict
RAC (single) Star Trek Theme
Kenneth Kirschner (single) 6-5-2012
Gaston Arevalo (single) Nebular
Monopole Netcontrol Atmospheric Condition
May 19, 2020
Dva Zagorodnyh Doma (single) V Servante
See Through 4 False Ghosts, Minor Fears Uncertain Slant Of Light
See Through 4 False Ghosts, Minor Fears With Scars To Show
Rob Clutton Trio Counsel of Primaries Sterling
Rob Clutton Trio Counsel of Primaries Strata
Yair Lopez Radius PATCH 09 - Narrative Primitivo Branquiado Comedor de Hierba de los Fondos Abisales
Dr. Seuss If I Ran the Zoo (vinyl LP) If I Ran the Zoo
Farewell My Concubine (single) Telepathic
Alan Kirker (spoken word excerpts) (spoken word excerpts)
May 26, 2020
Sparrow In Snow (single) Wolf In Nofriends Forest
Jocelyn Bell-Burnell (youtube video) Perimeter Institute talk
Foreign Terrain LP 1 Dumb Found Some
Foreign Terrain LP 1 Ambisoltata
Foreign Terrain LP 1 Aggro Rock
Foreign Terrain LP 1 Lament
Foreign Terrain LP 1 Artemis
Ways + Simon Toldam Fortunes Love
Ways + Simon Toldam Fortunes Passion
See Through 4 False Ghosts, Minor Fears An Ocean to Forget
Nick Storring My Magic Dreams Have Lost Their Spell Now Neither One Of Us Is Breaking
Foreign Terain LP 1 Indian Philosophy (featuring Deepak Chopra)
Foreign Terain LP 1 Hessia
Daniel Barbiero (single) After 30 x 12 for C Reider
Chuck Bettis and Joe Merolla Live at Agne Noir 9-19-2013 Mantis Monkey Crane
Marco Raaphorst (single) Neziba
Cagey House Medicine Hats Playing for the Train
June 2, 2020
Show pre-empted due to special broadcast
June 9, 2020
Berthelot + Saccomani Thermal Balance Of Igloo In Melting Stage Metamorphosis of Rhinoceros in Three Acts
Ed Allen TV exercises (vinyl) Exercise 1
Tala Matrix Tabla Beat Science Secret Channel
Jah Wobble + Deep Space Five Beat Five Beat Part 1
Cinematic Orchestra Motion Night Of The Iguana
Funki Porcini After Hours 2 - Last Call (various artists) Long Road
Tonbau G-minus2 Snake Dream
Amon Tobin Permutation Bridge
Rob Clutton Trio Counsel of Primaries Strata
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Outland Physical Transformation
June 16, 2020
Dead Peoples Records The Everyday 5 pm
Professor Kliq Antididonai Teragraph
Cinematic Orchestra Motion Durian
Nick Storring My Magic Dreams Have Lost Their Spell What a Made Up Mind Can Do
The Threshold People Night of the Threshold People Yucca Flats
The Threshold People Night of the Threshold People Radio Zombie
Oliver Sacks, Jeanne Achterberg, Pat Ptak (various spoken word samples) (various spoken word samples)
Ellen Fullman (single) Never Gets Out of Me
Sacred System Nagual Site Black Lotus
James Pants Dublab Bonus Beat Blast Cha Cha demo
Monopole Netcontrol Unidentified Channel Marker
The Threshold People Night of the Threshold People Behemoth
Lee Rosevere Asimov The Dead Past
Chris Zabriskie (single) Is That You or Are You You
Foreign Terrain LP Node
June 23, 2020
Joane Hetu + Jean Derome Shaman - Nous Percons Les Oreilles Track 11
Joane Hetu + Jean Derome Shaman - Nous Percons Les Oreilles Track 6
Foreign Terrain LP Oblique Eccentricity
Foreign Terrain LP Radium
Bomb the Bass Clear If You Reach the Border
GLas Compile Bloemerglas
GLas Compile Oudienieuwe
Jocelyn Bell-Burnell (spoken word excerpt) Perimeter Institute talk
Ropewalk Ropewalk Worm snd Parcel With The Lay
Studio Noir Strella Sing a Singsong to the Moon Singsongs for you
Labrosse Mori Tetreault Ile Bizarre Fossiles et Extra Tempum
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Outland 4 DSpill
June 30, 2020
Joane Hetu + Jean Derome Shaman - Nous Percons Les Oreilles Track 11
My Own Cubic Stone La Gang De La Rouille De Fonte et de Brume
My Own Cubic Stone La Gang De La Rouille D'Acier et d'Eau
ARS Sonor Lucifer - Making Peace L1mbo Central Eternal
Andres Gomez-Emilsson (spoken word excerpts) Waking Cosmos Interview
My Own Cubic Stone La Gang De La Rouille De Particules et de Souffle
YoshimioChu DUO YoChu On The Stone Live At The Stone
Funki Porcini The Ultimately Empty Million Pounds Reboot
Funki Porcini The Ultimately Empty Million Pounds 1, 2, 3, 3, 4
Tonbau G minus 2 Krios
Jah Wobble + Deepspace Fivebeat Just me and Phil
Ed Allen TV exercises (vinyl) Exercise 2
July 7, 2020
Jeremy Moyer A Discovery of Chinese Folk Tunes By the Light of the Lantern
Krowne Just For Us (2004-2016) Dark Times 2011
Ed Allen Exercises - (vinyl) Exercise 3
Katharine Horowitz #StayHomeSounds (Volume 2) Muslim Call to Prayer, Minneapolis (USA)
Nightmares on Wax Smokers Delight Gambia Via Vagator Beach
Makoto Masui (single) Eps 1
Jon Kabat-Zinn (spoken word excerpt) Dharma talk excerpt
Shantel Quango World Groove Considerandio (Brazil-Germany)
Daddy Scrabbble Raise The Black Lantern Tune For Elli
Jah Wobble's Invaders of the Heart Quango World Groove Yalili Ya Aini (Algeria)
Church Of When The Shit Hits The Fan Raise The Black Lantern The Laugh Track
Metatron Raise The Black Lantern This Is My Bodyn
Francesco Fusaro (single) Manchu Suite
The Melachrino Strings and Orchestra Music for Relaxation - vinyl Star Dust
(nameless, random) Psychiatric Patient (Youtube video) (spoken word excerpts)
July 14, 2020
Shaman Nous Percons Les Oreilles Track 10
Youthu Yindi Quango World Groove Gapu (Australia)
Nightmares on Wax Smokers Delight Rise
Asthmatic Astronaut Raise The Black Lantern Run The Tape
Jeremy Moyer A Discovery of Chinese Folk Tunes Madly in Love (Tao Hua Guo Du)
Varun Venugopal #StayHomeSounds (volume 2) Lockdown Morning in Hyderabad
Human Terminal Press Any Key Earth Breath
Nocturnal Emissions Sunspot Activity Tracks 1-8
Andres Gomez-Emilsson Waking Cosmos interview excerpts (spoken word - youtube video) Consonance, Dissonance, Symmetry, Asymmetry, and Consciousness
Laurie Gemmell Solo Harp Sonata in G Major
Owlface Noalbumname Goose Woman
Nightmares on Wax Smokers Delight Stars
Nightmares on Wax Smokers Delight Wait a Minute
Nightmares on Wax Smokers Delight Nights Introlude
July 21, 2020
Morton Subotnik Early Modulations - Vintage Volts Silver Apples of the Moon
Nadezda Nilova #StayHomeSounds (volume 2) St. Petersburg alert (Russia)
Igbehin Lalaylo Nta Nigeria '70 - Lagos Jump Dynamic Africana
Thievery Corporation EP Lebanese Blonde
Twilight Circus Dub From the Secret Vaults One Drop
Twilight Circus Dub From the Secret Vaults Bassie Dub
The Melachrino Strings and Orchestra Music for Relaxation - vinyl Star Dust
Jordan Nobles (single) Chiaroscuro
Mo-Seph Raise The Black Lantern Roslyn
Nocturnal Emissions Sunspot Activity
Andres Gomez-Emilsson Waking Cosmos interview excerpt (Youtube video) Consonance, Dissonance, Symmetry, Asymmetry, and Consciousness
Luyos MaryCarl (single) Lake Agco Droplets
Indonesian Soundscapes Indonesian Soundscapes Call to Prayer, Shadow Play, Wind Through Bamboo Forest
July 28, 2020
Emily Grantham Broadcast Four Soseeji Live on New Weird Australia
Jordan Nobles (single) Pulses
Dr. Seuss The Sleep Book (vinyl) Track 2
Amon Tobin Supermodified Get Your Snack On
Amon Tobin Supermodified Ten Ton Mantis
Soeren Grevbaeck (single) Friel
Up, Bustle, Out Rebel Radio - Havana, featuring Richard Egues The Educators
Up, Bustle, Out Rebel Radio - Havana, featuring Richard Egues Who's Gonna Take the Weight?
Peter King Nigeria '70 - Lagos Jump African Dialects
Bruce Gremo Atmosphere's Edge - 12 Preludes Prelude 1 - Going Some Place
Bruce Gremo Atmosphere's Edge - 12 Preludes Prelude 2 - Gravitational
Soul Coughing Songs in the Key of X Unmarked Helicopters
Mark Snow Songs in the Key of X X Files Theme
Nocturnal Emissions Sunspot Activity Track 10
Twilight Circus Dub From the Secret Vaults Achou
Bill Mazappa #StayHomeSounds (volume 2) Health Worker Tributes (excerpt), Vancouver
August 4, 2020
King Cobb Steelie Project Twinkle Italian Ufology Today
The Grassy Knoll Positive Black Helicopters
The Grassy Knoll Positive Driving Nowhere
Tala Matrix - featuring Trilok Gurtu Tabla Beat Science Big Brother
Bill Laswell Imaginary Cuba Chacon and Daniel
Bill Laswell Imaginary Cuba Dejala En La Puntica
Tala Matrix - featuring Zakir Hussain + Bill Laswell Tabla Beat Science Biotech
Luis Antero (single) Concerto
Dataman (single) Mr. Illusion
Kenneth Kirschner (single) Untitled
Oliver Sacks interviewed by Jeffrey Mishlove Thinking Allowed Youtube video (audio excerpt)
Ways + Simon Toldam Fortunes Passion
Cabbageboy Genetically Modified Interstellar Love
Tala Matrix - featuring Talvin Singh + B.Somatik Tabla Beat Science Don't Worry Dot Com
August 11, 2020
Dan Prjct (single) To Morning
Oliver Sacks interviewed by Jeffrey Mishlove Thinking Allowed Youtube video (audio excerpt)
Bill Laswell Imaginary Cuba Transmission 1 - Avisale A La Vecina Dub + Para Clave Y Guaguanco
Up Bustle Out One Colour Just Reflects Another Iaqui No Ma!
Nightmares on Wax Smokers Delight Stars
Cabbageboy Genetically Modified Departure
The Grassy Knoll Positive Roswell Crash
Sucking Chest Wound God Family Country Who Shot the Pope?
Sir Shina Peters & His International Stars Nigeria '70 - Lagos Jump Yabis
Massive Attack featuring Tony Bryan Blue Lines Be Thankful for What You've Got
Amon Tobin Supermodified Slowly
Cesar Callirgos #StayHomeSounds (volume 2) Cheering the Police in Lima (Peru)
Feldmaus Spaces Put on a Magical Hood (Passage Version)
Hypermagic Sun Salute Hey Hey Sunshine
(archive sample) (sound fx) (random spacey effect)
Malcolm Lowry Read by Richard Burton (vinyl) Under the Volcano (excerpt)
The Grassy Knoll Positive 1961
North Without End Sun Salute For Sure the Sun's Gone Out
August 18, 2020
Material Hallucination Engine Cucumber Slumber
Murmurists Teratophobes Mysophilians etc (excerpt)
King Cobb Steelie Project Twinkle Lunar Rotisserie
The Herbaliser featuring What What Blow Your Headphones The Blend
Neotropic Mr Brubakers Strawberry Alarm Clock Insane Moon
The Herbaliser Blow Your Headphones Ginger Jumps the Fence
The Herbaliser Blow Your Headphones Put It On Tape
Marco Trovatello (single) Be Sweet
John Cage Early Modulations - Vintage Volts Imaginary Landscape No. 1
Cabbageboy Genetically Modified Bean to this World - Humanoid Remix
Amon Tobin Permutation Bridge
Eric (Showboy) Akaeze & His Royal Ericos Nigeria '70 - Lagos Jump Wetin De Watch Goat, Goat Dey Watcham
Carl Jung Psychology Audio Books (spoken word excerpt)
Neotropic Mr Brubakers Strawberry Alarm Clock Improved Industrial Dwellings
Bruce Gremo Atmospheres Edge - 12 Preludes Prelude 7 - Falling and Rising
Foreign Terrain LP Ambisolata
Foreign Terrain LP Dark Terrain + Foreign Terrain + Introduction to Autumn
August 25, 2020
Kwanzaa Posse featuring Funk Master Sweat Quango World Groove Wicked Funk
Up Bustle Out Quango World Groove The Dance of the Caravan Summer (intr + From Andalucia to Bristol) - Summer on the Sweet Wine Party
Nightmares on Wax Smokers Delight Pipes Honour
Ame Strong (France) Quango World Groove Tout Est Bleu
Bill Laswell Imaginary Cuba Madre No Me Pida In Dub
The Herbaliser Blow Your Headphones Mr. Chombee Has the Flaw
Material featuring William S. Burroughs Hallucination Engine Words of Advice
The Herbaliser Blow Your Headphones Shocker Zulu
Neotropic Mr. Brubakers Strawberry Alarm Clock Saucer Song
Neotropic Mr. Brubakers Strawberry Alarm Clock Beached
Vladimir Ussachevsky Early Modulations - Vintage Volts Piece For Tape Recorder (1956)
Eloisa Sanchez de Alba #StayHomeSounds (volume 2) Tamales Oaxaqueños (Mexico)
Jah Wobble + Deepspace Five Beat Five Beat Part 2
Ryuichi Sakamoto FunkunFusion (various artists) Anger (Rare Force 2 Meg Mix)
The Grassy Knoll Positive Corrosion Of The Masses
Funki Porcini After Hours 2 - Last Call (various artists) Long Road
September 1, 2020
Adam Clayton + Larry Mullin Impossible Mission Impossible Theme
The Herbaliser Blow Your Headphones Theme From Control Centre (Reprise)
DJ Food Kaleidoscope Full Bleed
DJ Food Kaleidoscope Cookin
Lori Gemmel Solo Harp Quarks
Bruce Gremo Atmospheres Edge - 12 Preludes Prelude 3 Mix Feelings
Ihsanul Ihthisam - Vidal K Moidu #StayHomeSounds (volume 2) Corona Pattu (India)
Material Hallucination Engine Mantra
Pete Namlook and Bill Laswell Outland 4 Our Small Blue World
Pierre Shaeffer Vintage Volts - Early Modulations Étude Aux Chemins De Fer (1948)
Amon Tobin Supermodified Natureland
Amon Tobin Supermodified Keepin' It Steel (The Anvil)
DJ Food Kaleidoscope The Riff
DJ Food featuring Ken Nordine Kaleidoscope The Ageing Young Rebel
The Herbaliser featuring What What Blow Your Headphones Bring It On
Bill Laswell Oscillations Digitaria
Bill Laswell Oscillations Fakturia
Rob Clutton Trio Counsel of Primaries Counsel of Primaries
September 8, 2020
Chapterhouse Blood Music Deli
Lama Gyurme + Jean-Philippe Rykiel Rain of Blessings - Vajra Chants Rain of Blessings
Tonbau G Minus Two Triangulum
Sathya Tamizharasan #StayHomeSounds (volume 2) Resonating Prayers (India)
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex The Deep
Ween Chocolate and Cheese Voodoo Lady
Lucia Pamela Into Outer Space With Lucia Pamela Walking on the Moon
Lucia Rosini #StayHomeSounds (volume 2) Singing in the Rain (Italy)
The Herbaliser featuring What What Blow Your Headphones Hardcore
Twilight Circus Dub From the Secret Vault Electric Africa
The Grassy Knoll Positive Wailing & Gnashing Of Teeth
DJ Food Kaleidoscope The Crow
DJ Food Kaleidoscope Nocturne (Sleep Dyad 1)
Twilight Circus Dub From the Secret Vault The Groove
Vittorio Gelmetti Early Modulations - Vintage Volts Treni D'Onda A Modulazione D'Intensità (1963) - Humanoid Spaceballs Remix
See Through 4 False Ghosts, Minor Fears With Scars To Show
September 15, 2020
Nick Storring My Magic Dreams Have Lost Their Spell Tides That Defeat Identity
Lama Gyurme + Jean-Philippe Rykiel Rain of Blessings - Vajra Chants Medicine Buddha Mantra
Bruce Gremo Atmospheres Edge - 12 Preludes Prelude 4 Altitudes
Shaman - Jean Derome + Joanne Hetu Nous Perçons Les Oreilles Track 2
Jah Wobble + Deepspace Fivebeat Jeck, Drums, 2 Basses + Singing
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex B Monkey
Bonobo Animal Magic Sleepy Seven
Twilight Circus Dub From the Secret Vault Slyy
Bill Laswell Oscillations Dislocation
Autechre Incunabula Aut Riche
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex King Ashabanapal (Digidub Mix)
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex Dubble
September 22, 2020
Jah Wobble + Deepspace Fivebeat Sixbeat
The Herbaliser Blow Your Headphones Shorty's Judgement
Shaman - Jean Derome + Joanne Hetu Nous Percons Les Oreilles Track 7 (excerpt)
Bomb the Bass Clear If You Reach the Border
Bonobo Animal Magic Kota
Ways + Simon Toldam Fortunes Love
Morcheeba Who Can you Trust? Trigger Hippy
Morcheeba Who Can you Trust? Moog Island
Material Hallucination Engine Medley- The Hidden Garden
Bruce Gremo Atmospheres Edge - 12 Preludes Prelude 9 Sun Pillar
Foreign-Terrain LP Horns Of Tibet (That Blow To Warn Off Communist Indoctrination)
Foreign-Terrain LP Lament Of Mahgreb
Foreign-Terrain LP Solitude Of Beck Vers II
Lama Gyurme + Jean-Philippe Rykiel Rain of Blessings - Vajra Chants Sacred Words of Liberation
September 29, 2020
DJ Food Kaleidoscope Nevermore (Sleep Dyad 2)
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex White Slave
Bill Laswell Oscillations Remixes Endemic Void
400 Blows featuring Charles Manson (EP) For Jackie M Humanoid Remix
Dianne Labrosse, Iku Mori, Martin Tetreault Ile Bizarre Marinae Creaturae
The Grassy Knoll Positive All Things Considered
Bonobo Animal Magic Sugar Rhyme
Ronnie Foster The New Groove - The Bluenote Remix Project Volume 1 Summer Song
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex Wicked Cruel Nasty and Bad
DJ Food Kaleidoscope The Sky At Night
Morcheeba Big Calm Shoulder Holster
Bonobo Animal Magic The Plug
Chamfer Footplate Signalbox
Lama Gyurme + Jean-Philippe Rykiel Rain of Blessings - Vajra Chants The Six Syllable Mantra of the White Lotus Lord
Bill Laswell Oscillations Remixes UI
October 6, 2020
DJ Food Kaleidoscope Minitoka
Material Hallucination Engine Shadows of Paradise
Chuck Bettis Motion Parallax Inverted Landscapes
Boards of Canada The Campfire Headphase Peacock Tail
Dianne Labrosse, Iku Mori + Martin Tetreault Ile Bizarre Magneticum Phaenomenon
Bill Laswell Oscillations Remixes Vedic
Muslimgauze Blinded Horses Political Asylum
Chuck Bettis Motion Parallax Catastrophe of Reality
Chuck Bettis Motion Parallax Theme 23
Pole 3 Taxi
Pole 3 Rondell Zwei
Amon Tobin Supermodified Rhino Jockey
Luc Ferrari Early Modulations - Vintage Volts Tête Et Queue Du Dragon (1959)
Bruce Gremo Atmospheres Edge - 12 Preludes Prelude 6 - Precipitate
Denatured Hawaiian Music Vinyl LP Humanoid remix
October 13, 2020
Nurse With Wound Chance Meeting on a Dissecting Table The Six Buttons of Sex Appeal
Boards of Canada The Campfire Headphase Sherbet Head
Boards of Canada The Campfire Headphase Oscar See Through Red Eye
Cabbageboy Genetically Modified Planet
Mouse on Mars Instrumentals Auto Orchestra
Bonobo Animal Magic Silver
Bill Laswell Oscillations Remixes Scanner
Bill Laswell Oscillations Remixes Nico (No U-Turn)
Pole 3 Karussell
Bruce Gremo Atmospheres Edge - 12 Preludes Prelude 8 Platform
Mouse on Mars Instrumentals Owai
Chuck Bettis Motion Parallax Tear it Up
Chuck Bettis Motion Parallax Uprisings 2020
Neotropic Mr. Brubachers Strawberry Alarm Clock Ultra Freaky Orange
Indonesian Soundscapes Indonesian Soundscapes Surabaya Airport
Indonesian Soundscapes Indonesian Soundscapes Frogs
October 20, 2020
Joshua Zubot + Luke Loseth (single) Improvisation 1
Jean Derome + Joanne Hetu Shaman - Nous Percons Les Oreilles Track 10
Pole 3 Silberfisch
Mouse on Mars Instrumentals Chromantic
DJ Food Kaleidoscope ...You
Maria Papadomanolaki Radius PATCH 10 - Unconscious Assemblage No 1
Chuck Bettis Motion Parallax Sewers of the Universe
Chuck Bettis Motion Parallax Pandemic Scrawl
Mouse on Mars Instrumentals Pegel Gesenzi
Tala Matrix Tabla Beat Science Triangular Objects
Twilight Circus Dub from the Secret Vault Twilight C Meets Tommy Z (Heartbeat Riddim)
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex Hyde Park
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex Tales of One Speed
Boards of Canada The Campfire Headphase Satellite Anthem Icarus
October 27, 2020
Geoff Gersh #StayHomeSounds (volume 2) Inside a Deserted Grand Central (USA)
Pole 3 Uberfahrt
Ben Grossman (Performance at Kazoo!Fest - April 2018) Orchestrum : Prototype
November 3, 2020
Show Pre-empted due to Special Broadcast
November 10, 2020
Salakapakka Sound System Drunk for Three Weeks FMA exclusive mini-album - Third Week
Public Domain Radius PATCH 10 - Unconscious Radio Tune
Pole 3 Fohlenfurz
Pole 3 Klettern
Mouse on Mars Instrumentals Rompatrouille
Cities and Memory Future Cities - The Recordings Call to Prayer in Deera Square (Riyadh)
60s-70s Japanese Instrumental Cinema Funk Breaks & Beats 60s-70s Japanese Instrumental Cinema Funk Breaks & Beats (short excerpt)
Humanoid Radio featuring David Lynch, The Everly Brothers, and Subversive Intentions (audio collage) Caught in the Past
60s-70s Japanese Instrumental Cinema Funk Breaks & Beats 60s-70s Japanese Instrumental Cinema Funk Breaks & Beats (short excerpt)
Funki Porcini (youtube video) Oh Boy
Funki Porcini The Ultimately Empty Million Pounds Reboot
Mouse on Mars Instrumentals 10 01
Humanoid Radio featuring Audio Pollination (audio collage) Distant Stations
C Scott Stage Theory (Beats vol. 3) Stage Theory
Boards of Canada Campfire Headphase Slow This Bird Down
Boards of Canada Campfire Headphase Tears from the Compound Eye
Ed Allen (vinyl) Exercise 5
Ways + Simon Toldham Fortunes Health
November 17, 2020
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Psychonavigation 4 Arena
DJ Shadow Endtroducing... Building Steam with a Grain of Salt
Money Mark Change is Coming Glitch in da System
Mouse on Mars Cache Coeur Naif Schnick - Schnack
Kim Laugs Future Cities - The Recordings Protest in Tahrir Square (Cairo)
J Frank More Awkward Beats by... Last Train
Boris Morgana We Have No Zen (compilation) Homejuuston Nkinen Mies
Banana Pill We Have No Zen (compilation) Flashes Ashes
Humanoid Radio featuring Peter DiPhillips (and spoken word from unknown analyst c1980) (audio collage) Tranquillized
Clorofila Azul (single) Flutuando em guas Tropicais
Babysitta Enough Dubs 2 (compilation) Step Ya Mind
The Wyrding Module featuring Seaming Mellifluous Ichor From Sunless Regions - Chapter 2 Irem Congress with the Aether Mandrax Madonna
Pole 2 Fahren
Indian Wells After the Match Kyson Remix
Goto80 and the Uwe Schenk Band (single) Ponky Fonky Ferret
Augustus Bro Gallery Six Buildings Stay Offshore
Glass Boy (single) My Pretty Looking Clothes
November 24, 2020
Chuck Bettis Motion Parallax Open Door
Bill Laswell Imaginary Cuba Los Ibellis
Heathcliff Ryan Future Cities - The Recordings On the Subway (Pyongyang)
Jeremy Moyer A Discovery of Traditional Chinese Folk Tunes The 5th Watch - Copper Coin (Wu Gen Gu-Diu Diu Tong)
Indonesian Soundscapes Indonesian Soundscapes House Blessing
Twilight Circus Dub From the Secret Vault Space Dust
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex King Ashabanapal Part 1
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex Tiny Kangaroo Dolphin (from Hell)
Humanoid Radio featuring Ralph and Marsha Ring, and Schemawound (audio collage) Hole-y Saucer - Your First Wormhole
Telegraphy (single) Downtown Techno with Twerks
Chuck Bettis Motion Parallax Utopian Rambler
Bruce Gremo Atmospheres Edge - 12 Preludes Prelude 12 Look Out
December 1, 2020
Salakapakka Sound System Buddha Machines On Fire Lo-fi Buddha
Mouse on Mars Instrumentals Subnubius
Christine Renaudat Future Cities - The Recordings Metropolitan Cathedral Bells (Mexico City)
Margaret Noble Radius PATCH 13 - Resistance Frakture - George Orwell's Novel 1984 Remixed
60s-70s Japanese Instrumental Cinema Funk Breaks & Beats 60s-70s Japanese Instrumental Cinema Funk Breaks & Beats (excerpt)
Funki Porcini The Ultimately Empty Million Pounds 1 2 3, 3, 4
Bruce Gremo Atmospheres Edge - 12 Preludes Prelude 10 - Glimpsing the Terra Firma
Tonbau G Minus 2 Advance of the Perihelion
Aidan Geary Future Cities - The Recordings Call to Prayer, Lion's Gate (Jerusalem)
December 8, 2020
Cities and Memory Future Cities - The Recordings Underground Brass Band (Moscow)
Bing and Ruth (youtube) Badwater Psalm (Nailah Hunter remix)
Tonbau G Minus 2 Kaleidos
Nick Storring My Magic Dreams Have Lost Their Spell Pretending You And I
Chuck Bettis Arc of Enlightenment Sixth Configuration Before Midnight
Ville Moskiitto (single) Aamulla Nousee Punaisempi Kuu
Min-Y-Llan (single) Run To Canada
Humanoid Radio audio collage featuring Jeanne Achtenberg Thinking Allowed (youtube) (audio collage - short excerpts)
Silencid (single) The Call
Komatsu (single) Y Arderan Juntos
Skaar (single) Let Go
Tronslard Pantrel Outfielders 1
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Psychonavigation 4 Good and Bad
Dianne Labrosse, Iku Mori and Martin Tetreault Ile Bizarre Fossiles et Extra Tempum
Chuck Bettis Arc of Enlightenment Reverse Hallucination Part 1
December 15, 2020
Cellar Dweller Terry Dragatis Beached
Chuck Bettis Motion Parallax Change The Frame
Cities and Memory Future Cities - The Recordings Between Two Bridges (New York)
Rob Clutton Trio Counsel of Primaries Sterling
Bill Laswell Imaginary Cuba Drafting Shadows - Leaving La Habana (Peaceful)
Bill Laswell Imaginary Cuba Chaos In The Heat (Last Transmission)
Cities and Memory Future Cities - The Recordings Inside the Sistine Chapel (Vatican City)
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex Poseathon
DJ Shadow Endtroducing Changeling
Money Mark Change is Coming People's Party (Red Alert)
Mouse on Mars Cache Coeur Naif Lazergum
Robert B Lisek Radius PATCH 13 - Resistance Quantum Enigma
Pole 3 Stadt
Boards of Canada Campfire Headphase Farewell Fire
December 22, 2020
Night Owl Committee (single) X
Aboombong Dans Le Contrôle Imprécis K6
C Scott Stage Theory (Beats Volume 3) Stage Theory
Pollux My Beautiful Melancholia UAV Style Plasma Version
Lofi User My Beautiful Melancholia District 65
Humanoid Radio audio collage featuring Eckhardt Tolle (youtube audio samples) Doorway to Now
Lukeing Forward Wandering in Urban Fog The Glass Full of Lead
Machine Death (single) You Ruin Everything
Leonardo Rosado A Long White Sleep Variation in White 4
Butchy Fuego + Heather McIntosh Live Dublab Sprout Session
Humanoid Radio Tape Cut Up (various sources) (various spoken word samples)
J Frank More Awkward Beats By... Fourdom
Vibration Terroists Volume 1 A Sunny Day on Jupiter
Sol Rezza Shorts for Radio Shorts for Radio 5
Rodrigo Ardais Revolutions in Citta Amerikaner Kommen
December 29, 2020
Tsembla (single) Olen Kala Ja Kalastaja
Tulasi (single) Exotic Cocktail Party
Two Who (single) Kamarisarja
Tiitus (single) Nocturne
Cellar Dweller Terry Dragatis Beached
Sci-Fi Industries Laocoonte Hume
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Psychonavigation 4 Samira
Makoto Masui (single) Eps 1
Uton Extraterrestrial Mindscan for Tomutonttu Black Horizons
Money Mark Change is Coming Soul Drive Sixth Avenue
DJ Shadow Endtroducing Midnight in a Perfect World
JoJo Worthington Self-titled LP Alien
Lee Rosevere Music To Wake Up To Morning Mist
Colin Hunter Future Cities - The Recordings Seismic Vibrations in the Eiffel Tower (Paris)
Cities and Memory Future Cities - The Recordings Crowds in the fish market (Catania)
Humanoid Radio vinyl experiment Music for Relaxation (vinyl) (short excerpt)
January 5, 2021
Piers Oolvai (single) Gynandrous - The Chimera
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Psychonavigation 4 Entib 2060
DJ Shadow Endtroducing Napalm Brain - Scatter Brain
Bomb the Bass Clear If You Reach the Border
Option Command Year Three Only With You
Amon Tobin Bricolage Yasawas
Stealing Orchestra Stereogram Summer of 42
Chuck Bettis Arc of Enlightenment Oracle Chamber
ir un - nx 2014 Petroglyph 188 River Ruined Slp
SCR Kasprzyk Radius PATCH 05 - Absence 071310b
Lee Rosevere Music To Wake Up To Sepia Dawn
Humanoid remix featuring The Reverend Kenneth Copeland + Lisa Guerrero on Inside Edition (youtube source) Its a Biblical Thing, a Spiritual Thing; it Doesn't Have Anything to do with People
Suzanas Bauten Serie 080715 080715-000
Rodrigo Ardais Revolutions in Citta Amerikaner Kommen
Keisuke Oki Future Cities - The Recordings Shibuya Crossing (Tokyo)
January 12, 2021
Joanna Works 2002-2006 SenDream Insomnia remix by MOAN
The Glittering Hand Into the Cave Sculpted Steam
Chuck Bettis Arc of Enlightenment Beneath The Unknown
DJ Shadow Endtroducing What Does Your Soul Look Like - Part 1 - Blue Sky Revisited
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 4 A Nice Blunt
Amon Tobin Bricolage The Nasty
Jah Wobble Fivebeat Sixbeat
Mark Taylor Inferno The Lost Poet
Lama Gyurme + Jean-Philippe Rykiel Rain of Blessings - Vajra Chants Refuge and Sevenfold Offering
See Through 4 Uncertain Slant Of Light False Ghosts, Minor Fears
Piers Oolvai (single) The Joy Incantation (Live Edit)
RPLKTR Inferno Ptolomea
January 19, 2021
Clorofila Azul Revisitado I am a Cloud in the Open Sky
Sucking Chest Wound God, Family, Country Isn't That a Beauty
Thomas van den Eynde Inferno I Am A Moment Illuminating Eternity
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex B Monkey
Humanoid remix featuring The Reverend Kenneth Copeland + Lisa Guerrero on Inside Edition (youtube source) Flying in Luxury: It Takes Alot of Money to Do What We Do
Andy Lyon Inferno Barrators
Money Mark Change is Coming Information Contraband
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 4 Dark Lady
DJ Shadow Endtroducing What Does Your Soul Look Like - Part 4
DJ Bootsie Wakka Chikka Wakka Chikka Porn Music for the Masses Volume 1 Vuluke Khall Instrumental Version
Chuck Bettis Arc of Enlightenment Mysteries of the Universe
Cristina Marras Inferno I love you, Odysseus
JoJo Worthington Self-titled LP Abraham
Mountains Live Dublab Sprout Session
January 26, 2021
Holy Fuck (youtube) Lovely Alan - Lovely Alien
Amon Tobin Bricolage Mission
The Grassy Knoll Positive Driving Nowhere
The Faces (Nigeria) Lagos Jump - 70s Nigeria Tug Of War
Kenneth Lyons Inferno A Slow Hot Kiss of Wind
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 4 I'm The Food
Money Mark Change is Coming Pepe y Irene
The Fucked Up Beat Mammoth Mammoth
Humanoid remix featuring The Reverend Kenneth Copeland + Lisa Guerrero on Inside Edition (youtube source) Scheduled for Lagos, Nigeria, then Peru: It Takes Alot of Money to do What We Do
Angela Winter Inferno Selva oscura, Amor mi Mosse
Alan Bleay Inferno Shining One
February 2, 2021
The Grassy Knoll Positive The Americans
Piers Oolvai featuring Victoria Kaspi Humanoid Remix Philosopher's Wool within a Neutron Star
Amon Tobin Bricolage Defocus
Chuck Bettis Arc of Enlightenment Flesh Haiku
Jack Malmsten Space Capades Satan Takes a Holiday
Professor Kliq Antididonai Teragraph
The Cinematic Orchestra Motion Channel 1 Suite
Pascale Mons #StayHomeSounds (volume 2) From Silence to Sounds (France)
Pat Ptak (single) Life as it is
Alphabets Johnny Ripper Deximer Rest - Johnny Ripper Remix
Museleon Inferno Sowers of Discord
Mouse on Mars Cache Coeur Naif Glim
Funki Porcini Fast Asleep The Great Drive By
Whalthisney Inferno Judecca
Tonbau Ex Cathedra Sapphire
Billy May and His Orchestra Space Capades This Room is My Castle of Quiet
February 9, 2021
Yellow Chair Vitamin Pets Premixes Ascending to the Right Hand of the Horse Mother
Vladimr Hirsch suRRism - Phonoethics Marcel Duchamp
Lately Kind of Yeah Esper Master Pug
Pole 2 Weit
Amon Tobin Permutation Sordid
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 5 Agua
Bill Laswell Panthalassa (Miles Davis Remixes) In a Silent Way - Shhh - Peaceful - It's About That Time
Boards of Canada Campfire Headphase Slow This Bird Down
Frank Horvat Happiness in a Troubled World Coping with a Troubled World
Tonbau Ex Cathedra Desert Hymn
The Cinematic Orchestra Motion Diabolus
Ways + Simon Toldam Fortunes Passion
Dean Elliott and His Big Band Space Capades Lonesome Road
February 16, 2021
Richard Marino and His Orchestra Space Capades Lover
Jared C Balogh suRRism - Phonoethics The Interviews
Frank Horvat Happiness in a Troubled World Hope, Optimism and Resilience
Cinematic Orchestra Motion And Relax!
Money Mark Change is Coming Rain nyc
Mr. Scruff Keep it Unreal Get a Move On
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 5 Sunvibes
Bill Laswell Panthalassa (Miles Davis Remixes) Black Satin - What If - Agharta Prelude Dub
Tonbau Ex Cathedra Groundheat
Funki Porcini Love, Pussycats and Carwrecks Elephantitis
Cabbageboy Genetically Modified As The World Rages
Mouse on Mars Idiology Subsequence
Chuck Bettis Arc of Enlightenment Rejected Funeral
Janae Jean Inferno Jerusalem
Audiopollination Humanoid Psychiatric Remix Audiopollination 13 Ruth and Joe (and that guy down the street)
February 23, 2021
Frank Horvat Happiness in a Troubled World Inner Happiness, Outer Happiness and Trust
Tala Matrix Tabla Beat Science Magnetic
Nebulo (single) Redkosh (original version)
Herbata (single) World Today (original version)
Amon Tobin Permutation People Like Frank
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 5 Turtle Soup
Second Part of Show pre-empted due to Unspecified On-air Technical Glitch
March 2, 2021
Cinematic Orchestra Motion Ode To The Big Sea
Bill Laswell Panthalassa - The Miles Davis remix project Rated X - Billy Preston
Frank Horvat Happiness in a Troubled World Positive Emotions and Building a New World
Massive Attack (Youtube-Vevo) Eutopia (2021)
Roots Manuva Funkung Fusion (Compilation) Clockwork
Tala Matrix Tabla Beat Science Audiomaze
Journeyman Funkung Fusion (Compilation) Spy
Neotropic Funkung Fusion (Compilation) Vacetious Blooms
Exploding Star Orchestra We Are All From Somewhere Else Black Sun
Humanoid Remix featuring Lauren Sarah Hayes, Chuck Bettis and Dr. Seuss (Special Humanoid Manipulation) If I Ran the Zoo
Autechre Incunbula Aut Riche
Mouse on Mars Idiology Unity Concepts
Mouse on Mars Idiology Fantastic Analysis
JoJo Worthington Self-titled LP Trinity, Father
March 9, 2021
Massive Attack x Saul Williams featuring Professor Gabriel Zucman (Youtube / Vevo) Massive Attack x Saul Williams featuring Professor Gabriel Zucman
DJ Shadow featuring Run The Jewels (Youtube) Nobody Speak (Nobody Get Choked)
The Grassy Knoll Positive Black Helicopters
Thievery Corporation The Richest Man in Babylon Omid (Hope)
Tosca featuring Anna Clementi Delhi 9 Oscar
Frank Horvat Happiness in a Troubled World Finding Our Common Humanity
Laurie Gemmel Solo Harp - Prelude Quarks
Jeffrey Mishlove and Jeanne Achterberg with State Azure Thinking Allowed + Youtube Live Stream Healing with Guided Imagery
Amon Tobin Bricolage Dream Sequence
March 16, 2021
Frank Horvat Happiness in a Troubled World Empathy, Compassion, and Finding Happiness in Our Troubled World
Exploding Star Orchestra We Are All From Somewhere Else Sting Ray and the Beginning of Time - parts 1 - 4
Thievery Corporation The Richest Man in Babylon Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes
Omnium Funkung Fusion (Compilation) Extua Textua
King Cobb Steelie Project Twinkle Italian Ufology Today
Tosca featuring Earl Zinger Delhi 9 Wonderful
Funki Porcini Love, Pussycats and Carwrescks The Afterlife
Bruce Gremo Atmospheres Edge - 12 Preludes Prelude 11 Come Back
Piers Oolvai Gynandrous - The Chimera Gynandrous - The Chimera (Ambience Version)
Rob Clutton Trio Counsel of Primaries Strata
Material Hallucination Engine Shadows Of Paradise
Cabbageboy Funkung Fusion (Compilation) Humerous Counterpoint
The Gaye Device Inferno The Love Which Moves The Sun & Other Stars
March 23, 2021
Thievery Corporation (EP single) Lebanese Blonde
Up Bustle and Out Funkung Fusion (Compilation) Emerald Alley (Indian Morning Theme)
DJ Shadow Endtroducing The Number Song
DJ Vadim Funkung Fusion (Compilation) Theme From Conquest Of The Irrational (Remix By The Prunes)
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex The Deep
Humanoid Radio Interview with James Braddell of Funki Porcini - Part A (Recorded + Produced March 2021) (Includes below mentioned tracks)
9 Lazy 9 Ninjatune: The Shadow Years (Compilation) Number Two
Funki Porcini One Day Elephant and Titus
Funki Porcini Fast Asleep What Are You Looking At?
9 Lazy 9 Ninjatune: The Shadow Years (Compilation) 5:00 am
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex Its a Long Road
March 30, 2021
Wild Palms Funkung Fusion (Compilation) Kickin Back
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex Gently
Nightmares on Wax Smokers Delight Praying For A Jeepbeat - Wait A Minute
Nightmares on Wax Smokers Delight Groove Street
Kid Koala + Money Mark Funkung Fusion (Compilation) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Money Mark Push the Button Caught without a Race
Jojo Worthington self-titled LP Sans
Richie Hawtin featuring Jeffrey Mishlove + Jack Kornfield Humanoid Remix Meditation
Lauren Sarah Hayes Manipulation Technoscribble
Funki Porcini Fast Asleep 50 000 ft Freefall
Mr. Scruff Keep it Unreal Spandex Man
Violet Live on WfMu Schamp Sounds Live Set
Morten Rasz Primal Spirits Ipolyx
April 6, 2021
Negativland featuring Casey Kasem single (Youtube) U2
Adam Clayton + Larry Mullin Mission Impossible Theme from Mission Impossible
Funki Porcini The Ultimately Empty Million Pounds Reboot
Simon McCorry All Creatures (Compilation) Ocean Song
Piers Oolvai All Creatures (Compilation) Solving My Mysteries
Exploding Star Orchestra We Are All From Somewhere Else Cosmic Tomes for Sleep Walking Lovers - part 4 - Fifteen Ways Towards a Finite Universe
Exploding Star Orchestra We Are All From Somewhere Else Cosmic Tomes for Sleep Walking Lovers - part 5 - Fifteen Ways Towards a Finite Universe
Funki Porcini Drift To This Turning On My Toothbrush
Funki Porcini Fast Asleep Tokyosaka Train
Funki Porcini Fast Asleep Terminal C3 UK
Christina Giannon All Creatures (Compilation) Hidden Dreams
Jeannine Schulz All Creatures (Compilation) Kindred Spirits
Yothu Yindi Quango World Groove (Compilation) Gapu
Burnet Friedman + The Nu Dub Players Funkung Fusion (Compilation) Worldwide Watchdog Peepshow
Tosca featuring Anna Clementi Delhi 9 Me and Yoko Ono
Audio Obscura The Orange Garden Can't Help Falling...
Jordan Reyes Sand Like Stardust The Pre Dawn Light
Frank Horvat Happiness in a Troubled World Hope, Optimism and Resilience
Lama Gyurme + Jean-Philippe Rykiel Rain of Blessings - Vajra Chants Rain of Blessings
April 13, 2021
Negativland single (Youtube) Don't Get Freaked Out
Matthew Skala (Single) Blameless Turquoise
Max Mathews Early Modulations - Vintage Volts (Compilation) Bicycle Built For Two
Chuck Bettis Motion Parallax Open Door
Kitjohari Tango Mango (EP) Jairzinho Scores
Amon Tobin Permutation Bridge
Clara Engel + Bradley Sean Alexander All Creatures (Compilation) Cerulean
Jordan Reyes Sand Like Stardust Dusted
Tosca featuring Stephan Graf Hadik Wildnerr Delhi 9 Rolf Royce
Cedric Noel Patterning Fresh
Andre Perim The Orange Garden Nostalgia
Frank Horvat Happiness in a Troubled World Inner Happiness, Outer Happiness and Trust
Cinematic Orchestra Motion Channel 1 Suite
King Cobb Steelie Project Twinkle Triple Oceanic Experience
Bonobo Animal Magic Dinosaurs
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Psychonavigation 4 Entib 2060
Lama Gyurme + Jean-Philippe Rykiel Rain of Blessings - Vajra Chants Offering Chant
April 20, 2021
Negativland single (Youtube) More Data
Obay Alsharani (Video) Hivemind Records Cocoon
Bing and Ruth single (Youtube) Badwater Psalm (Nailah Hunter remix)
Pole 3 Klettern
Thievery Corporation The Richest Man in Babylon The Outernationalist
Twilight Circus Dub From the Secret Vault Lift Off
Kitjohari Tango Mango (EP) 76 Carlsbad Sunset
Chapterhouse Blood Music Deli
Andrew Tasselmyer All Creatures (Compilation) Quiet Hours
Cristina Marras The Orange Garden Why Did He Take Me Here
Kitjohari Tango Mango (EP) Technobodies
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Psychonavigation 4 Arena
Amon Tobin Bricolage One Day In My Garden
Funki Porcini Drift To This Nothing is Happening But Everything Is
Frank Horvat Happiness in a Troubled World Finding Our Common Humanity
Lama Gyurme + Jean-Philippe Rykiel Rain of Blessings - Vajra Chants Medicine Buddha Mantra
April 27, 2021
Matthew Skala (Single) Stamp Collector
Cedric Noel Patterning True Boo
Natassja Debra + Piers Oolvai 1 am (New Leaf) Animal Crossing
Funki Porcini Drift To This A Note Of Cobalt Blue
Funki Porcini Drift To This The Road Where I Live
Andy Billington The Orange Garden Il Giardino Degli Aranci Tutto il Giorno
Kit Monteith & Al Sundvall The Orange Garden Garden of Glass
Laura Luna Castill All Creatures (Compilation) Entropy Will Be Larger Tomorrow
Rosales All Creatures (Compilation) Breathe
Jordan Reyes Sand Like Stardust Drifter
Jordan Reyes Sand Like Stardust High Noon
Pete Namlook + Bill Laswell Psychonavigation 4 Good and Bad
Ame Strong Quango World Groove (Compilation) Tout Est Bleu
Lama Gyurme + Jean-Philippe Rykiel Rain of Blessings - Vajra Chants Sacred Words of Liberation
May 4, 2021
Nick Storring My Magic Dreams Have Lost Their Spell What A Made Up Mind Can Do
Jeremy Moyer A Discovery of Chinese Folk Tunes Thinking Back (Si Xiang Qi)
Cedric Noel Patterning (Self-released) Accept The Swirl
Recycle Urban Motors (Compilation) Relax + Sit Back
Praxis Transmutation (Mutatis Matandis) Animal Behavior
Sigur Ros Agaetis Byrjun Intro
Sigur Ros Agaetis Byrjun Svern g-englar
Funki Porcini Drift To This (label - Funki Porcini) Sine Of The Zynes
Patricia Wolf All Creatures (Compilation) (label - Polar Seas) Pas de Deux (Carlos Ferreira Remix)
Psychic TV Electric Newspaper Issue 3 (Track 6)
Humanoid Radio and Psychic TV Humanoid Radio Remix Brian Jones
Tosca Delhi 9 Session 12
Tosca Delhi 9 Session 9
Indonesian Soundscapes Indonesian Soundscapes Evening Sounds
May 11, 2021
Kitjohari Tango Mango (EP) (label - Gluegun Records) Arrepender de Conformar
Psychic TV Electric Newspaper Issue 3 (Track 2)
Jordan Reyes Sand Like Stardust (label - American Dreams) An Unkindness
Jordan Reyes Sand Like Stardust (label - American Dreams) A Hard Ride
Skipism The Orange Garden (Compilation) (label - Cities and Memory) Dew Fall and the Scent Rising
Sam Gendel + Ethan Braun Rio Nilo 66 (label - Ulyssa) Subbasstropixx
Lee "Scratch" Perry and the Upsetters In Dub Volume 2 Boogie Dub
Praxis Transmutation (Mutatis Matandis) Aftershock (Chaos Never Died)
Tala Matrix Tabla Beat Science Palmistry
Tosca Delhi 9 Session 6
Intersystems IV (label - Waveshaper Media) Ghost
See Thru 4 Permanent Moving Parts (label - All Set! Editions) Underground Over Night
Sigur Ros Agaetis Byrjun Sta Alfur
Funki Porcini Drift To This (label - Funki Porcini) Sine Of The Zynes
May 18, 2021
Jordan Reyes Sand Like Stardust (label - American Dreams) A Grain of Sand
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 5 Agua
Thievery Corporation The Richest Man in Babylon All That We Perceive
Sam Gendel + Ethan Braun Rio Nilo 66 (label - Ulyssa) Sculpture
Tosca Delhi 9 Session 2
Intersystems IV (label - Waveshaper Media) Revelation of the Birds
Jean Derome + Joanne Hetu Shaman- Nous Percons Les Oreilles (Track 2)
Psychic TV Electric Newspaper Issue 3 (Track 3)
Praxis Transmutation (Mutatis Matandis) Giant Robot - Machines in the Modern City - Godzilla
Kitjohari Tango Mango (EP) (Gluegun Records) Zero the hero in Hirosaki
DJ Rodriguez Urban Motors (Compilation) 4 Steps
Cedric Noel Patterning (Self-released) U Instead
Alex Eddington A Present from a Small Distant World (label - Redshift Records) Time Will Erase
May 25, 2021
Jordan Reyes Sand Like Stardust (label - American Dreams) Rebirth at Dusk
Lunar Creature All Creatures (Compilation) (label - Polar Seas) For Little Creatures
Jessica Ackerley Morning Mourning (label - Cacophonous Revival) Inner Automation
Jessica Ackerley Morning Mourning (label - Cacophonous Revival) Departure into Sound Memory
Vlad Suppish The Orange Garden (Compilation) (label - Cities and Memory) Satori in Orange
Donald Byrd The Bluenote Remix Project Volume 1 Kofi
Funki Porcini Drift To This (label - Funki Porcini) Drift to That
DJ Sensei Urban Motors (Compilation) Body + Soul
Twilight Circus Dub From the Secret Vault K2500
Bill Laswell Imaginary Cuba Hombre Lobo, No! Hombre Nuevo, Si
Intersystems IV (label - Waveshaper Media) Sonny Abilene I
Psychic TV Electric Newspaper Issue 3 (Track 4)
June 1, 2021
Cities and Memory Until We Travel - The Recordings (label - Cities and Memory) Helicopters Bring World Leaders to the World Economic Forum (Davos, Switzerland)
Igor Yalivec All Creatures (Compilation) (label - Polar Seas) Raw Variations
Foreign Terrain LP Hand Of Fatima (Sharp Blow To The Head Vers 1.2)
Bill Laswell Oscillations Bisk
Cities and Memory Until We Travel - The Recordings (label - Cities and Memory) Arbatskaya station concert (Moscow, Russia)
Cedric Noel Patterning (label - self-released) Onliest Bloom
Funki Porcini Drift To This (label - Funki Porcini) Butterfly In Trouble
Boards of Canada The Campfire Headphase Ataronchronon
Tim Brady Actions Speak Louder (label - Redshift Records) As It Happened - I. Action II. Reaction III. Radio Landscape
Lee Perry and the Upsetters In Dub Volume 2 Misty Dub
Twilight Circus Dub From the Secret Vault Slyy
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 5 Dark Blood
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 4 Bocata La Bonita
DJ Shadow Endtroducing Midnight in a Perfect World
Mr. Scruff Keep it Unreal Get a Move On
June 8, 2021
Matthew Skala (single)(self-released) A Sailor From the Sea
Havenaire All Creatures (Compilation)(label - Polar Seas) End of Memory
Cities and Memory Until We Travel - The Recordings (label - Cities and Memory) Pre-flight supplication to Allah (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Amon Tobin Perrmutation Sultan Drops
The Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combination Funkun Fusion (Compilation) I Wish I Was a Motown Star
Tala Matrix Tabla Beat Science Big Brother
Tim Brady Actions Speak Louder (label - Redshift Records) Triple Concerto - Because Everything Has Changed
Sam Gendel + Ethan Braun Rio Nio 66 (label - Ulyssia) Murray
Marcel Gnauk Until we travel - the recordings (label - Cities and Memory) Inside the Terminal (Hong Kong)
Jessica Ackerley Morning Mourning (label - Cacophonous Revival) Conviction
Cedric Noel Patterning (label - self-released) Three
June 15, 2021
Waves Bluewerks Vol. 2, In Full Bloom (Compilation) Hallucination Orbit
Don Was Bluewerks Vol. 2, In Full Bloom (Compilation) Don's Prelude
Moods Bluewerks Vol. 2, In Full Bloom (Compilation) The Good Things
Ronnie Foster The New Groove - The Bluenote Remix Project Volume 1 (Compilation) Summer Song
Kitjohari Tango Mango (label - Gluegun Records) Horseface Friday
The Herbaliser Blow Your Headphones A Mother (For Your Mind)
The Grassy Knoll Positive 1961
Material featuring William S. Burroughs Hallucination Engine Words of Advice
Negativland (Youtube video) More Data
Chuck Bettis Arc of Enlightenment Reverse Hallucination Part 2
Amon Tobin Supermodified Slowly
Rose Bolton The Lost Clock (label - Cassauna) Starless Nights
Jeff Dungfelder The Orange Garden (label - Cities and Memory) Der Orangengarten
Labrosse, Mori, & Tetreault Ile Bizarre Fossiles et Extra Tempum
Piers Oolvai Philosopher's Wool Philosopher's Wool (final edit)
Mouse on Mars Instrumentals 10 01
June 22, 2021
Rose Bolton The Lost Clock (label - Cassauna) The Lost Clock
Jessica Ackerley Mourning Morning (label - Cacophonous Revival) Inner Automation
Marcel Gnauk Until We Travel - The Recordings (label - Cities and Memory) The World's Busiest Train Station (Tokyo, Japan)
Praxis Transmutation (Mutatis Matandis) Seven Laws of Woob
Neotropic Mr. Brubakers Strawberry Alarm Clock Insane Moon
See Thru 4 Permanent Moving Parts (label - All Set! Editions) Imperfect Sunlit Room
Exploding Star Orchestra We Are All From Somewhere Else Sting Ray and the Beginning of Time - Part 1
Alex Eddington A Present from a Small Distant World (label - Redshift Records) Termination Shock
Alex Eddington A Present from a Small Distant World (label - Redshift Records) Scintillator
JoJo Worthington (Self-titled) Abraham
Material Hallucination Engine Medley - The Hidden Garden
Chuck Bettis Motion Parallax Theme23
Cities and Memory Future Cities - The Recordings (label - Cities and Memory) Boats and Buskers (Venice)
Jean Derome + Joanne Hetu Shaman - Nous Percons Les Oreilles (Track 4)
June 29, 2021
Cities and Memory Until We Travel - The Recordings (label - Cities and Memory) Mind the gap (London, England)
Foreign Terrain LP Radium
Thievery Corporation The Richest Man in Babylon Un Simple Histoire
Dub Alchemist Urban Motors (Compilation) O'clock
Amon Tobin Supermodified Natureland
Kitjohari Tango Mango (label - GlueGun Records) Technobodies
Sigur Ros Agaetis Byrjun Flugufrelsarin
Tosca Delhi 9 Session 12
Autechre Incunabula Bike
Tonbau G Minus 2 Kruskal Diagram
Jordan Reyes Sand Like Stardust (label - American Dreams) Centaurus
Heather Andrews Inferno Angel of Dis
Intersystems IV (label - Waveshaper Media) X-Ray Animals
SeeThru 4 Permanaent Moving Parts (label - All Set! Editions) Possible Daylight Dreams
Sam Gendel + Ethan Braun Rio Nio 66 (label - Ulyssia) Undercurrents
Funki Porcini Drift to This (label - Funki Porcini) Bonne Nuit
July 6, 2021
NASA Parker Solar Probe NASA (via The Guardian website) NASA Parker Solar Probe Crosses the Venus Ionosphere
Rose Bolton The Lost Clock (label - Cassauna) The Heaven Mirror
Massive Attack 100th Window Future Proof
Squarepusher Go Plastic My Red Hot Car
Intersystems Unfinished World EP (label - Waveshaper Media) Unfinished World
Intersystems Unfinished World EP (label - Waveshaper Media) Eddie
St. Germain Tourist Rose Rouge
Twilight Circus Dub Plate Selection Filter 13
Tosca featuring Anna Clementi Delhi 9 Oscar
Thievery Corporation The Richest Man in Babylon Liberation Front
See Thru 4 False Ghosts Minor Fears Another Word For Science
Elmer Bernstein Crime Scene (Compilation) Thinking of Baby
Bruce Gremo Atmospheres Edge - 12 Preludes Prelude 1 Going Someplace (Choshi)
Jessica Ackerley Morning Mourning (label- Cacophonous Revival) Untitled 3
Alex Eddington A Present from a Small Distant World (label - Redshift Records) Heliosheath
Mark Taylor The Orange Garden (label- Cities and Memory) The Orange Tree, The Fountain and a Long-Forgotten Love
Tim Brady Actions Speak Louder (label- Redshift Records) Simple Loops In Complex Times II
July 13, 2021
Shantel Quango World Groove (Compilation) Considerandio (Brazil-Germany)
Up Bustle and Out One Colour Just Reflects Another Aquí No Má!
Thievery Corporation Lebanese Blonde (EP) Lebanese Blonde
Thievery Corporation The Richest Man in Babylon Meu Destino
St. Germain Tourist Montenegro Bay Spleen
See Thru 4 Permanent Moving Parts (label - All Set! Editions) Familiar Second Thoughts
Massive Attack Youtube / Vevo Eutopia
Massive Attack 100th Window What Your Soul Sings
Amon Tobin Bricolage Creature
Squarepusher Go Plastic Boneville Occident
Jessica Ackerley Mourning Morning (label - Cacophonous Revival) Much Gratitude to You, For You
Angela Winter Inferno (label - Cities and Memory) Selva Oscura, Amor mi Mosse
Intersystems IV (label - Waveshaper Media) The End of the World
Alex Eddington A Present from a Small Distant World (label - Redshift Records) The Stolen Child
July 20, 2021
Rob Clutton Trio Counsel of Primaries (label - Snail Bong Bong Records) Counsel of Primaries
Amon Tobin Permutation Bridge
Obay Alsharani Hivemind Records (via The Guardian website) Cocoon
Tim Brady Actions Speak Louder (label - Redshift Records) At Sergios Request
Bill Laswell Oscillations remixes Nico (No U-turn)
Bill Laswell Oscillations remixes Vedic
Funki Porcini Motorway A Serious Understanding of the Gearbox
Funki Porcini Drift To This Turning On My Toothbrush
Nelson Riddle Crime Scene (Compilation) Theme from The Untouchables
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 4 I'm the Food
Horace Andy Lockdown Level 4 Master Cuss Cuss Misled Convoys
Twilight Circus Dub Plate Selection The Groove
Shrimpnose Bluewerks (Compilation) (label - Bluenote) Balloon
St. Germain Tourist Land of...
Peter King Nigeria 1970 - Lagos Jump (Compilation) African Dialects
Nightmares on Wax Smokers Delight Dreddoverboard
July 27, 2021
Squarepusher Go Plastic Metteng Excuske v1.2
Tim Brady Actions Speak Louder (label - Redshift Records) (just water)
Graham Van Pelt Salt Spring, Sun and Shadow (label - Arbutus) Menhinick
NASA Voyager Recordings NASA Voyager Recordings (via The Guardian website) Jupiter Sounds
Lex Fridman + Clara Sousa Silva Lex Fridman Podcast (Youtube video) Planetary Astrophysics (talk excerpts)
Maarten Vos + Nils Davidse Superbloom (label - Mylja) Polypore
Arushi Jain Under the Lilac Sky (label - Leaving) The Sun Swirls Within You
Loscil Clara (label - Kranky) Lux
August 3, 2021
Arushi Jain Under the Lilac Sky (label - Leaving) My People Have Deep Roots
Maarten Vos & Nils Davidse Superbloom (label - Mylja) Canopy
Tinariwen Emmaar Chaghaybou
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Psychonavigation 4 Samira
The Cinematic Orchestra Motion Channel 1 Suite
Elmer Bernstein Crime Scene (Compilation) Staccato's Theme
Sandoz Ambient Dub Volume 4 - Jellyfish (Compilation) Humanoid Dream Remix
Up, Bustle and Out Rebel Radio - The Havana Sessions The Educators
Ott Skylon (Youtube source) (Track 2)
Cabbageboy Genetically Modified Bean to this World - Humanoid Radio Spaceballs Remix
Les Baxter and His Orchestra Space Capades (Compilation) Saturday Night on Saturn
Amon Tobin Out From Out Where Back From Space
Loscil Clara (label - Kranky) Lumina
Roger and Brian Eno (Youtube source: Deustch Grammaphone - Feb 2020) Celeste
August 10, 2021
Les Baxter and His Orchestra Space Capades (Compilation) Moon Moods
Arushi Jain Under the Lilac Sky (label - Leaving) Cultivating Self-Love
Fehler Kuti All Auslander Go To Heaven Reprise
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 4 Dark Lady
Miss Monique (Youtube official source) (label - Siona Records) Train of Thought 5-50 Future City Humanoid Radio Remix featuring Colin Hunter's sounds from Paris
Colin Hunter Until We Travel - the recordings (Compilation) (label - Future Cities) The Lost Sound of the Split Flap Departure Board (Paris, France)
Amon Tobin Out From Out Where Verbal
Space Time Continuum Ambient Dub Volume 4 - Jellyfish (Compilation) Oracle
Donald Byrd The Bluenote Remix Project Volume 1 Kofi
Unglued Interplanetary Radio South by West
Pole 2 Hafen
Coldcut Cold Krush Cuts (Coldcut + DJ Food Fight) Sign
Tinariwen Emmaar Toumast Tincha
Bill Laswell Oscillations Extinguisher
Maarten Vos + Nils Davidse Superbloom (label - Mylja) Behind the Rocks
Loscil Clara (label - Kranky) Lucida
Graham Van Pelt Salt Spring, Sun and Shadow (label - Arbutus) Channel Ridge
August 17, 2021
Graham Van Pelt Salt Spring, Sun and Shadow (label - Arbutus) Rain Shadow
Greg Boyd + Robert Lawrence Kuhn on Closer to Truth (at half-speed) Closer to Truth (Youtube official source) Humanoid Radio Further from Truth Afterlife Remix
Loscil Clara (label - Kranky) Stella
Maarten Vos + Nils Davidse Superbloom (label - Mylja) Static Elastic
Autechre Incunabula Aut Riche
Hexstatic Rewind Ninja Tune
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 5 Well Swung
Insanity Sect Ambient Dub Volume 4 - Jellyfish (Compilation) Solar Prophet
Chapterhouse Blood Music Deli
Boards of Canada The Campfire Headphase Chromakey Dreamcoat
Tinariwen Emmaar Arhegh Danagh
Bill Laswell Imaginary Cuba Habana Transmission #2 - Cuban Evolution
Bill Laswell Imaginary Cuba Transmission #3 - Shango Sound Scan
Bill Laswell Imaginary Cuba Guerillero Heroico (El Che Vive!)
Bill Laswell Imaginary Cuba Madre No Me Pida In Dub
Les Baxter Space Capades (Compilation) Calcutta
Amon Tobin Out From Where Chronic Tronic
Tim Brady Actions Speak Louder (label - Redshift Records) Simple Loops In Complex Times III
August 24, 2021
Loscil Clara (label - Kranky) Aura
Starseeds Ambient Dub Volume 4 - Jellyfish (Compilation) Regina From The Future
Boards of Canada The Campfire Headphase Satellite Anthem Icarus
Martin $ky Bluewerks (Compilation) Arriving Soon
Ways + Simon Toldam Fortunes Love
Bonobo Animal Magic Terrapin
Hexstatic Rewind Deadly Media
Sucking Chest Wound God Family Country Who Shot the Pope?
The Grassy Knoll Positive Roswell Crash
Dynamic Africana Nigeria 1970 Lagos Jump Igbehin Lalayo Nta
Tinariwen Emmaar Timadrit In Sahara
Ott Skylon (Youtube source) (Track 6)
Arushi Jain Under the Lilac Sky (label - Leaving) Richer Than Blood
Marcel Gnauk Until We Travel - the recordings (Compilation) (label - Cities and Memory) Riding a Tuk Tuk (Chiang Mai, Thailand)
Tim Brady Actions Speak Louder (label - Redshift Records) Uncertain Impact (Quartet)
Amon Tobin Out From Where Cosmo Retro Intro Outro
Graham Van Pelt Salt Spring, Sun and Shadow (label - Arbutus) Stark Road
August 31, 2021
Boards of Canada The Campfire Headphase Into the Rainbow Vein
Loscil Clara (label - Kranky) Sol
M N 8 (Phil Ogison) Continent Radio
Tinariwen Emmaar Imidiwan Ahi Sigdim
Tala Matrix Tabla Beat Science Audiomaze
Bill Laswell Imaginary Cuba Dejala En La Puntica
Hexstatic Rewind Kids Can Dance
Deep Space Network Ambient Dub Volume 4 - Jellyfish (Compilation) Callacop
Dynamic Syncopation FunkunFusion (Compilation) No Qualms
The Herbaliser Blow Your Headphones Theme From Control Centre (Reprise)
Ray Anthony Crime Scene (Compilation) Peter Gunn Suite
Dianne Labrosse, Iku Mori, Martin Tetreault Ile Bizarre Subterraneus labyrinthus
Alex Eddington A Present from a Small Distant World (label - Redshift Records) Interstellar - To the Makers of Music
Graham Van Pelt Salt Spring, Sun and Shadow (label - Arbutus) Idle
Bing and Ruth (Youtube official source) Badwater Psalm (Nailah Hunter remix)
Rose Bolton The Lost Clock - (label - Cassauna) Starless Night
Brian Eno (Youtube official source) An Ending (Ascent) (Remastered 2019)
September 7, 2021
Nightmares on Wax Carboot Soul Capumcap
The Halluci Nation One More Saturday Night (Radicalized) Remember (2) (feat. Chippewa Travellers)
Bill Laswell Sacred System - Nagual Site Raag Sohni
Brogan Bentley Diapason Rex (Leaving) Ecstasy
St.Germain Tourist Latin Note
Ayumi Ishito & The Spacemen Volume 1 (577) Hum Infinite
Funki Porcini (single) (Funki Porcini) Take Me to It
KitjoHari Tango Mango 76 Carlsbad Sunset
Leroy Holmes Crime Scene (compilation) Search for Vulcan
Amon Tobin Out From Where Searchers
Chet Faker Hotel Surrender (Detail) Oh Me Oh My
Another Fine Day Ambient Dub Volume 4 Jellyfish (compilation) In 7
Loscil Clara (Kranky) Orta
Yes And/ Yes And/ (Driftless) Learning About Who You Are
Tim Brady Actions Speak Louder (Redshift) Revolutionary Songs - I - The Twelve
Alex Eddington A Present from a Small Distant World (Redshift) Sonnet XVIII
September 14, 2021
Nightmares on Wax Carboot Soul Les Nuits
St.Germain Tourist Pont Des Arts
Chet Faker Hotel Surrender (Detail) Get High
Lee Scratch Perry In Dub Volume 2 Misty Dub
Pachyman The Return of Pachyman (ATO) Champion Sound
Twilight Circus Dub Plate Selection The Ride
Piers Oolvai The Vigil Sequences (Piers Oolvai) Chorale (Single Version)
Bill Laswell Sacred System - Nagual Site Black Lotus
Amon Tobin Out From Where Hey Blondie!
Brogan Bentley Diapason Rex (Leaving) The Work (feat. Stunny)
A Positive Life Ambient Dub Volume 4 Jellyfish (compilation) Warehouse 5am
Ayumi Ishito & The Spacemen Volume 1 (577) Looking Through Ice
The Halluci Nation One More Saturday Night (Radicalized) Remember (4) (feat. Re.verse, Chippewa Travellers)
Boards of Canada Twoism Twoism
Yes And/ Yes And/ (Driftless) Melt Away
September 21, 2021
Nightmares on Wax Carboot Soul Fiver
Sounds From The Ground Ambient Dub Volume 4 Jellyfish (compilation) Triangle
Loscil Clara (Kranky) Clara
Bill Laswell Sacred System - Nagual Site Saiya Nikasegaye
Cities and Memory Future Cities - The Recordings Here Come the Gas Salesmen! (Valparaiso, Chile)
Chemical Brothers Loops of Fury (ep) Loops of Fury
The Halluci Nation One More Saturday Night (Radicalized) Collaboration ≠ Appropriation (feat. Tanya Tagaq)
Ayumi Ishito & The Spacemen Volume 1 (577) Night Chant
Yes/ And Yes/ And (Driftless) More Than Love
Graham Van Pelt Salt Spring, Sun and Shadow (Arbutus) Glass Heron
Mikael Lind All Creatures (compilation)(Polar Seas) Ways of Listening
Boards of Canada Twoism Seeya Later
Bonobo Animal Magic Sugar Rhyme
Brogan Bentley Diapason Rex (Leaving) Diapason Rex (feat. Uppy)
Funki Porcini Fast Asleep The Big Sea
Lama Gyurme + Jean-Philippe Rykiel Rain of Blessings - Vajra Chant Offering Chant - Unplugged Version
September 28, 2021
Nightmares on Wax Carboot Soul Argha-Noah
Funki Porcini Love Pussycats and Carwrecks Venus
Hexstatic Rewind Vector
Bill Laswell Sacred System - Nagual Site Driftwork
Boards of Canada Twoism Basefree
The Halluci Nation One More Saturday Night (Radicalized) Remember (1) (feat. John Trudell, Black Bear)
Squarepusher Go Plastic The Exploding Psychology
Colin Hunter Until We Travel - The Recordings (Cities and Memory) (compilation) Singing Ticket Sellers (Alor Setar, Malaysia)
Graham Van Pelt Salt Spring, Sun and Shadow (Arbutus) Tuam
Ayumi Ishito & The Spacemen Volume 1 (577) Constellation Ceiling
Chet Faker Hotel Surrender (Detail) Whatever Tomorrow
Snaer Bluewerks (compilation)(Bluenote/Astralwerks) Meditation
Brogan Bentley Diapason Rex (Leaving) The Keeper
Arushi Jain Under the Lilac Sky (Leaving) The Sun Swirls within You
Frank Horvat Happiness in a Troubled World Positive Emotions and Building a New World
October 5, 2021
Primitive Acoustics Space is the Place (compilation) Sputnik Farewell
Rob Knaggs Foreshore Kallie
Cedric Noel Patterning Two
Boards of Canada Twoism Sixtyniner
Humanoid Remix Social Engineering 101 (Fantoma) via the Dan Tremblay Cult Movie Archive Mystical Edit (feat. Album, Amon Tobin, and Mr. Bungle)
Amon Tobin Out From Where Rosies
David Lavoie Urban Repurpose (Inner Ocean) Urban Repurpose
Sunbeams Bluewerks Volume 2 - Heatwave (compilation) (Bluenote-AstralWerks) Maple Syrup
DJ Shadow Endtroducing Organ Donor
Money Mark Push the Button Crowns
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 4 Boncata de Bonita
Mr. Scruff Keep it Unreal Honeydew
Funki Porcini Drift To This (Funki Porcini) Butterfly In Trouble
Massive Attack 100th Window Butterfly Caught
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Psychonavigation 4 Arena
Jordan Reyes Sand Like Stardust (American Dreams) As The Sun Dips
Hakobune All Creatures (Polar Seas) (compilation) Eighth of October
Rose Bolton The Lost Clock (Cassauna) Unsettled Souls
October 12, 2021
Graham Van Pelt Salt Spring, Sun and Shadow (Arbutus) Orchard
Yes And/ Yes And/ (Driftless) Tumble
Foreign Terrain LP Magnetic Navigator
Millie Wissar Space is the Place (compilation) In Memory of the Grand Rosetta
Arushi Jain Under the Lilac Sky (Leaving) Look How Far We Have Come
Bonobo Animal Magic Kota
Rob Knaggs Foreshore Ghosting (feat. Nikki Komatsiutiksak)
Funki Porcini Cold Krush Cuts (compilation) Groover
Squarepusher Go Plastic I Wish You Could Talk
Chuck Bettis Motion Parallax Inverted Landscapes
Burrito Brown Bluewerks Volume 2 - Heatwave (compilation) (Bluenote-AstralWerks) Cheezy Does It
David Lavoie Urban Repurpose (Inner Ocean) Screendoor
The Halluci Nation One More Saturday Night (Radicalized) Remember (3) (STLNDRMS rework)
Amon Tobin Out From Where Triple Science
King Cobb Steelie Project Twinkle Triple Oceanic Experience
Exploding Star Orchestra We Are All From Somewhere Else Cosmic Tomes for Sleep Walking Lovers - part 1
Exploding Star Orchestra We Are All From Somewhere Else Cosmic Tomes for Sleep Walking Lovers - part 2
Mouse on Mars Idiology Paradical
Sam Gendel & Ethan Braun Rio Nilo 66 (Ulyssa) Tokyo Hyatt
October 19, 2021
Piers Oolvai The Vigil Sequences (Piers Oolvai) Air Bender (Single Version)
Andy Billington Space is the Place (compilation) No.1 Rocket Kicker
Rob Knaggs Foreshore Reyka
Boards of Canada Twoism Melissa Juice
Foreign Terrain LP Radium
Foreign Terrain LP Solitude of Beck - Part II
The Halluci Nation One More Saturday Night (Radicalized) Takarita (feat. Rob Ruha)
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 4 Popnotised
David Lavoie Urban Repurpose (Inner Ocean) For Granted
Soulside Bluewerks Volume 2 - Heatwave (compilation) (Bluenote-AstralWerks) Leaf Beach
Album Album (Telephone Explosion) New And Annoying
Yes And/ Yes And/ (Driftless) Melt Away
John Cage Vintage Volts - Early Modulations (compilation) Imaginary Landscape No. 1 (1939)
Rose Bolton The Lost Clock (Cassauna) The Heaven Mirror
Frank Horvat Happiness in a Troubled World Hope, Optimism and Resilience
Humanoid Remix Social Engineering 101 (Fantoma) via the Dan Tremblay Cult Movie Archive Sixbeat Emotions (feat. Jah Wobble and Deepspace)
Alex Eddington A Present from a Small Distant World (Redshift) A Present From a Small Distant World
October 26, 2021
Dianne Labrosse, Iku Mori + Martin Tetreault Ile Bizarre Ad Ventum Capere Grandes Machinæ
Humanoid Remix Social Engineering 101 (Fantoma) via the Dan Tremblay Cult Movie Archive Keep Clean with Soapy Soap Bubble
Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe Live - June 18, 2014 - Exploratorium, San Francisco (Youtube official) Resonance Performance - Part 1
Rob Knaggs Foreshore A Natural Response
Paul Collins Space is the Place (compilation) This Is Not String Theory
Piers Oolvai The Vigil Sequences (Piers Oolvai) Inquit Serpentis (Single Version)
Boards of Canada Twoism Oirectine
Brogan Bentley Diapason Rex (Leaving) Hollow
Hexstatic Rewind Bass Invader
Money Mark Push the Button Poor Shakes
Foreign Terrain LP Ambisolata
Massive Attack (Youtube official - Vevo) Eutopia
Yes And/ Yes And/ (Driftless) Centered Shell
Tim Brady Actions Speak Louder (Redshift) Revolutionary Songs — III Chuchotements
Funki Porcini (single) (Funki Porcini) Take Me To It
Eaze Bluewerks Volume 2 -Heatwave (compilation) (Bluenote-AstralWerks) Do Work + Two Facts
David Lavoie Urban Repurpose (Inner Ocean) Bucharest
Jase Warner Until We Travel - The Recordings (compilation) The Taxi Radio (Bogotá, Colombia)
Lee Scratch Perry In Dub Volume 2 Kojak
Pachyman The Return Of Pachyman (ATO) Space Station
Nightmares on Wax Carboot Soul Ease Jimi
November 2, 2021
Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe Exploratorium, San Francisco (Youtube official) Resonance Performance Part 2 - June 18, 2014
Yes And/ Yes And/ (Driftless) Centered Shell
Yussef Kamaal (Youtube official) (Brownswood Recordings) Black Focus
Bill Laswell Panthalassa Rated X - Billy Preston
Guy Buttery One Morning in Gurgaon (Riverboat) Raag Kirwani
Mas Aya Mascaras (Telephone Explosion) Key
Massive Attack 100th Window Special Cases
Thook Dawn (self-released) How Many Ppl Listen
Injury Reserve By The Time I Get To Phoenix (self-released) Superman That
Sarah Davachi Antiphonals (Late) Border of Mind
Sunspot Activity Nocturnal Emissions (track 2)
Sunspot Activity Nocturnal Emissions (track 3)
November 9, 2021
Yussef Kamaal (Youtube official) (Brownswood Recordings) Strings of Light
Amon Tobin (Youtube official) How Can You Live?
Injury Reserve By The Time I Get To Phoenix (self-released) Footwork In A Forest Fire
Mas Aya Mascaras (Telephone Explosion) 18 de Abril
Thook Dawn (self-released) Bronze Garden
Album Album (Telephone Explosion) Google Rap Hommage
Humanoid Radio Remix Social Engineering 101 via the Dan Tremblay Cult Movie Archive The Outsider (feat. Chuck Bettis + Hannah Peel)
Chuck Bettis Arc of Enlightenment Existential Extinction
Hannah Peel Explorations in Analog Synthesis, Volume II (compilation) (Moog Music) Duets Master v2
Sarah Davachi Antiphonals (Late) Gradual of Image
Guy Buttery One Morning in Gurgaon (Riverboat) Kya Baat
Tala Matrix Tabla Beat Science Biotech
Tonbau G Minus 2 Krios
Loscil Clara Vespera
Lori Gemmel Solo Harp Shadows
Tim Brady Actions Speak Louder Revolutionary Songs — VI Luces
Alex Eddington A Present from a Small Distant World Dennis Lee Songs
November 16, 2021
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith Explorations in Analog Synthesis, Volume II (compilation) (Moog Music) Clover (Moog) 2021 Master v1
Mas Aya Mascaras (Telephone Explosion) Villanueva
Thook Dawn (self-released) Rude
Injury Reserve By The Time I Get To Phoenix (self-released) Ground Zero
Intersystems Unfinished World EP Eddie
Amon Tobin Permutation Fast Eddie
Billy May Crime Scene (compilation) Mission Impossible
Guy Buttery One Morning in Gurgaon (Riverboat) Raag Yaman
Sarah Davachi Antiphonals (Late) First Cadence
Loscil Clara Flamma
Arushi Jain Under the Lilac Sky Richer than Blood
Tonbau Ex Cathedra Temple Dawn
Tim Brady Actions Speak Louder Revolutionary Songs — IV Le Nom de Frère
Neotropic Mr. Brubackers Strawberry Alarm Clock Apple Sauce
Amon Tobin Out From Where Proper Hoodidge
Praxis Transmutation (Mutatis Matandis) Interface - Simulation Loop
Praxis Transmutation (Mutatis Matandis) Crash Victim - Black Science Navigator
Squarepusher Go Plastic My Fucking Sound
November 23, 2021
Amon Tobin Out From Where El Wraith
Injury Reserve By The Time I Get To Phoenix (self-released) Smoke Don't Clear
Thook Dawn (self-released) Diamond Kid
Funki Porcini The Ultimately Empty Million Pounds Reboot
Funki Porcini The Ultimately Empty Million Pounds 123,3,4
DJ Food Kaleidoscope The Crow
Arbour Bluewerks Volume 4 Drift Off (compilation) (Bluenote / Astralwerks) Near Dark
Wun Two Bluewerks Volume 4 Drift Off (compilation) (Bluenote / Astralwerks) Nella Laguna
Negativland (Youtube source) More Data
Paula Temple Explorations in Analog Synthesis, Volume II (compilation) (Moog Music) Apocalypse Moog Master v1
Guy Buttery One Morning in Gurgaon (Riverboat) I Know This Place
Sacred System Nagual Site X-zibit
Mas Aya Mascaras (Telephone Explosion) Tiempo Ahora
Jessica Ackerley Mourning Morning Departure into Sound Memory
Sarah Davachi Antiphonals (Late) Magdalena
Graham Van Pelt Salt Sping, Sun and Shadow Menhinick
November 30, 2021
Negativland (Youtube source) U2
Sarah Davachi Antiphonals (Late) Chorus Scene
TygaPaw Explorations in Analog Synthesis, Volume II (compilation) (Moog Music) Volubilis Master v1
Brian Eno Here Come The Warm Jets - 2004 Digital Remaster (Youtube official) Here Come The Warm Jets
Injury Reserve By The Time I Get To Phoenix (self-released) Bye Storm
Guy Buttery One Morning in Gurgaon (Riverboat) December Poems
Mas Aya Mascaras (Telephone Explosion) Quiescence
Massive Attack 100th Window Antistar
Thook Dawn (self-released) Smokescreen
Hexstatic Rewind Auto
The Herbaliser Blow Your Headphones Theme From Control Centre (Reprise)
Album Album (Telephone Explosion) Mood Allee Cinq
Pole 2 Huckepack
Indonesian Soundscapes (LP) Kecak (Monkey Chants)
Cities and Memory Until We Travel - The Recordings (compilation) Want a Boat Ride? (Valparaiso, Chile)
December 7, 2021
Jon Hopkins Music For Psychedelic Therapy (Domino) Welcome
Sarah Davachi Antiphonals (Late) Abeyant
Jessica Moss Phosphenes (Constellation) Contemplation I
Light Conductor Sequence Two (Constellation) The Rooms Are Turning Inside Out
Frank Horvat Happiness in a Troubled World Coping with a Troubled World
Strata The Invicta Remixes (Brownswood) Aspects - Demus Dub
Severed Heads City Slab Horror Goodbye Tonsils
Amon Tobin How Do You Live (Nomark) Rise to Ashes
Jerusalem In My Heart Qalaq (Constellation) Abyad Barraq (with Greg Fox)
Thook Dawn (self-released) Days Lost
Elusive & Josh Koslow Celestial Impressions, Inner Space (Alpha Pup) News
Guy Buttery One Morning in Gurgaon (Riverboat) Bakithi
William Parker Painters Winter (AUM Fidelity) Groove 77
Album Album (Telephone Explosion) Hommage a M. Cusson pour M. Hoek
Morton Subotkik Early Modulations - Vintage Volts (compilation) Silver Apples Of The Moon
December 14, 2021
Strata The Invicta Remixes (Brownswood) Aspects - Greg Wilson Mix
Cinematic Orchestra Motion Bluebirds
Amon Tobin How Do You Live (Nomark) Sweet Inertia (featuring Figueroa)
Thook Dawn (self-released) Tnrough the Mask
Injury Reserve By The Time I Get To Phoenix (self-released) Wild Wild West
Elusive & Josh Koslow Celestial Impressions, Inner Space (Alpha Pup) Ones and Twos
Sarah Davachi Antiphonals (Late) Rushes Recede
DJ Food Kaleidoscope Nocturne (Sleep Dyad 1)
Galcher Lustwerk Explorations in Analog Synthesis, Volume II (Moog Music) Real Estate Master v2
William Parker Painters Winter (AUM Fidelity) Painted Scarf
Jerusalem In My Heart Qalaq (Constellation) Sa at (with Alexei Perry Cox)
Jessica Moss Phosphenes (Constellation) Contemplation II
Light Conductor Sequence Two (Constellation) Splitting Light
Jon Hopkins Music For Psychedelic Therapy (Domino) Tayos Caves, Ecuador i- ii- iii
December 21, 2021
William Parker Painters Winter (AUM Fidelity) Happiness
Elusive & Josh Koslow Celestial Impressions, Inner Space (Alpha Pup) Contact
Amon Tobin How Do You Live (Nomark) Phaedra
Jerusalem In My Heart Qalaq (Constellation) Istashraqtaq
Injury Reserve By The Time I Get To Phoenix (self-released) Postpostpartum
Pole 3 Fohlenfurz
Sarah Davachi Antiphonals (Late) Doubled Flutes
Jessica Moss Phosphenes (Constellation) Contemplation III
Light Conductor Sequence Two (Constellation) Life Under a Double Sun
Album Album (Telephone Explosion) 108 Percussion Hits (au moins)
The Grassy Knoll Positive The Americans
Strata The Invicta Remixes (Brownswood) Vision 9 Delfonic Remix
Sathya Tamizharasan Stay Home Sounds Volume 2 Resonating Prayers (India)
Rose Bolton The Lost Clock The Heaven Mirror
Ayumi Ishito & The Spacemen Volume 1 (577) Night Chant
Funki Porcini Fast Asleep Weow
Nightmares on Wax Car Boot Soul Fire in the Middle
December 28, 2021
Sigur Ros Agaetis Byrjun Svern g-englar
Jerusalem In My Heart Qalaq (Constellation) Qalaq 7 (with Tim Hecker)
Jerusalem In My Heart Qalaq (Constellation) Qalaq 9 (with Mayss, Mazen Kerbaj, Sharif Sehnaoui & Raed Yassin)
Jerusalem In My Heart Qalaq (Constellation) Tanto (with Lucrecia Dalt)
Nick Storring My Magic Dreams Have Lost Their Spell Tides That Defeat Identity
Album Album (Telephone Explosion) Interlude
Amon Tobin How Do You Live (Nomark) In a Valley Stood the Sun
William Parker Painters Winter (AUM Fidelity) Painters Winter
Elusive & Josh Koslow Celestial Impressions, Inner Space (Alpha Pup) Is What
Injury Reserve By The Time I Get To Phoenix (self-released) Knees
Jessica Moss Phosphenes (Constellation) Let Down
Boards of Canada Twoism Twoism
NASA NASA sounds Mercury-6 Zero-G
Light Conductor Sequence Two (Constellation) Pyramids In Slow Rotation
Lori Gemmel Prelude - Solo Harp Suite for Harp, Op. 83 - Hymn - St. Denio
Starseeds Jellyfish - Ambient Dub Volume 4 (compilation) Regina From The Future
Amon Tobin Permutation Nova
January 4, 2022
Thievery Corporation Youtube official Culture of Fear (featuring Mr. Lif)
Thievery Corporation Sounds from the Thievery Hi-Fi Sleeper Car
Thievery Corporation & Transglobal Underground Youtube official Khalghi Stomp
Embryo Auf Auf (Madlib Invazion) Baran
Dynamic Africana Nigeria '70 Lagos Jump Igbehin Lalayo Nta
Nilotika Cultural Ensemble Nyabingi Resurrection (Switchstance) Praise Jah
Jerusalem In My Heart Qalaq (Constellation) Qalaq 1 (with Alanis Obomsawin & Diana Combo)
Elusive & Josh Koslow Celestial Impressions, Inner Space (Alpha Pup) Ruby In The Rough
Massive Attack Massive Attack official (Youtube - Vevo) Massive Attack x Saul Williams (featuring Professor Gabriel Zucman)
Boards of Canada (with Alan Watts talk excerpt) Twoism Smokes Quantity
Jessica Moss Phosphenes (Constellation) Memorizing And Forgetting
Coldcut - Beethoven 250 @0 (Ninja Tune) A Winged Victory for the Sullen
Funki Porcini The Shadow Years (compilation) 26 West 17th
Mujo Bluewerks - Volume 2 - Heatwave Mazinger High
Kitjohari Tango Mango 76 Carlsbad Sunset
Strata The Invicta Remixes (Brownswood) Dance Desire (Dave Aju Remix)
Amon Tobin Supermodified Get Your Snack On
Cabbageboy Genetically Modified Vended Food
Pole 2 Streit
Nightmares on Wax Carboot Soul Argha Noah
January 11, 2022
Atsuko Hatano & Midori Hirano Water Ladder (Alien Transistor) Summer Noise
Jessica Moss Phosphenes (Constellation) Distortion Harbour
Roberta Fidora Space is the Place (compiliation) Huygens
Amon Tobin How Do You Live (Nomark) This Living Hand
Jerusalem In My Heart Qalaq (Constellation) Qalaq 2 (with Roger Tellier Craig)
Coldcut - David Wenngren @0 (Ninja Tune) Pianoise
Embryo Auf Auf (Madlib Invazion) Besh
Yothu Yindi Quango World Groove (compilation) Gapu - The Tidal mix (Australia)
Nilotika Cultural Ensemble Nyabingi Resurrection (Switchstance) Oli Kibun'omu
Money Mark Push the Button Powerhouse
DJ Food The Shadow Years (compilation) Fungle Junk
Hirokee Siesta Bluewerks Volume 3 Heatwave (Bluenote + Astralwerks) Oilix (featuring Hirokee Siesta)
Elusive & Josh Koslow Celestial Impressions, Inner Space (Alpha Pup) Frequency Unknown
Apifera 6 Visits (Stones Throw) Beyond The Sunrays
Silla and Rise Silarjuaq (Balanced) Ijiraq (Hide and Seek) featuring Tanya Tagaq
Andrew Tulloch Sounds of the Year 2021 (Cities and Memory) WaveWorks (Zebegény, Hungary)
Ádám Szegvári Sounds of the Year 2021 (Cities and Memory) Waving, not Drowning (Zebegény, Hungary)
January 18, 2022
Jon Hopkins Music For Psychedelic Therapy (Domino) Deep In The Glowing Heart
Atsuko Hatano & Midori Hirano Water Ladder (Alien Transistor) Cotton Spheres
Coldcut - Nailah Hunter @0 (Ninja Tune) Sadko
Jerusalem In My Heart Qalaq (Constellation) Qalaq 3 (with Moor Mother)
Nightmares On Wax Shout Out! To Freedom (Warp) Miami 80
London Funk Allstars The Shadow Years (compilation) Knee Deep In Beats
Nilotika Cultural Ensemble Nyabingi Resurrection (Switchstance) Ntaayi
Embryo Auf Auf (Madlib Invazion) Yu Mala
Elusive & Josh Koslow Celestial Impressions, Inner Space (Alpha Pup) Hold Your Applause
Amon Tobin How Do You Live (Nomark) Button Down Fashion Bow
Squarepusher Go Plastic Greenways Trajectory
Morceaux de Machines Saison Gonzo (No Type) Porksicle
NASA NASA Sounds Main Engine Cut-off - On its Way to Orbit
Bill Laswell Oscillations Remixes u i
Chapterhouse Blood Music Deli
Twilight Circus Dub Plate Selection Filter 13
Pachyman The Return Of Pachyman (ATO) Sunset Sound
Moods Bluewerks Volume 2 - Heatwave The Good Things
January 25, 2022
Embryo Auf Auf (Madlib Invazion) Auf Auf
Elusive & Josh Koslow Celestial Impressions, Inner Space (Alpha Pup) Big Beat Sermon
Alex Hehir Sounds of the Year 2021 (Cities and Memory) For the Beauty of Earth (Taichung City, Taiwan)
Funki Porcini Take Me To It (single) (Funki Porcini) Take Me To It
Apifera 6 Visits (Stones Throw) Half the Fun
Mohamed Assani Wayfinder Awakening
Jerusalem In My Heart Qalaq (Constellation) Qalaq 4 (with Rabih Beaini)
Amon Tobin How Do You Live (Nomark) Now Future
Atsuko Hatano & Midori Hirano Water Ladder (Alien Transistor) Nocturnal Awakening
Nilotika Cultural Ensemble Nyabingi Resurrection (Switchstance) Tuula
Hedfunk The Shadow Years (compilation) Dark Blue
Coldcut - Steve Roach @0 (Ninja Tune) The Drift Home
Jon Hopkins Music For Psychedelic Therapy (Domino) Love Flows Over Us In Prismatic Waves
Bill Laswell & Pete Namlook Psychonavigation 4 Arena
Tosca Youtube official The Key
February 1, 2022
Embryo Auf Auf (Madlib Invazion) Januar
Jonny Greenwood Spencer [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Mercury KX) Arrival
Nick Fraser Quartet If There Were no Opposites- (HatHutEzz-thetics) Improvisation (Part 1)
Billy May Crime Scene (compilation) Man with the Golden Arm
Funki Porcini Where The Sauce Is Deluxe (Funki Porcini) Off The Shoulder Of Orion
Bill Laswell Oscillations Third Stage Navigator
Amon Tobin How Do You Live (Nomark) Phaedra
Drummachinemike Precognition (Drum Machine Music) Stay Well (Buddy Peace Remix)
Jerusalem In My Heart Qalaq (Constellation) Ana Lisan Wahad (with Farida Amadou & Pierre-Guy Blanchard)
Jeremy Moyer A Discovery of Chinese Folk Tunes Endless Hostility (Qian Li Yuan)
Beverly Glenn-Copeland Keyboard Fantasies Reimagined (Transgressive) Sunset Village (Blood Orange Remix)
Air (Youtube source) La Femme Argent
Frank Horvat Happiness in a Troubled World Finding Our Common Humanity
Adam Aronson Sounds of the Year 2021 (Cities and Memory) In the Hauptbahnhof (Dusseldorf, Germany)
February 8, 2022
Drummachinemike Precognition (Drum Machine Music) After the Eclipse (Chasing 8 Remix)
Money Mark Push the Button Underneath it All
Bomb the Bass Clear If You Reach the Border
Embryo Auf Auf (Madlib Invazion) Alphorn Prayer
Apifera 6 Visits (Stones Throw) Visions Fugitives - Commodo
Beverly Glenn-Copeland Keyboard Fantasies Reimagined (Transgressive) Fastest Star (Julia Holter Remix)
Asa Tone Live at New Forms (Leaving) 4,5,6,7,8,9
Andy Billington Sounds of the Year 2021 (Cities and Memory) Ferhadija summer (Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Jerusalem In My Heart Qalaq (Constellation) Qalaq 6 (with VIZ [Reka Csiszer])
Guy Buttery One Morning in Gurgaon (Riverboat) Chidiya
Jessica Ackerley Mourning Morning (Cacophanus Revival) Henry
DJ Shadow Endtroducing Stem - Long Stem
Amon Tobin Permutation Toys
Nick Fraser Quartet If There Were no Opposites (HatHutEzz-thetics) Sketch #50
Tim Brady Actions Speak Louder (Redshift) Revolutionary Songs — V. Mañana
February 15, 2022
Beverly Glenn-Copeland Keyboard Fantasies Reimagined (Transgressive) Let Us Dance (Arca Remix)
Piers Oolvai The Chimera Gynandrous - The Chimera
Jerusalem In My Heart Qalaq (Constellation) Qalaq 5 (with Oiseau-Tempete)
Atsuko Hatano & Midori Hirano Water Ladder (Alien Transistor) Sleeping Trees
Apifera 6 Visits (Stones Throw) L.O.V.E.
Asa Tone Live at New Forms (Leaving) 10
Cities & Memory Sounds of the Year 2021 (Cities and Memory) Hearts, flowers and rocks (Pignon, Haiti)
Nick Fraser Quartet If There Were no Opposites (HatHutEzz-thetics) Shoe Dance
Drummachinemike Precognition (Drum Machine Music) Memory Loss (Giovanni Marks Remix)
Funki Porcini Where the Sauce is Deluxe (Funki Porcini) Steve McQueen Caught in Traffic
Arushi Jain Under the Lilac Sky (Leaving) The Sun Swirls Within You
Patricia Wolf All Creatures (Polar Seas)(compilation) Pas de Deux (Carlos Ferreira Remix)
Bruce Gremo Atmospheres Edge - 12 Preludes Prelude 2 Gravitational
Light Conductor Sequence Two (Constellation) Splitting Light
Cinematic Orchestra Motion Ode To The Big Sea
February 22, 2022
Drummachinemike Precognition (Drum Machine Music) Malware (Luxy Remix)
Morceaux de Machines Saison Gonzo (No Type) Bad Woofer
Nick Fraser Quartet If There Were no Opposites (HatHutEzz-thetics) Table 49, The Rex Hotel, Toronto
Beverly Glenn-Copeland Keyboard Fantasies Reimagined (Transgressive) Old (New) Melody (Ana Roxanne Remix)
Atsuko Hatano & Midori Hirano Water Ladder (Alien Transistor) Cascade
Jon Hopkins Music For Psychedelic Therapy (Domino) Ascending, Dawn Sky
Mas Aya Mascaras (Telephone Explosion) Quiescence
Funki Porcini Where The Sauce Is Deluxe (Funki Porcini) Swimming With Eels
Apifera 6 Visits (Stones Throw) Plaistow Flex Out
Amon Tobin Out From Where Mighty Micro People
Cities and Memory The Orange Garden (Cities and Memory)(compilation) The Orange Garden (original field recording)
Intersystems #IV Revelation of the Birds
March 1, 2022
Funki Porcini Where The Sauce Is Deluxe (Funki Pocini) Pammera
Roberta Fidora Shortwave Transmissions (Cities and Memory) Ottawa Shortwave
Khöömei Beat Changys Baglaash (ARC) Salgal Damchaan Khoomeiym (The Ancestor's Khöömei)
Silla and Rise Silarjuaq (Balanced) Ijiraq [Hide and Seek] (featuring Tanya Tagaq)
Nilotika Cultural Ensemble Nyabingi Resurrection (Switchstance) Okufa Kufuuka
David Lavoie Urban Repurpose (Inner Ocean) Doused
Anz All Hours (Ninja Tune) Decisions AM Intro
Apollo Suns A Relationship of Force (self-released) Silver Gloves
Bonobo Fragments (Ninja Tune) Rosewood
Bill Laswell Oscillations - remixes DJ Grazhoppa
Drummachinemike Precognition (Drum Machine Music) Soft Targets
Infinity Heal (Nacional) Unlimited
Sarah Page + Joni Void Code Versus (Backwards) Volt Spark
Tanya Tagaq Tongues (Six Shooter) In Me
Elusive and Josh Koslow Celestial Impressions, Inner Space (Alpha Pup) Station x5
St.Germain Tourist La Goutte D'Or
Carn Davidson 9 The History of Us (Three Pines) A New Life
Vittorio Gelmetti Early Modulations - Vintage Volts (compilation) Treni D'Onda A Modulazione D'Intensità (1963)
March 8, 2022
Moray Newlands Shortwave Transmissions (Cities and Memory) The Fragility of Détente
Bonobo Fragments (Ninja Tune) Elysian
David Lavoie Urban Repurpose (Inner Ocean) If You Want
Apollo Suns A Relationship of Force (self-released) Changes
Drummachinemike Precognition (Drum Machine Music) Future Artifacts
Funki Porcini Where The Sauce Is Deluxe (Funki Porcini) 100 Bars
Rob Clutton Trio Counsel of Primaries Counsel of Primaries
Sarah Page + Joni Void Code Versus (Backwards) Glass Shard
Infinity Heal (Nacional) Act of Love
Boards of Canada The Campfire Headphase Hey Saturday Sun
Mas Aya Mascaras (Telephone Explosion) Tiempo Ahora
Mouse on Mars Idiology Illking
Joanne Hetu + Jean Derome Shaman - Nous Percons Les Oreilles (Track 8)
Silla and Rise Silarjuaq (Balanced) Iparauti (featuring Theland Kicknosway)
Khöömei Beat Changys Baglaash (ARC) Chaldyg-khaya
Jessica Ackerley Morning Mourning (Cacophonous Revivial) Coaxial II
Jessica Moss Phosphenes (Constellation) Contemplation I
Loscil Clara (Kranky) Vespera
Frank Horvat Finding Happiness in a Troubled World Inner Happiness, Outer Happiness and Trust
March 15, 2022
Kid Kin Shortwave Transmissions (Cities and Memory) The War on Hugs
Anz All Hours (Ninja Tune) Last Before Lights
Bonobo Fragments (Ninja Tune) Closer
David Lavoie Urban Repurpose (Inner Ocean) Coasting On
Apollo Suns A Relationship of Force (self-released) Lake Country
Carn Davidson 9 The History of Us (Three Pines) Goodbye Old Friend
Chuck Bettis Arc of Enlightenment Flesh Haiku
Bill Laswell Oscillations - remixes Atom Heart
Drummachinemike Precognition (Drum Machine Music) No Place is Home
Sarah Page + Joni Void Code Versus (Backwards) Train Track
Funki Porcini Where The Sauce Is Deluxe (Funki Porcini) Tune On Turn In Drop Off
Infinity Heal (Nacional) Powerful Signs
Khöömei Beat Changys Baglaash (ARC) Dembildey
Silla and Rise Silarjuaq (Balanced) Supijuq (featuring Risten Anine)
Tanya Tagaq Tongues (Six Shooter) Tongues
Joanne Hetu + Jean Derome Shaman - Nous Percons Les Oreilles (Track 10)
Morceaux de Machines Saison Gonzo (No Type) Chummy 303
Piers Oolvai The Vigil Sequences (Piers Oolvai) Inquit Serpentis (Single Version)
March 22, 2022
Silla and Rise Silarjuaq (Balanced) Anirniq
Khöömei Beat Changys Baglaash (ARC) Chovulannyg Kizhi Tolu (Bitter Human Fate)
Anz All Hours (Ninja Tune) Quest Select AM Outro
Apollo Suns A Relationship of Force (self-released) Rosie
David Lavoie Urban Repurpose (Inner Ocean) Second Hand
Funki Porcini Where The Sauce Is Deluxe (Funki Porcini) Da Solo Alla Fine
Foreign Terrain (self-titled) Explosive Negative (Final Exposure)
Drummachinemike Precognition (Drum Machine Music) The Quiet Life
Bonobo Fragments (Ninja Tune) Age of Phase
Cities and Memory Shortwave Transmissions (Cities and Memory)(compilation) The Moon in Daylight
Infinity Heal (Nacional) All Aligned
Loscil Clara (Kranky) Sol
Sarah Page + Joni Void Code Versus (Backwards) Data Bend
Carn Davidson 9 The History of Us (Three Pines) Home
Exploding Star Orchestra We Are All From Somewhere Else Cosmic Tomes for Sleep Walking Lovers - parts 1 + 2
Frank Horvat Finding Happiness in a Troubled World Hope, Optimism and Resilience
March 29, 2022
Tiger Mendoza Shortwave Transmissions (Cities and Memory) Moscow Shortwave 1970
Bonobo Fragments (Ninja Tune) Counterpart
Bill Laswell Oscillations - remixes Soul Static Sound
Drummachinemike Precognition (Drum Machine Music) Directions
Massive Attack Protection Karma Coma
Khöömei Beat Changys Baglaash (ARC) Traditional Tuvan Khöömei
Infinity Heal (Nacional) New Beginning
Funki Porcini Where The Sauce Is Deluxe (Funki Porcini) 317 Lasers Und Counting
Beverly Glenn-Copeland Keyboard Fantasies Reimagined (Transgressive) Ghost House (performed by Jeremy Dutcher)
Sarah Page + Joni Void Code Versus (Backwards) Mani Fold
Rose Bolton The Lost Clock (Cassauna) Starless Night
Tinariwen Emmaar Tahalamot
Nilotika Cultural Ensemble Nyabingi Resurrection (Switchstance) Wampologoma
Silla and Rise Silarjuaq (Balanced) Garden Variety
Tanya Tagaq Tongues (Six Shooter) Teeth Agape
Kenneth Copeland and Lisa Guerrero (on Inside Edition) Interview
April 5, 2022
John Tenney Shortwave Transmissions (compilation) (Cities and Memory) There was Always Music in Our Home - A Partly-fictional Memoir
Funki Porcini Where The Sauce Is Deluxe (Funki Porcini) A Nice Dream While It Lasted
Drummachinemike Precognition (Drum Machine Music) A Loss For Words
Bonobo Fragments (Ninja Tune) Sapien
Khöömei Beat Changys Baglaash (ARC) Khemchiim (My Khemchik River)
Fauna single (self-released) Invisalign
Charbonneau + Amato Synth Works Vol. 2 (Backward) All Rose
Prince Shima Matsu's Forest of Dreams (Tool Use) The Texture of Bark
Pan-American The Patience Fader (Kranky) Swimming In A Western Hotel
Infinity Heal (Nacional) Angel
Joy Guidry Radical Acceptance (Whited Sepulchre) Why is Toxicity so Yummy?
Nick Fraser Quartet If There Were No Opposites (HatHutEzz-thetics) The Fashion Show
Cinematic Orchestra Motion Durian
The Herbaliser Blow Your Headphones Put it on Tape
Sarah Page + Joni Void Code Versus (Backwards) Vox Lag
April 12, 2022
Prince Shima Matsu's Forest of Dreams (Tool Use) Needles on the Forest Floor
Arvik Torrenssen Shortwave Transmissions (compilation) (Cities and Memory) Taajuuksia ja ääniä
Funki Porcini Where The Sauce Is Deluxe (Funki Porcini) The Road To Somewhere
Astor Wolfe All Creatures (compilation) Paws In Time
Album Album (Telephone Explosion) La Derniere
Squarepusher Go Plastic Tommib
Infinity Heal (Nacional) Life Mission
Pan-American The Patience Fader (Kranky) Outskirts, Dreamlit
Space Mountain All Creatures (compilation) Dawn Ritual (with Ultron Atreides)
Charbonneau + Amato Synth Works Vol. 2 (Backward) Évaporations
Khöömei Beat Changys Baglaash (ARC) Kochegar (The Stoker)
Silla and Rise Silarjuaq (Balanced) Boogity (featuring Theland Kicknosway)
Sacred System Nagual Site Black Lotus
The Herbaliser Blow Your Headphones Another Mother
Nightmares on Wax Carboot Soul Jorge
April 19, 2022
Pan-American The Patience Fader (Kranky) Corniel
Rusty Sheriff Shortwave Transmissions (compilation)(Cities and Memory) The Broadcasting Service of the Iraqi Republic
Khöömei Beat Changys Baglaash (ARC) Kara-daglar
Funki Porcini Where The Sauce Is Deluxe (Funki Porcini) Take Me To It
Infinity Heal (Nacional) Deep Feelings
Eldritch Priest Omphaloskepsis (Halocline Trance) Omphaloskepsis
JoJo Worthington (self-titled LP) Two Lines
April 26, 2022
Sub Modu Gravity (Tru Thoughts) Gravity (V​.​B. Kühl Remix)
Charbonneau + Amato Synth Works Vol. 2 (Backward) Light Memoir
Infinity Heal (Nacional) Freedom State
David Devereux Shortwave Transmissions (Cities and Memory) Potentialities
NASA Space Sounds Sputnik Beep
Mamak Khadem Remembrance (Six Degrees) Remembrance
Bill Laswell Imaginary Cuba Madre No Me Pida In Dub
Amon Tobin Permutation Bridge
Up, Bustle and Out Rebel Radio - The Havana Sessions The Educators
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 5 Rubber Band
Nightmares on Wax Carboot Soul Morse
Pan-American The Patience Fader (Kranky) The North Line
Autechre Incunabula Bike
Prince Shima Matsu's Forest of Dreams (Tool Use) Smoke on the Hill
Light Conductor Sequence Two (Constellation) The Rooms Are Turning Inside Out
May 3, 2022
Palm Skin Productions Other Times LP (Tru Thoughts) Rule of 12ths
Palm Skin Productions Other Times LP (Tru Thoughts) Sea Glass
Sub Modu Gravity EP (Tru Thoughts) Gravity
Blue Lab Beats Blue Lab Beats (Bluenote) Gotta Go Fast (featuring Poppy Daniels)
Ebi Soda Honk if You're Sad (Tru Thoughts) Tang of the Zest
New Age Doom & Lee Scratch Perry Musicworks 141 (Musicworks) Life is an Experiment
Sultans of String Sanctuary, The Refuge Project (self-released) Hicaz Mandira Sultana (featuring Saskia Tomkins & Ravi Naimpally)
Vladislav Delay Anima (Keplar) Humanoid Radio Anima A Remix (featuring Michael Levin)
Pole 2 Fahren
Architek Percussion Six Changes (self-released) When Will I Realize
Plastikman + Chilly Gonzales Consumed In Key (Secret City) Contain (In Key)
Habalayon Frozen Rainfall (A Person Disguised As People) Whiteout
Adams, Dunn + Haas Future Moons (Ansible Editions) Tulips for Cygnus
Tania Gill Quartet Disappearing Curiosities (Ansible Editions) Marsh Music
The Brodie West Quintet Meadow of Dreams (Astral Spirits) Entrainment
May 10, 2022
Architek Percussion Six Changes (self-released) Perspective
Vladislav Delay Anima (Keplar) Anima B
Sub Modu Gravity EP (Tru Thoughts) All Around (Renegades Of Jazz Remix)
Blue Lab Beats Blue Lab Beats (Bluenote) A Vibe
Palm Skin Productions Other Times (Tru Thoughts) East N East
Plastikman + Chilly Gonzales Consumed In Key (Secret City) Consume (In Key)
Infinity Heal (Nacional) Life Mission
Habalayon Frozen Rainfall (A Person Disguised As People) Morning After
Jessica McMann, Beverley McKiver, Karen Donaldson Shepherd Musicworks 141 (Musicworks) Inni
Sultans of String Sanctuary, The Refuge Project (self-released) Tell the Night (featuring Leen Hamo)
The Brodie West Quintet Meadow of Dreams (Astral Spirits) Fortress
Tania Gill Quartet Disappearing Curiosities (Ansible Editions) To Montreal
Adams, Dunn + Haas Future Moons (Ansible Editions) The Eye Listens, The Ear Sees
May 17, 2022
Sultans of String Sanctuary, The Refuge Project (self-released) Moroccan Dreams (featuring Padideh Ahrarnejad & Ravi Naimpally)
Up, Bustle and Out One Colour Just Reflects Another The Hand of Contraband
Architek Percussion Six Changes (self-released) When Change is Bad
Habalayon Frozen Rainfall (A Person Disguised As People) Snowsquall
Tania Gill Quartet Disappearing Curiosities (Ansible Editions) Jaunty
The Brodie West Quintet Meadow of Dreams (Astral Spirits) Inhabit I
Blue Lab Beats Blue Lab Beats (Bluenote) Inhale + Exhale (Interlude)
Ebi Soda (single) (Tru Thoughts) Yoshi Orange (Radio Edit)
Ronnie Foster The New Groove Volume 1 Summer Song
Palm Skin Productions Other Times LP (Tru Thoughts) Seal Bobs
Adams, Dunn + Haas Future Moons (Ansible Editions) Soft Nebula
Plastikman + Chilly Gonzales Consumed In Key (Secret City) Cor Ten (In Key)
Plastikman + Chilly Gonzales Consumed In Key (Secret City) Passage In (In Key)
Vladislav Delay Anima (Keplar) Anima C
Ensemble Modelo 62 Musicworks 141 (Musicworks) Death And The Rest I-Iv
May 24, 2022
Ebi Soda (single) (Tru Thoughts) Chandler (featuring Yazz Ahmed)
Blue Lab Beats Blue Lab Beats (Bluenote) Motherland Journey (featuring KillBeatz & Fela Kuti)
Sultans of String Sanctuary, The Refuge Project (self-released) Malgré que (featuring Fethi Nadjem)
Architek Percussion Six Changes (self-released) Your Definition of Home is Dependent on the Constants in your Life
Adams, Dunn + Haas Future Moons (Ansible Editions) Future Moons
Tania Gill Quartet Disappearing Curiosities (self-released) Branches (For Geri Allen)
High Alpine Hut Network 727 / 16 (Ansible Editions) 727
Palm Skin Productions Other Times LP (Tru Thoughts) Hag Stone
Plastikman + Chilly Gonzales Consumed In Key (Secret City) Ekko (In Key)
Habalayon Frozen Rainfall (A Person Disguised As People) A Day Inside
The Brodie West Quintet Meadow of Dreams (Astral Spirits) Inhabit II
David Lynch (single) (Sacred Bones Records) Ghost of Love
Vladislav Delay Anima (Keplar) Anima D
Red Green Blue The End and the Beginning (Astral Spirits) The Beginning
May 31, 2022
Adams, Dunn + Haas Future Moons (Ansible Editions) Dynastics
Sultans of String Sanctuary, The Refuge Project (self-released) Khatenche (featuring Amchok Gompo)
Marilene Provencher-Leduc Musicworks 141 (Musicworks) Ni Ici, Ni Là-Bas
Blue Lab Beats Blue Lab Beats (Bluenote) Ultramarine (Interlude)
Blue Lab Beats Blue Lab Beats (Bluenote) Warp (featuring Jackson Mathod & Kaidi Akinnibi)
Palm Skin Productions Other Times LP (Tru Thoughts) S.T.O.
Ebi Soda Honk if You're Sad (Tru Thoughts) My Man from College
High Alpine Hut Network 727 / 16 (Ansible Editions) 16
Plastikman + Chilly Gonzales Consumed In Key (Secret City) Converge (In Key)
The Brodie West Quintet Meadow of Dreams (Astral Spirits) Inhabit III
Tosca Delhi 9 Session 9
Red Green Blue The End and the Beginning (Astral Spirits) The End (featuring Ben LaMar Gay)
June 7, 2022
9 Lazy 9 Serpentine (9 Lazy 9) Try This
Tania Gill Quartet Disappearing Curiosities (Ansible Editions) Frisbee
Bobby Dreamz BIG Blue Lab Beats - Bluewerks Volume 6, Open the Window (Bluenote + Astralwerks) A Little Dream
Anomalie Gallerie (Nettwerk) Bond
Kuna Maze My Fish Is Burning (Tru Thoughts) Bill
Professor Kliq Antididonai Teragraph
Eccodek Recalibrate (Big Mind) Recalibrate
Thievery Corporation The Richest Man in Babylon Liberation Front
Ebi Soda Honk if You're Sad (Tru Thoughts) Christmas Lights in June
Eucalyptus Moves (Telephone Explosion) It's in a Move
Adams, Dunn + Haas Future Moons (Ansible Editions) Temple of Time
The Brodie West Quintet Meadow of Dreams (Astral Spirits) Grotto
Earthen Sea Ghost Poems (Kranky) Shiny Nowhere
Golden Hornet MXTX (Six Degrees) I Wish You Joy (featuring Jane Claire)
Vladislav Delay Anima (Keplar) Anima (version)
Plastikman + Chilly Gonzales Consumed In Key (Secret City) Locomotion (In Key)
Bonobo Animal Magic Sugar Rhyme
June 14, 2022
Eccodek Recalibrate (Big Mind) Moj Dilbere
Thievery Corporation The Richest Man in Babylon All That We Perceive
Anomalie Gallerie (Nettwerk) Mollo
Kuna Maze My Fish Is Burning (Tru Thoughts) Almost Gone
Ebi Soda Honk if You're Sad (Tru Thoughts) Gated Community with a Public Pool
Kitjohari Tango Mango (Gluegun Records) Arrepender de Conformar
Alanna Stuart Musicworks 141 (Musicworks) To Silver (Kiki Riddim)
Moderator Blue Lab Beats - Bluewerks Volume 6, Open the Window (Bluenote + Astralwerks) Laguna
Apollo Suns A Relationship of Force (self-released) Changes
Plastikman + Chilly Gonzales Consumed In Key (Secret City) In Side (In Key)
Sandoz Ambient Dub Volume 4 - Jellyfish (compilation) White Darkness (Electronic Eye Remix)
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Psychonavigation 4 Arena
Earthen Sea Ghost Poems (Kranky) Stolen Time
9 Lazy 9 Serpentine (self-released) Soup Supreme
Eucalyptus Moves (Telephone Explosion) Dust in the Wind
Golden Hornet MXTX (Six Degrees) Belonging (featuring Dario Valderrama)
The Brodie West Quintet Meadow of Dreams (Astral Spirits) Haunt
Tania Gill Quartet Disappearing Curiosities (Ansible Editions) Apology
Laurindo Almeida and the Danzaneros Crime Scene (compilation) Big Town
June 21, 2022
Tania Gill Quartet Disappearing Curiosities (Ansible Editions) Gonna Rise Like the Water
The Brodie West Quintet Meadow of Dreams (Astral Spirits) Meadow of Dreams
9 Lazy 9 Serpentine (9 Lazy 9) All Gone
Anomalie Gallerie (Nettwerk) Dribble
Nokiaa Blue Lab Beats - Bluewerks Volume 6, Open the Window (Bluenote + Astralwerks) Bruce
Eccodek Recalibrate (Big Mind) Cellular
Youthu Yindi Quango World Groove (compilation) Gapu (Australia)
Kuna Maze My Fish Is Burning (Tru Thoughts) Raw Beef
Earthen Sea Ghost Poems (Kranky) Felt Absence
Ebi Soda Honk if You're Sad (Tru Thoughts) Sadboys 2020
Eucalyptus Moves (Telephone Explosion) Coocoo Birds
Golden Hornet MXTX (Six Degrees) Mundo en Extinción (featuring Ramón Amezcua “Bostich” + Rubén Albarrán)
Plastikman + Chilly Gonzales Consumed In Key (Secret City) Consumed
Architek Percussion Six Changes (self-released) Sitting the Next Few Plays Out
Janae Jean Shortwave Transmissions (Cities and Memory) Shifting Stations for String Quartet
Karhide Shortwave Transmissions (Cities and Memory) Planetary Inertial Orientation
Jah Wobble and Deepspace Five Beat Five Beat Part I
June 28, 2022
Kuna Maze My Fish Is Burning (Tru Thoughts) Again Again
Nikitch + Kuna Maze (single) (Tru Thoughts) Sauce Brazil
Eccodek Recalibrate (Big Mind) Soul Garden
Embryo Auf Auf (Madlib Invazion) Besh
Ebi Soda Honk if You're Sad (Tru Thoughts) Listen, King
Otis Ubaka Blue Lab Beats - Bluewerks Volume 6, Open the Window (Bluenote + Astralwerks) Atmospheric
Nokiaa Blue Lab Beats - Bluewerks Volume 6, Open the Window (Bluenote + Astralwerks) Stillness
9 Lazy 9 Serpentine (9 Lazy 9) High Cotton
Funki Porcini (single) (Funki Porcini) Take Me To It
Jah Wobble and Deepspace Five Beat Five Beat Part II
Album Album (Telephone Explosion) Google Rap Hommage
Tania Gill Quartet Disappearing Curiosities (Ansible Editions) Climate Striker
Eucalyptus Moves (Telephone Explosion) Infinity Bananas
Golden Hornet MXTX (Six Degrees) Impermanencia Involuntaria (featuring Alina Maldonado)
Mas Aya Mascaras (Telephone Explosion) Tiempo Ahora
Earthen Sea Ghost Poems (Kranky) Oblique Ruins
Architek Percussion Six Changes (self-released) Dark Horse Fan
Plastikman + Chilly Gonzales Consumed In Key (Secret City) Passage Out (In Key)
July 5, 2022
Kronos Quartet Mỹ Lai (Smithsonian Folkways) Mỹ Lai Lullaby (featuring Vân-Ánh Vanessa Võ + Rinde Eckert)
Golden Hornet MXTX (Six Degrees) Colmena (featuring Graham Reynolds)
Sefi Zisling Welcome Sunset (Tru Thoughts) Older + Wiser
Jean Carne, Ali Shaheed Muhammad + Adrian Younge Jazz Is Dead 011 (Jazz Is Dead) Come As You Are
Eucalyptus Moves (Telephone Explosion) Snapdragon Hop
9 Lazy 9 Serpentine (self-released) Ampia Distanza
Nikitch + Kuna Maze Back and Forth (Tru Thoughts) Coffee Kingdom
Dubmatix meets Future Dub Orchestra Frontline Dub (Echo Beach) Black Arc
Dubinator King Size Dub (compilation) (Echo Beach) Magic Anarchy (featuring Dieter Meier)
Mysticwood The Mystic Way of Dub (Dubquake) The Mystic Way
The Gruesome Twosome Rare Early SSR Electronica EP 1989-91 - Crammed Archives (compilation) (Crammed Discs) Hallucination Generation
Sam Gendel Superstore (Leaving) Saiko
Drummachinemike Artificial Environments (Drum Machine Music) Research and Development
Automatisme + Stefan Paulus Gap-Void (Constellation) Saentis
Loscil The Sails part 1 (self-released) Wells
Earthen Sea Ghost Poems (Kranky) Snowy Water
David Virelles Nuna (Pi) Spacetime
Vega Trails Tremors in the Static (Gondwana) New Planet
July 12, 2022
Vega Trails Tremors in the Static (Gondwana) Red Moon Rising
David Virelles Nuna (Pi) Ocho
Golden Hornet MXTX (Six Degrees) Bless Isomer (featuring Yvonne Goodwyne)
Eucalyptus Moves (Telephone Explosion) Rose Manor
Sefi Zisling Welcome Sunset (Tru Thoughts) Welcome Sunset
Nikitch + Kuna Maze Back and Forth (Tru Thoughts) Zugzwang
Katalyst, Ali Shaheed Muhammad + Adrian Younge Jazz Is Dead 011 (Jazz Is Dead) The Avenues
Loscil The Sails part 1 (self-released) Twenty One
Earthen Sea Ghost Poems (Kranky) Rough Air
Automatisme + Stefan Paulus Gap-Void (Constellation) Marwees
Drummachinemike Artificial Environments (Drum Machine Music) Disenfranchised
Bleep Rare Early SSR Electronica EP 1989-91 - Crammed Archives (compilation) (Crammed Discs) A Byte of AMC
Sam Gendel Superstore (Leaving) LAX Tunnel
9 Lazy 9 Serpentine (9 Lazy 9) In My Apartment
Kronos Quartet Mỹ Lai (Smithsonian Folkways) First Landing 1. Flight (featuring Vân-Ánh Vanessa Võ + Rinde Eckert)
Alex Eddington A Present from a Small Distant World (Redshift) Scintillator
Tim Brady Actions Speak Louder (Redshift) 60 (Just Water)
July 19, 2022
Automatisme + Stefan Paulus Gap-Void (Constellation) Ueble Schlucht
Kronos Quartet Mỹ Lai (Smithsonian Folkways) First Landing 2. Descent (featuring Vân-Ánh Vanessa Võ + Rinde Eckert)
Tonbau G Minus 2 (Totem) Kaleidos
Loscil The Sails part 1 (self-released) Fiction
Vega Trails Tremors in the Static (Gondwana) Tremors in the Static
Ronnie Foster The New Groove - The Bluenote Remix Project Volume 1 (Bluenote) Summer Song
Lonnie Smith, Loren Oden, Ali Shaheed Muhammad + Adrian Younge Jazz Is Dead 011 (Jazz Is Dead) Love Brings Happiness
Nikitch + Kuna Maze Back and Forth (Tru Thoughts) 507 Miles High
Rabii Harnoune + V. B. Kuhl (single) (Tru Thoughts) Koyo Koyo (Instrumental)
Rabii Harnoune + V. B. Kuhl (single) (Tru Thoughts) Koyo Koyo (V. B. Kuhl Remix)
Kuna Maze My Fish Is Burning (Tru Thoughts) Mask On
David Virelles Nuna (Pi) Ghost Town
Golden Hornet MXTX (Six Degrees) La Sombra del CauDJ (featuring Felipe Pérez Santiago)
Anomalie Gallerie (Nettwerk) Hummingbird
9 Lazy 9 Serpentine (self-released) Fuse
Drummachinemike Artificial Environments (Drum Machine Music) An Upgraded Death
Alegria Rare Early SSR Electronica EP 1989-91 - Crammed Archives (compilation) (Crammed Discs) Danger
Sam Gendel Superstore (Leaving) MFV
Earthen Sea Ghost Poems (Kranky) Slate Horizon
July 26, 2022
Henry Franklin, Ali Shaheed Muhammad + Adrian Younge Jazz Is Dead 011 (Jazz Is Dead) The Griot
Nikitch + Kuna Maze Back and Forth (Tru Thoughts) Leezurd
David Virelles Nuna (Pi) Rezo
Kronos Quartet Mỹ Lai (Smithsonian Folkways) First Landing 3. The Ditch (featuring Vân-Ánh Vanessa Võ + Rinde Eckert)
Drummachinemike Artificial Environments (Drum Machine Music) I Was Never Here
Automatisme + Stefan Paulus Gap-Void (Constellation) Blau Schnee
Dubmatix meets Future Dub Orchestra Frontline Dub (Echo Beach) Heavy Stepper
Dubmatix meets Future Dub Orchestra King Size Dub (compilation) (Echo Beach) Black Arc
Sefi Zisling Welcome Sunset (Tru Thoughts) The Sky Sings - Instrumental (Obas Nenor's Extended Dub featuring Layla Moallem, Jasmin Moallem & KerenDun)
Kuna Maze My Fish Is Burning (Tru Thoughts) Low Tide (Outro)
9 Lazy 9 Serpentine (self-released) Polarized
Eucalyptus Moves (Telephone Explosion) Lookie
Vega Trails Tremors in the Static (Gondwana) Epic Dream
Earthen Sea Ghost Poems (Kranky) Ochre Sky
Golden Hornet MXTX (Six Degrees) Proliferation (featuring Microhm)
Loscil The Sails part 1 (self-released) Upstream
Sam Gendel Superstore (Leaving) Suzuki Mini
August 2, 2022
Midan + Ahnamusica New Beginnings (Cold Busted) Mandarins
Anushka 4 AM (single) (Tru Thoughts) 4 AM (Instrumental)
Anushka 4 AM (single) (Tru Thoughts) 4 AM (featuring Wolfgang Flür)
Isan Isan Demonstration Tapes (Morr) Telia
Drummachinemike Artificial Environments (Drum Machine Music) Better Living Through Science
Automatisme + Stefan Paulus Gap-Void (Constellation) Stoos
Departamentul Zero Future Nuggets: Sounds Of The Unheard From Romania Volume 4 (Fun in the Church) Safe Passage
Punku Punku (Six Degrees) Tutamanta
Kadef Abgi Diva Of Deva Loka (Akuphone) Mamadou
Rabii Haroune + V. B. Kuhl Gnawa ELectric Laune II (Tru Thoughts) Maya (Instrumental)
Dubmatix meets Future Dub Orchestra Frontline Dub (Echo Beach) Inner Blues (Future Dub Orchestra)
Seanie T. meets Aldubb King Size Dub (compilation) (Echo Beach) Punky Reggae Party (featuring Rob Smith aka RSD - Aotearoa Dub)
Elaquent Long Drives to Nowhere (Urbnet) Tiger Stripes
Elaquent Long Drives to Nowhere (Urbnet) Anxiety
Loscil The Sails (self-released) Still
Parisa Sabet A Cup of Sins (Redshift Records) Shurangiz
David Virelles Nuna (Pi) Ignacio Villa
Nick Storring Music from 'Wéi 成为' (Orange Milk Records) I
August 9, 2022
Luman Child Love is the Message (Tru Thoughts) Loving You (Instrumental)
Ronnie Foster Reboot (Bluenote) Reboot
The Diasonics Record Kicks Breaks and Beats Volume 2 (Record Kicks) Gurami
Dubmatix meets Future Dub Orchestra Frontline Dub (Echo Beach) Samurai Dub (Future Dub Orchestra)
Dubjestic King Size Dub (compilation) (Echo Beach) Sleepless
Elaquent Long Drives to Nowhere (Urbnet) Harana
Midan + Ahnamusica New Beginnings (Cold Busted) Cool Jazz Lovers
Zero Db A Pombo Girou (EP) (Tru Thoughts) A Pombo Girou (Austin Ato Remix) (Instrumental)
Zero Db A Pombo Girou (EP) (Tru Thoughts) A Pombo Girou (Austin Ato Remix)
Afronaut Shapes-Spectrum (compilation) (Tru Thoughts) How It Goes
Rabii Haroune + V. B. Kuhl Gnawa ELectric Laune II (Tru Thoughts) Jilani (Instrumental)
Kadef Abgi Diva Of Deva Loka (Akuphone) Rahma
Automatisme + Stefan Paulus Gap-Void (Constellation) Wisswand
Nick Storring Music from 'Wéi 成为' (Orange Milk Records) II
Rodion G.A. Misiunea Spatiala Delta (Delta Space Mission) Planeta Misterioasa
David Virelles Nuna (Pi) Simple Answer
August 16, 2022
Nick Storring Music from 'Wéi 成为' (Orange Milk Records) III
Loscil The Sails (self released) Cobalt
Forgiveness Next Time Could Be Your Last Time (Gondwana) Mushroom Umbrella
David Virelles Nuna (Pi) Al Compás De Mi Viejo Tres
Ronnie Foster Reboot (Bluenote) Sultry Song II
Midan + Ahnamusica New Beginnings (Cold Busted) Trying To Find
The Tibbs Record Kicks Breaks and Beats Volume 2 (Record Kicks) Ball and Chain
Fybe 1 Shapes Spectrum (compilation) (Tru Thoughts) Flip That
Rabii Haroune + V. B. Kuhl Gnawa Electric Laune II (Tru Thoughts) Samaoui
Dubmatix King Size Dub (compilation) (Echo Beach) Transmissions
Twilight Circus Dub Plate Selection (M Records) Filter 13
Pole 3 (Matador) Strand
Rhi Nocturnes EP (Tru Thoughts) No One Else (Instrumental)
Elaquent Long Drives to Nowhere (Urbnet) Tough Love
Kadef Abgi Diva Of Deva Loka (Akuphone) Sahel
Parisa Sabet A Cup of Sins (Redshift Records) Geyrani
Drummachinemike Artificial Environments (Drum Machine Music) Offline
Kouraken Alien Parade Japan (compilation) (Alien Transistor) Tohonoko
Automatisme + Stefan Paulus Gap-Void (Constellation) Schwarzhorn
Punku Punku (Six Degrees) Ancestral
August 23, 2022
Forgiveness Next Time Could Be Your Last Time (Gondwana) Rainbird
Automatisme + Stefan Paulus Gap-Void (Constellation) Tothore
David Virelles Nuna (Pi) Danza De Rosario
Loscil The Sails (self released) Container
Nick Storring Music from 'Wéi 成为' (Orange Milk Records) IV + V
Third Coast Kings Record Kicks Breaks and Beats Volume 2 (Record Kicks) Ice Cream Man
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 4 (Ninja Tune) I'm the Food
Melonyx Ujjayi (EP)(Tru Thoughts) Ujjayi (Bruk Rogers Remix) (Instrumental)
Rabii Haroune + V. B. Kuhl Gnawa Electric Laune II (Tru Thoughts) Quazar (Instrumental)
Mysticwood The Mystic Way of Dub (Dubquake) The Mystic Way of Dub
Automat King Size Dub (compilation) (Echo Beach) Easy Riding (featuring Paul St. Hilaire)(Dubvisionist's Echo Beach Remix)
Rhi Nocturnes EP (Tru Thoughts) Red Pepper (Instrumental)
Drummachinemike Artificial Environments (Drum Machine Music) Process Mapping
T. Gowdy Miracles (Constellation) Miracles
ISAN ISAN Demonstration Tapes (Morr) Cosmo 7-11
Sarah Albu + Gayle Young Musicworks 142 (compilation) (Musicworks) Ancient Ocean Floor
August 30, 2022
Almamegretta King Size Dub (Echo Beach) O Dub Comme E Gaudi Dub Trip
Mysticwood The Mystic Way of Dub (Dubquake) Keep on Dubbing
Mysticwood The Mystic Way of Dub (Dubquake) Keep on Moving
Dub Spencer + Trance Hill King Size Dub (compilation) (Echo Beach) Trance Plane (King Size Dub edit)
Zero Db A Pomba Girou (EP) (Tru Thoughts) A Pomba Girou (Szajna Remix Dub)
Punku Punku (Six Degrees) Chuncho
ISAN ISAN Demonstration Tapes (Morr) Kerri Strugg
Rabii Haroune + V. B. Kuhl Gnawa ELectric Laune II (Tru Thoughts) Gazelle (Instrumental)
Rabii Haroune + V. B. Kuhl Gnawa Electric Laune II (Tru Thoughts) Quazar (Instrumental)
Mysticwood The Mystic Way of Dub (Dubquake) The Mystic Way of Dub
Nick Storring Music from 'Wéi 成为' (Orange Milk Records) VI
Loscil The Sails (self released) Century
Forgiveness Next Time Could be Your Last Time (Gondwana) Dying in Eden
David Virelles Nuna (Pi) Nacen
David Virelles Nuna (Pi) A Tres Voces
Drummachinemike Artificial Environments (Drum Machine Music) No Longer Valid
T. Gowdy Miracles (Constellation) Vidisions
Crafty 893 Shapes-Spectrum (compilation) (Tru Thoughts) XxXxXxX
Elaquent Long Drives to Nowhere (Urbnet) The Voyage
Earthen Sea Ghost Poems (Kranky) Fossil Painting
Kadef Abgi Diva Of Deva Loka (Akuphone) Abbès Saladi
Yaz Lancaster Musicworks 142 (compilation) (Musicworks) Wind Down
September 6, 2022
Bill Laswell Imaginary Cuba (Wicklow) Habana Transmission Number 3 - Shango Sound Scan
Rabii Haroune + V. B. Kuhl Gnawa Electric Laune II (Tru Thoughts) Foulani
Esbe Sunset Girl (Cold Busted) I Want Love
Elusive Allusions (Alpha Pup) Unrelated Context
Doom Cannon Renaissance (Brownswood) Dark Ages
Isotope 217 The Unstable Molecule (Thrill Jockey) Phonometrics
Mouse on Mars Radical Connector (Thrill Jockey) Mine Is In Yours
Shabaka Afrikan Culture (Impulse!) Rebirth
Dubmatix meets Future Dub Orchestra Frontline Dub (Echo Beach) Heavy Stepper (Future Dub Orchestra remix)
Dubby Stardust featuring Jasmine Ash King Size Dub (compilation) (Echo Beach) Heroes
Pat G. Forest City Series, Volume 5 (compilation) (A Person Disguised As People) The more you know!
Crafty 893 Boot It (Instrumentals) (Tru Thoughts) Senior Don (Instrumental)
Hannah Williams Record Kicks Breaks and Beats Volume 2 (compilation) (Record Kicks) 50 Foot Woman
Chenosky Forest City Series, Volume 5 (compilation) (A Person Disguised As People) Sadhana (A Thing I Do Everyday)
T. Gowdy Miracles (Constellation) Transcend I
Florian Hoefner Trio Desert Bloom (Alma) Between The Lines
Pill Super Ghost Reel (self-released) Hallet's Flood
Anchorsong New World EP (Tru Thoughts) New World (Hinako Omori Remix)
Loscil The Sails (self-released) Dote
Sarah Davachi Antiphonals (Late) First Cadence
September 13, 2022
T. Gowdy Miracles (Constellation) Deneigeuse
Shabaka Afrikan Culture (Impulse!) The Dimension of Subtle Awareness
Elusive Allusions (Alpha Pup) Figure of Speech
Dubmatix meets Future Dub Orchestra Frontline Dub (Echo Beach) Black Arc (Future Dub Orchestra)
Isotope 217 The Unstable Molecule (Thrill Jockey) La Jetee
Doom Cannon Renaissance (Brownswood) Entrance To The Unknown
Up Bustle Out Rebel Radio - Master Session 1 - Havana - Featuring Richard Egues (Ninja Tune) The Educators
DJ Food Kaleidoscope (Ninja Tune) Cookin'
Funki Porcini Where The Sauce Is Deluxe (self released) Take Me To It
Rabii Haroune + V. B. Kuhl Gnawa Electric Laune II (Tru Thoughts) Sofi
Mouse on Mars Radical Connector (Thrill Jockey) Wipe That Sound
Esbe Sunset Girl (Cold Busted) Sunset Girl
WheelUP + Sam Interface Copacetic EP (Tru Thoughts) Copacetic
C. Jones meets Ale X King Size Dub (compilation) (Echo Beach) Sunshine Dub (King Size Dub Edit)
Calibro 35 Record Kicks Breaks and Beats Volume 2 (compilation) (Record Kicks) Stan Lee (Alternate Instrumental)
Pill Super Ghost Reel (self-released) At Last
Harmonische Forest City Series, Volume 5 (compilation) (A Person Disguised As People) The Tide in Your Eyes
Loscil The Sails (self-released) Floating
September 20, 2022
Elusive Allusions (Alpha Pup) Passing Reference
Esbe Sunset Girl (Cold Busted) Again
Doom Cannon Renaissance (Brownswood) Uncovering Truth
Shabaka Afrikan Culture (Impulse!) Explore Inner Space
Florian Hoefner Trio Desert Bloom (Alma) Neptune
T. Gowdy Miracles (Constellation) 350J
Rabii Haroune + V. B. Kuhl Gnawa Electric Laune II (Tru Thoughts) Koyo Koyo
Dubxanne aka GC King Size Dub (compilation) (Echo Beach) Nwid Hog Dub
Bones of God Record Kicks Breaks and Beats Volume 2 (compilation) (Record Kicks) Bones of God
Isotope 217 The Unstable Molecule (Thrill Jockey) Beneath The Undertow
ALT 255 Forest City Series, Volume 5 (compilation) (A Person Disguised As People) Echo Lzr
Pill Super Ghost Reel (self-released) When You See It
Mouse on Mars Radical Connector (Thrill Jockey) Spaceship
Isan Isan Demonstration Tapes (Morr) Moon And Ladder
Loscil The Sails (self-released) Landings
Nick Storring Music from 'Wéi 成为' (Orange Milk Records) VII & IIX
Arushi Jain Under the Lilac Sky (Leaving) Look How Far We Have Come
September 27, 2022
Mouse on Mars Radical Connector (Thrill Jockey) Send Me Shivers
Florian Hoefner Trio Desert Bloom (Alma) Shifting Baseline Syndrome
Amon Tobin Bricolage (Ninja Tune) One Day In My Garden
Luna String Quartet Musicworks 142 (Musicworks) Outside The Rain Has Stopped
Dubmatix meets Future Dub Orchestra Frontline Dub (Echo Beach) Frontline Dub
Marta Ren Record Kicks Breaks and Beats Volume 2 (compilation) (Record Kicks) 22 22 (Instrumental)
Rabii Haroune + V. B. Kuhl Gnawa Electric Laune II (Tru Thoughts) Gihaorba
Esbe Sunset Girl (Cold Busted) Special
Pill Super Ghost Reel (self-released) Steam One
Shabaka Afrikan Culture (Impulse!) Ritual Awakening
Doom Cannon Renaissance (Brownswood) Thesis
Loscil The Sails (self-released) Downstream
Forgiveness Next Time Could Be Your Last Time (Gondwana) Transparent
Paolo Baldini Dubfiles meets Noiseshaper King Size Dub (compilation) (Echo Beach) Dunk
Isotope 217 The Unstable Molecule (Thrill Jockey) Kryptonite Smokes The Red Line
Elusive Allusions (Alpha Pup) Artistic Device
T. Gowdy Miracles (Constellation) U4A
Yards Forest City Series, Volume 5 (compilation) (A Person Disguised As People) Still
Dianne Labrosee, Iku Mori + Martin Tetreault Ile Bizarre (Ambiences Magnetiques) Fossiles et Extra Tempum
October 4, 2022
Chet Doxas Rich in Symbols II (Justin Time) The Slopes of Saint-Tites-des-Caps
Marina Hasselberg Red (Redshift)
Harmonische-23 Kiosk (A Person Disguised as People) Broken Biscuits
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith Let's Turn It Into Sound (Ghostly International) Locate
Dub Spencer + Trance Hill Imago Cells (Echo Beach) Trance Plane
African Head Charge Pay It All Back Volume 8 (compilation) (On-U Sound) Asalatua
Crafty 893 Easy Nuh (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Easy Nuh (Instrumental)
Jairus Sharif Water + Tools (Telephone Explosion) Humility
Lunar Lemur Sifting Stars (Trinket Trance) Interstellar Medium
Yaz Lancaster Yang Chen - Longing for_ (People Places Records) Euphoric
Isotope 217 The Unstable Molecule (Thrill Jockey) Prince Namor
9 Lazy 9 Serpentine (self-released) Lexington and 5th
High Alpine Hut Network 727 / 16 (Ansible Editions) 16
Architek Percussion Six Changes (self-released) Perspective
Sacred System Nagual Site (Wicklow) Derive
Automatisme + Stefan Paulus Gap - Void (Constellation) Tothore
October 11, 2022
Bekah Simms Bestiaries (Centrediscs) From Void
Lunar Lemur Sifting Stars (Trinket Trance) Ejecta Volume
Creation Rebel Pay It All Back Volume 8 (compilation) (On-U Sound) Stonebridge Warrior
Sly5thAve + JSWISS Energy / Watching Me (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Energy (Instrumental)
High Alpine Hut Network 727 / 16 (Ansible Editions) 727
Dub Spencer + Trance Hill Imago Cells (Echo Beach) Dubai Market
Jairus Sharif Water + Tools (Telephone Explosion) Ra Comm 43
Marina Hasselberg Red (Redshsift) Where the Sand is Hot
Chet Doxas Rich in Symbols II (Justin Time) Snow Clouds
Andrew Noseworthy Yang Chen - Longing for_ (People Places Records) All Good Pieces Have Two Things
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith Let's Turn It Into Sound (Ghostly International) Pivot Signal
Harmonische-23 Kiosk (A Person Disguised as People) Bōsōzoku
Habalayon Frozen Rainfall (A Person Disguised as People) A Day Inside
The Gaye Device The Orange Garden (Cities and Memory) The Garden of Love
October 18, 2022
Marina Hasselberg Red (Redshift) Deep Blue
Harmonische-23 Kiosk (A Person Disguised as People) Transmission Suite 23
Sly5thAve + JSWISS Energy / Watching Me (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Watching Me featuring MonoNeon (Instrumental)
Ebi Soda Honk if You're Sad (Tru Thoughts) Pseudocreme
Eccodek Recalibrate (Big Mind) Cellular
The Halluci Nation One More Saturday Night (Radicalized) Takarita featuring Rob Ruha
Charles Lutvak Yang Chen - Longing for_ (People Places Records) Rest Stop #1
Jairus Sharif Water + Tools (Telephone Explosion) Surfacing
Dub Spencer + Trance Hill Imago Cells (Echo Beach) Bluster
Ital Horns Pay It All Back Volume 8 (compilation) (On-U Sound) Metropolis
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith Let's Turn It Into Sound (Ghostly International) Then the Wind Came
Funki Porcini Hed Phone Sex (Ninja Tune) B Monkey
Chet Doxas Rich in Symbols II (Justin Time) The Jack Pine
Lunar Lemur Sifting Stars (Trinket Trance) Equilibrium Reflux
Shabaka Afrikan Culture (Impulse!) Memories Don't Live Like People Do
Piers Oolvai The Vigil Sequences (self-released) Chorale (Single Version)
Florian Hoefner Trio Desert Bloom (Alma) Shelter
October 25, 2022
Funki Porcini Where The Sauce Is Deluxe (self-released) The Road To Somewhere
King Cobb Steelie Project Twinkle (Lunamoth) Italian Ufology Today
Bekah Simms Bestiaries (Centrediscs) Foreverdark
Chet Doxas Rich in Symbols II (Justin Time) Tree Trunk
Lunar Lemur Sifting Stars (Trinket Trance) Sinking Tongue 5
Harmonische-23 Kiosk (A Person Disguised as People) Music Box
Think Tonk All My Weakness featuring Collette Warren (EP) (Tru Thoughts) All My Weakness (Instrumental)
Dub Spencer + Trance Hill Imago Cells (Echo Beach) Cypress Swamp
Jairus Sharif Water + Tools (Telephone Explosion) 9-5 Silver
Andy Fairley Pay It All Back Volume 8 (compilation) (On-U Sound) Deranged Man
Chapterhouse Blood Music (Dedicated Records) Deli
Marina Hasselberg Red (Redshift) Ricercar
Jason Doell Yang Chen - Longing for_ (People Places Records) Through Intimate, Swims
Jessica Moss Phosphenes (Constellation) Distortion Harbour
Mouse on Mars Radical Connector (Thrill Jockey) Evoke An Object
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith Let's Turn It Into Sound (Ghostly International) Give to the Water
November 1, 2022
Basher Doubles (Sinking City) Ponchatoula
Molly Lewis Mirage (Jagjaguwar) Mirage
Bon-Psy Order (Folded) Order
Sleeping Lily Floda (self-released) Odonata
Harmonische-23 Kiosk (A Person Disguised as People) Kismet
Henry Franklin, Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad Henry Franklin (Jazz Is Dead) Karibu 1
Patrick Giles Forest City Series, Volume 5 (compilation) (A Person Disguised As People) The More You Know!
Horace Andy Midnight Scorchers (On-U Sound) Ain't No Love in the Heart of the City
Dub Spencer + Trance Hill Imago Cells (Echo Beach) Chili Dub
RCola meets Dubmatix Jungle Remixes (Echo Beach) War - Peace
Zero Db Heavyweigth Gringos (Part 2) (Tru Thoughts) Te Quiero (Peter Kruder's Deep Dub Remix)
Aurora Dee Raynes Good For You (Shy One Remix) (Tru Thoughts) Good For You (Shy One Remix) (Instrumental)
Bill Speakman ESL Collection (compilation) (Rhythm and Culture) Ostera
Stereolab Stereolab - Pulse of the Early Brain (Switched On Volume 5) (Warp) Laisser-Faire
Jairus Sharif Water + Tools (Telephone Explosion) Dr. Teddy's Hi Test
Sharky People Are Strange (Tru Thoughts) Chequered Squares
Lunar Lemur Sifting Stars (Trinket Trance) Orion Bridge
No Hay Banda + Mauricio Paula I Had a Dream About This Place (No Hay Discos) The Difference is the Buildings Between Us
November 8, 2022
Show pre-empted due to special broadcast
November 15, 2022
Sleeping Lily Floda (self-released) Disquiet
Bon-Psy Order (Folded) Carte Blanche
Henry Franklin, Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad Henry Franklin (Jazz Is Dead) People's Revolution
Molly Lewis Mirage (Jagjaguwar) Dolphines
Horace Andy Midnight Scorchers (On-U Sound) Dirty Money Business
RCola meets Dubmatix Jungle Remixes (Echo Beach) Liberation Time
Zero Db Heavyweigth Gringos (Part 2) (Tru Thoughts) Bongos, Bleeps, Basslines (Special Guest Remix)
Dub Africa ESL Collection (compilation) (Rhythm and Culture) Mzanzi (Dub)
Dub Spencer + Trance Hill Imago Cells (Echo Beach) Cruise
Moat Bells Forest City Series, Volume 5 (compilation) (A Person Disguised As People) Missed Cues
Lunar Lemur Sifting Stars (Trinket Trance) There Is No Up
Harmonische-23 Kiosk (A Person Disguised as People) What Goes Up... Must Come Down
Basher Doubles (Sinking City) Artemis
Jairus Sharif Water + Tools (Telephone Explosion) Ra Comm 10
Stereolab Stereolab - Pulse of the Early Brain (Switched On Volume 5) (Warp) Low Fi
No Hay Banda + Anthony Tan I Had a Dream About This Place (No Hay Discos) An Overall Augmented Sense of Well-being
November 22, 2022
Molly Lewis Mirage (Jagjaguwar) Cabana De Mel
Henry Franklin, Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad Henry Franklin (Jazz Is Dead) Memories Lost
Bon-Psy Order (Folded) Warm Fuzzies - The Glory
Basher Doubles (Sinking City) Primetime-A-Go-go
Horace Andy Midnight Scorchers (On-U Sound) Sleepy's Night Cap
Dub Spencer + Trance Hill Imago Cells (Echo Beach) Fugu
RCola meets Dubmatix Jungle Remixes (Echo Beach) Inna Eden Dub
Empresarios ESL Collection (compilation) (Rhythm and Culture) Easy Method
Mr. Score Forest City Series, Volume 5 (compilation) (A Person Disguised As People) 1 hr to the D
Stereolab Stereolab + Nurse with Wound - Pulse of the Early Brain (Switched On Volume 5) (Warp) Trippin' with the Birds
Harmonische-23 Kiosk (A Person Disguised as People) First Ray of the Eternal Sunshine
Jairus Sharif Water + Tools (Telephone Explosion) Earth III
Lunar Lemur Sifting Stars (Trinket Trance) Chicxulub Landing
No Hay Banda + Sabrina Schroeder I Had a Dream About This Place (No Hay Discos) Rubber Houses
Sleeping Lily Floda (self-released) My Heart Hurts
November 29, 2022
Stereolab Stereolab - Pulse of the Early Brain (Switched On Volume 5) (Warp) Varoom!
Jairus Sharif Water + Tools (Telephone Explosion) Water + Tools
Mad Seedling ESL Collection (compilation) (Rhythm and Culture) Lady Z
Lazarus Moment Forest City Series, Volume 5 (compilation) (A Person Disguised As People) Hearts
Bon-Psy Order (Folded) Ukiyo
Molly Lewis Mirage (Jagjaguwar) Miracle Fruit
Henry Franklin, Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad Henry Franklin (Jazz Is Dead) The Griot
Dub Spencer + Trance Hill Imago Cells (Echo Beach) Fugu (XL version)
Horace Andy Midnight Scorchers (On-U Sound) Midnight Scorcher
No Hay Banda + Andrea Young I Had a Dream About This Place (No Hay Discos) A Moment or Two of Panic
December 6, 2022
Hidden Orchestra Archipelogo: Source Materials (Tru Thoughts) Flight - Harps, Flying Carpet + Wind Instruments
Tom Skinner Voices Of Bishara (International Anthem) The Day After Tomorrow
Amon Tobin Permutation (Ninja Tune) Bridge
Amon Tobin How Do You Live (Nomark) Now Future
Alvaro Rojas Music for 22 (self-released) Double Dragon
Svaneborg Kardyb Over Tage (Gondwana) Op
Cabbageboy Genetically Modified (Ninja Tune) Departure
Sly 5th Ave + J-Swiss Somebody's Gotta Do It (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Somebody's Gotta Do It (Instrumental)
Drummachinemike A Photocopied Life (Drum Machine) Proof of Life
Bjork Fossora (One Little Independent) Mycelia
Harmonic Cross The Grand Paradise [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Dark Operative) Wisdom
Underground Canopy Uncut Gems (Sense) Hors d'Oeuvre
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Psychonavigation 4 (Fax) Samira
Eccodek Recalibrate (Big Mind) Exaltation
Punku Punku (Six Degrees) Takiy
Katelyn Aurelia Smith Fictions, Made To Measure Volume 47 (compilation) (Crammed Discs) Waterways
Jessica Moss Galaxy Heart (Constellation) This Continuous Spectrum
Brian Eno For Ever and Ever No More (Verve) Inclusion
Adams, Dunn + Haas Future Moons (Ansible Editions) Tulips for Cygnus
Joseph Petric Seen (Redshift) Norbert Palej, III - Miracle of the Sun
December 13, 2022
Svaneborg Kardyb Over Tage (Gondwana) Fragt
Alvaro Rojas Music for 22 (self-released) Wish
Hidden Orchestra Archipelogo : Source Materials (Tru Thoughts) Väinämöinen - Kanteles, Harps + Zithers
Christina Vantzou Fictions, Made To Measure Volume 47 (compilation) (Crammed Discs) Museum Critic
Tom Skinner Voices Of Bishara (International Anthem) The Journey
Joseph Petric Seen (Redshift) Norbert Palej, II - Mary's Hill
Harmonic Cross The Grand Paradise [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Dark Operative) Virtue
Jessica Moss Galaxy Heart (Constellation) Resistance Creature
Drummachinemike A Photocopied Life (Drum Machine) Context
Amon Tobin How Do You Live (Nomark) Button Down Fashion Bow
9 Lazy 9 Serpentine (self-released) Fuse
Underground Canopy Uncut Gems (Sense) Pearl Express
Isotope 217 The Unstable Molecule (Thrill Jockey) Prince Namor
Slowe WYLTK (EP) (Tru Thoughts) WYLTK (Instrumental)
Blue Lab Beats Motherland Journey (Blue Note) Sky Reflections (Intro)
Sly 5th Ave + J-Swiss Somebody's Gotta Do It (Tru Thoughts) Humble (Instrumental)
Aurora Dee Raynes Crazy That You Love (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Crazy That You Love (El-B Dub Remix) (Instrumental)
Wheel UP Infinity featuring Abacus (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Infinity
Nikitch + Kuna Maze Zugzwang (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Zugzwang (Peaky Beats Remix)
Elaquent Long Drives To Nowhere (Urbnet) The Voyage
December 20, 2022
Alvaro Rojas Music for 22 (self-released) Down Under
Harmonic Cross The Grand Paradise [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Dark Operative) Law of Reason
Svaneborg Kardyb Over Tage (Gondwana) Orbit
Brian Eno For Ever and Ever No More (Verve) Making Gardens out of Silence
Joseph Petric Seen (Redshift) Norbert Palej, I - Vision of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Cabbageboy Genetically Modified (Ninja Tune) Bean To This World
Amon Tobin How Do You Live (Nomark) This Living Hand
Jessica Moss Galaxy Heart (Constellation) Uncanny Being - Violin Study
Tom Skinner Voices Of Bishara (International Anthem) Red 2
Underground Canopy Uncut Gems (Sense) Moonrays
Hidden Orchestra Archipelogo : Source Materials (Tru Thoughts) Disquiet - Drums + Sounds
Stubbleman featuring Nils Petter Molvaer Fictions, Made To Measure Volume 47 (compilation) (Crammed Discs) Ne Pas se Pencher au Dehors
Isotope 217 The Unstable Molecule (Thrill Jockey) Phonometrics
Aurora Dee Raynes Crazy That You Love (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Crazy That You Love (El-B Remix) (Instrumental)
Bruk Rogers LDN 313 (EP) (Tru Thoughts) LDN 313
Drummachinemike A Photocopied Life (Drum Machine) Intelligent Drum Machine Music
Bill Laswell Oscillations Remixes (Sub Rosa) Bisk
December 27, 2022
Harmonic Cross The Grand Paradise [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Dark Operative) Nature
Jessica Moss Galaxy Heart (Constellation) Is There Room For All Of It
Tom Skinner Voices Of Bishara (International Anthem) Bishara
Underground Canopy Uncut Gems (Sense) Zero - F
Anomalie Galerie (Nettwerk) Bond
Sly 5th Ave + J-Swiss Somebody's Gotta Do It (Tru Thoughts) Never Forget (Instrumental)
9 Lazy 9 Serpentine (self-released) Star Spinner
Blue Lab Beats Motherland Journey (Blue Note) Inhale & Exhale (Interlude)
Lucrecia Dalt, Camille Mandoki + Matias Aguayo Fictions, Made To Measure Volume 47 (compilation) (Crammed Discs) Sumamone (The Free Flyers)
Joseph Petric Seen (Redshift) David Jaeger + Joseph Petric — Spirit Cloud
Rob Clutton Trio Counsel of Primaries (SnailBongBong Records) Strata
Amon Tobin How Do You Live (Nomark) In a Valley Stood the Sun
Elaquent Long Drives To Nowhere (Urbnet) Harana
Drummachinemike A Photocopied Life (Drum Machine) Answering Machines
Eccodek Recalibrate (Big Mind) Cellular
T. Gowdy Miracles (Constellation) Clipse
Svaneborg Kardyb Over Tage (Gondwana) Farvel
Alvaro Rojas Music for 22 (self-released) Meditation Park
Hidden Orchestra Archipelogo : Source Materials (Tru Thoughts) Spoken - Trumpet, Keys, Gongs + Birds
January 3, 2023
Actress Dummy Corporation EP (Ninja Tune) Dummy Corporation
Castle If The Verdant Realm (self-released) Mossy Undergrowth
Seekers International Dub Displacement Dynamite! (Panospira) Razed Groundation
Biggabush A Different Style EP (Tru Thoughts) Real + Regal featuring Farda P (Bigga's Rising Dub)
Pole Tempus (Mute) Stechmueck
Donald Byrd Live Cookin with Blue Note at Montreux (Blue Note) Black Byrd
Underground Canopy Uncut Gems (Sense) Space Gems
The Soft Pink Truth Is It Going To Get Any Deeper Than This (Thrill Jockey) Deeper
Jessica Moss Galaxy Heart (Constellation) Uncanny Body Violin Study 1
Gabrial Wek To The Moon, A Tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto (Milan) Forbidden Colors (Remodel)
Oh No Noh Kanzi (Teleskop) Relying on Words Alone
Lycoriscoris Sketches From Memory (self-released) Drift
January 10, 2023
Oh No Noh Kanzi (Teleskop) Drift
Seekers International Dub Displacement Dynamite! (Panospira) Greenwash Hypnosis
Castle If The Verdant Realm (self-released) Waiting In The Woods
The Soft Pink Truth Is It Going To Get Any Deeper Than This (Thrill Jockey) Moodswing
Actress Dummy Corporation EP (Ninja Tune) Futur Spher Techno Version
Donald Byrd Live Cookin with Blue Note at Montreux (Blue Note) You've Got It Bad Girl
Biggabush A Different Style EP (Tru Thoughts) This River featuring Jackie Walters (Sentinel 793 Remix)
Pole Tempus (Mute) Cenote
Underground Canopy Uncut Gems (Sense) Into The Deep
Jessica Moss Galaxy Heart (Constellation) Opened Ending
Lim Giong To The Moon, A Tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto (Milan) Walker (Follow the Steps Remodel)
Lycoriscoris Sketches From Memory (self-released) We Are Still Alone
Svaneborg Kardyb Over Tage (Gondwana) Island
Hidden Orchestra Tru Thoughts 2022 (compilation) (Tru Thoughts) Disquiet - Harps
January 17, 2023
Lycoriscoris Sketches From Memory (self-released) A Piece of Nature
Castle If The Verdant Realm (self-released) Shadowy Menace
Biggabush A Different Style EP (Tru Thoughts) Sole Sister (James Hayford Shoes Remix)
Donald Byrd Live Cookin with Blue Note at Montreux (Blue Note) The East
Oh No Noh Kanzi (Teleskop) Chiralities
Jessica Moss Galaxy Heart (Constellation) Enduring Oceans
Actress Dummy Corporation EP (Ninja Tune) Fragments of a Butterfly's Face
Pole Tempus (Mute) Tempus
Seekers International Dub Displacement Dynamite! (Panospira) Nutribes
The Soft Pink Truth Is It Going To Get Any Deeper Than This (Thrill Jockey) Sunwash
Electric Youth To The Moon, A Tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto (Milan) Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (Remodel)
Underground Canopy Uncut Gems (Sense) Zeuhl Energy Drink
Svaneborg Kardyb Over Tage (Gondwana) Orkaner
Architek Percussion Six Changes (self-released) When Change is Bad
Bruce Gremo Atmospheres Edge - Six Preludes (ECP) Prelude 2 Gravitational
January 24, 2023
Actress Dummy Corporation EP (Ninja Tune) Dream
Donald Byrd The Blue Note Remix Project - The New Groove Volume 1 (Blue Note) Kofi
Donald Byrd Live Cookin with Blue Note at Montreux (Blue Note) Kwame
Castle If The Verdant Realm (self-released) Woodland Peril
Pole Tempus (Mute) Firmament
Oh No Noh Kanzi (Teleskop) Kanzi
Biggabush A Different Style EP (Tru Thoughts) This River featuring Jackie Walters (Gerry Hectic's River Stour Towpath Extension)
Seekers International Dub Displacement Dynamite! (Panospira) Blast Mining
Lycoriscoris Sketches From Memory (self-released) Everything Will Pass
The Soft Pink Truth Is It Going To Get Any Deeper Than This (Thrill Jockey) Joybreath
David Sylvian To The Moon, A Tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto (Milan) Grains (Sweet Paulowina Wood) Remodel
Underground Canopy Uncut Gems (Sense) Jasper Garnet
January 31, 2023
Pole Tempus (Mute) Alp
Castle If The Verdant Realm (self-released) The Verdant Realm
Actress Dummy Corporation EP (Ninja Tune) Fragments of a Butterfly's Face (Edit)
Oh No Noh Kanzi (Teleskop) Loan
Jessica Moss Galaxy Heart (Constellation) Galaxy Heart
Lycoriscoris Sketches From Memory (self-released) Morning Light
Seekers International Dub Displacement Dynamite! (Panospira) Countryside Ride
Biggabush A Different Style EP (Tru Thoughts) Black Swan Revival featuring Farda P + Jackie Walters (Robot Riddims Hurting A Different Style Remix) (Instrumental)
Donald Byrd Live Cookin with Blue Note at Montreux (Blue Note) Poco-Mania
Yoshihide Otomo To The Moon, A Tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto (Milan) With Snow and Moonlight - Snow, Silence, Partially Sunny (Remodel)
The Soft Pink Truth Is It Going To Get Any Deeper Than This (Thrill Jockey) Deeper Than This
Underground Canopy Uncut Gems (Sense) Tudo Bem Blvd
Svaneborg Kardyb Over Tage (Gondwana) Everything Possible
The Brodie West Quintet Meadow of Dreams (Astral Spirits) Meadow of Dreams
February 7, 2023
Anchorsong Windmills EP (Tru Thoughts) Windmills (Salamanda Remix)
Anchorsong Windmills EP (Tru Thoughts) Windmills
Leland Whitty Anyhow (Innovative Leisure) Windows
Colin Stetson The Menu [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) All Aboard
Leviot Sharav (Akuphone) Land
Didon Tunisian Tale (Electrofone) A Faraway Land - بلاد بعيدة
Orchestra Gold Medicine (self-released) Bobofoli
Palm Skin Productions Other Times LP (Tru Thoughts) Mermaid's Purse
Palm Skin Productions Other Times LP (Tru Thoughts) The Neap
The Diasonics Record Kicks Rare Box Set (compilation) (Record Kicks) Andromeda
The Diasonics Record Kicks Cinematic Nuggets (compilation) (Record Kicks) Kayana
Seekers International Dub Displacement Dynamite! (Panospira) Nuskanking
Toast Dawg HDMOF (Popop) Stup1d fr1ends 1ntro - FunerAls - BreAk u - i4o7
Doodoodoo Improvisation (Popop) Doodoodoodoodoo
Little Snake Driving On Acid (Brainfeeder) Laundryplex Tekk (2Ci Mix)
Ugly Mac Beer The Valley of the Kings (X-Ray) Listen To Me
Blunderspublik For Back of a Letter Word [20th Anniversary Edition] (Sfeericle) For Billy
Asta Hiroki + Tristan de Liege Untied (Folded) Impressions
Kennebec Without Star or Compass (Night Time Stories) Northern Flight
Photay with Carlos Nino An Offering (International Anthem) Prelude
Prince Shima Matsu's Forest of Dreams (Tool Use) Needles on the Forest Floor
February 14, 2023
Ebi Soda Soft Peng (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Soft Peng (JD. Reid Remix)
Palm Skin Productions Other Times LP (Tru Thoughts) Lipper
Kokolo Record Kicks Rare Box Set (Record Kicks) Soul Power (Lack of Afro Remix)
Ugly Mac Beer The Valley of the Kings (X-Ray) The New Flame
Leland Whitty Anyhow (Innovative Leisure) Awake
Didon Tunisian Tale (Electrofone) On My Way - ماشي
Tonbau G Minus 2 (self-released) Snake Dream
Colin Stetson The Menu [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) Amuse Bouche (Reprise)
Funki Porcini Drift To This (self-released) Nothing is Happening But Everything Is
Doodoodoo Improvisation (Popop) Sandwich
Blunderspublik For Back of a Letter Word [20th Anniversary Edition] (Sfeericle) Love is the Memory of a Lost Joy
Asta Hiroki + Tristan de Liege Untied (Folded) Later
Kennebec Without Star or Compass (Night Time Stories) Dance Towards West
Photay with Carlos Nino An Offering (International Anthem) Current
Little Snake Driving On Acid (Brainfeeder) Hotboxing the Psych Ward (LSA Mix)
Toast Dawg HDMOF (Popop) Endless Summer - T1me - Bl1ndfold - Donut of the 3
Calibro 35 Record Kicks Cinematic Nuggets (compilation) (Record Kicks) Tom Down
Orchestra Gold Medicine (self-released) Baara Nyuma
Leviot Sharav (Akuphone) Garger (A Tribute to Mohammed Abdo Saleh)
Oh No Noh Kanzi (Teleskop) Flaw
February 21, 2023
Toast Dawg HDMOF (Popop) HDMOF - Love Loophole - L1ghtwAves
Doodoodoo Improvisation (Popop) Pitte (Humanoid Vocal Cuts Remix)
Asta Hiroki + Tristan de Liege Untied (Folded) Swim
Blunderspublik For Back of a Letter Word [20th Anniversary Edition] (Sfeericle) Evenwith
Kennebec Without Star or Compass (Night Time Stories) OPen
Photay with Carlos Nino An Offering (International Anthem) Change
Palm Skin Productions Trickle Up (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Trickle Up
Calibro 35 Record Kicks Rare Box Set (Record Kicks) Ungwana Bay Launch Complex
Alexander Korostinsky Record Kicks Cinematic Nuggets (compilation) (Record Kicks) Altin Maske
Little Snake Driving On Acid (Brainfeeder) Staples Stitches (25i NBOMe Mix)
Didon Tunisian Tale (Electrofone) Raven Lashes - كحلة الأشفار
Orchestra Gold Medicine (self-released) Koniya
Kadef Abgi Diva Of Deva Loka (Akuphone) Abbès Saladi
Leland Whitty Anyhow (Innovative Leisure) Glass Moon
Colin Stetson The Menu [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) Do You Think Youre Special
Colin Stetson The Menu [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) Fallen Angel
Humanoid Radio Vocal Sample Cuts Vocal Sample Cuts
February 28, 2023
Seekers International Dub Displacement Dynamite! (Panospira) Frozen Tropics (Eski Dub)
Didon Tunisian Tale (Electrofone) If Only - يا ريت
Leviot Sharav (Akuphone) Night Hunt
Orchestra Gold Medicine (self-released) Keleya Keleko
WheelUP More Life featuring Abacus (EP) (Tru Thoughts) More Life featuring Abacus (Instrumental)
Little Snake Driving On Acid (Brainfeeder) Alxrpltz (5 HT2C Mix)
Whatitdo Archive Group Record Kicks Rare Box Set (compilation) (Record Kicks) Blood Chief
Whatitdo Archive Group Record Kicks Cinematic Nuggets (compilation) (Record Kicks) The Black Stone Affair (Main Theme)
Doodoodoo Improvisation (Popop) Shibuya
Colin Stetson The Menu [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) Nature is Timeless
Blunderspublik For Back of a Letter Word [20th Anniversary Edition] (Sfeericle) The Coastal Erosion
Asta Hiroki + Tristan de Liege Untied (Folded) Time Out
Ugly Mac Beer The Valley of the Kings (X-Ray) Dolce Vita
Toast Dawg HDMOF (Popop) 1f 1 - Cold - Sun Won't Come Out - BLAckOut Part 1 - 1nsens1t1ve
Photay with Carlos Nino An Offering (International Anthem) Exist
Castle If The Verdant Realm (self-released) Eerie Foliage
Kennebec Without Star or Compass (Night Time Stories) Without Star or Compass
March 7, 2023
Matt Baldwin + TP Dutchkiss Show Invisibles (Leaving) Uncovered Gems
No Base Trio NBT II (Setola di Maiale) 1
Mansur Brown NAQI Volume 1 (Amai) Rise
Doodoodoo Improvisation (Popop) 19 - 03 - 06
Cinephonic Visions (Marlow) L'Exit
Le Millipede Legs and Birds (Gutfeeling) 1st Leg
Palm Skin Productions Trickle Up (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Trickle Up
Alexander IV Westbound (EP) (Sonar Kollektiv) 1988
Thievery Corporation Lebanese Blonde (EP) (4AD) Lebanese Blonde
I.A.O. Artificial Intelligence (compilation) [reissue] (Warp) The Clan
Matthew David On Mushrooms [A Primer for Mycelium Music] (Leaving) Dampener
Wanderwelle All Hands Bury The Cliffs At Sea (Important) Water Hymn
L Con Soundmill Improvisations (Halocline Trance) Plant I
Joe Cardinal Kiskihitin [Indigenous Meditation Album] (compilation) (Kihêw Waciston) A Prayer For You
March 14, 2023
Alexander IV Westbound (EP) (Sonar Kollektiv) Rue
Kuna Maze Broken Light/Late Night Tales (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Broken Light
Palm Skin Productions Trickle Up (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Stealing The Sunset
Matthew David On Mushrooms [A Primer for Mycelium Music] (Leaving) New Ambient
Spadei Left Right Here (Six Degrees) Rushin' River
Matt Baldwin + TP Dutchkiss Show Invisibles (Leaving) Renata
Wanderwelle All Hands Bury The Cliffs At Sea (Important) Shores, Bereaved
Autechre Artificial Intelligence [reissue] (Warp) Crystel
Doodoodoo Improvisation (Popop) Quand Je Suis Arrive, Il Pleuvait
Cinephonic Visions (Marlow) Cendres et Poussieres
Mansur Brown NAQI Volume 1 (Amai) Fever
L Con Soundmill Improvisations (Halocline Trance) Plant II
Le Millipede Legs and Birds (Gutfeeling) 2nd Leg
Spur Pourier and Fawn Wood Kiskihitin [Indigenous Meditation Album] (compilation) (Kihêw Waciston) Lakota Prayer for Children
Funki Porcini Saxathon (single) (self-released) Saxathon
Hint Hot Take Intake (Tru Thoughts) Give It Up (Maddslinky Remix) (Instrumental)
RE-201 + Deadbeat Palmer In Dub [Deadbeats's Drug Chug Dubs] (Echo Beach) Every Kinda People - Roots Mix
zensei ゼンセー Destination Heartbreak part 2 (Monstercat) Just Friends
Elaquent Long Drives To Nowhere (Urbnet) Anxiety
No Base Trio NBT II (Setola di Maiale) 2
March 21, 2023
Darlene Auger Kiskihitin [Indigenous Meditation Album] (compilation) (Kihêw Waciston) The Journey
Le Millipede Legs and Birds (Gutfeeling) 3rd Leg
Wanderwelle All Hands Bury The Cliffs At Sea (Important) Dead Gulls
L Con Soundmill Improvisations (Halocline Trance) Plant III
Cinephonic Visions (Marlow) Pyramides
Alexander IV Westbound (EP) (Sonar Kollektiv) What Moves Me
Mansur Brown NAQI Volume 1 (Amai) My Luck
Doodoodoo Improvisation (Popop) Precum
RE-201 + Deadbeat Palmer In Dub [Deadbeats's Drug Chug Dubs] (Echo Beach) Every Kinda People - Candy Bomber Version
zensei ゼンセー Destination Heartbreak part 2 (Monstercat) Dreamin of You Too
Matt Baldwin + TP Dutchkiss Show Invisibles (Leaving) Fungus in Flight
No Base Trio NBT II (Setola di Maiale) 3
Matthew David On Mushrooms [A Primer for Mycelium Music] (Leaving) Under a Tree
Musicology Artificial Intelligence (compilation) [reissue] (Warp) Telefone 529
March 28, 2023
Wanderwelle All Hands Bury The Cliffs At Sea (Important) A Sea Rising
L Con Soundmill Improvisations (Halocline Trance) Plant IV
The Dice Man Artificial Intelligence (compilation) [reissue] (Warp) Polygon Window
Palm Skin Productions Trickle Up (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Back to Detroit
Alexander IV Westbound (EP) (Sonar Kollektiv) The One
Cinephonic Visions (Marlow) Le Combat
Doodoodoo Improvisation (Popop) Shibuya
Amon Tobin How Do You Live (Nomark) This Living Hand
Matt Baldwin + TP Dutchkiss Show Invisibles (Leaving) Trauma Rehearsal
Le Millipede Legs and Birds (Gutfeeling) 4th Leg
Matthew David On Mushrooms [A Primer for Mycelium Music] (Leaving) Culebra
No Base Trio (featuring Victoria Kaspi) NBT II (Setola di Maiale) 4 / On its Way to Orbit / Neutron Stars / Music of Pulsars
Mansur Brown NAQI Volume 1 (Amai) No Way
Gunner Jules Kisakihitin [Indigenous Meditation Album] (compilation) (Kihêw Waciston) Hear Me
Palm Skin Productions Trickle-Up (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Du(m)b Witness
zensei ゼンセー Destination Heartbreak part 2 (Monstercat) Destination Heartbreak
RE-201 + Deadbeat Palmer In Dub [Deadbeats's Drug Chug Dubs] (Echo Beach) Johnny Mary - Dubvisionist Radio Edit
Kuna Maze Broken Light/Late Night Tales (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Late Night Tales
Bruk Rogers Style (single) (Tru Thoughts) Style
Slowe Superego (single) (Tru Thoughts) Superego (Instrumental)
April 4, 2023
Melonyx Solar Power (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Solar Power (Instrumental)
Hint Hot Take Intake (Tru Thoughts) Physical Stamina (Titeknots Remix)
Bill Laswell Oscillations (Sub Rosa) Third Stage Navigator
Benoit Pioulard Eidetic (Morr) Margaret Murie
Plastikman + Chilly Gonzales Consumed in Key (Secret City) Ekko (In Key)
Fawn Wood and Dallas Waskahat Kiskihitin [Indigenous Meditation Album] (compilation) (Kihêw Waciston) Good Times
Castle If Drivin' Easy (self-released) Engine Troubles
Cinephonic Visions (Marlow) L'Etoile
9 Lazy 9 Serpentine (self-released) Soup Supreme
Emilie Cecilia LeBel Field Studies (Redshift) Even if Nothing But Shapes and Light Reflected in the Glass
Jason Doell Becoming in Shadows - Of Being Touched (Whited Sepulchre Records) Of Being Undisturbed
No Base Trio NBT II (Setola di Maiale) ST [7]
April 11, 2023
Scott Wilson Space is the Place (Cities and Memory) Machine Futures (featuring Jocelyn Bell-Burrell)
Jason Doell Becoming in Shadows - Of Being Touched (Whited Sepulchre Records) Of Becoming
Chapterhouse Blood Music (Dedicated Records) Deli
Hint Hot Take Intake (Tru Thoughts) The Dance (VIP instrumental)
Ebi Soda Please Don't (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Please Don't (Instrumental)
DJ Food Kaleidoscope (Ninja Tune) Full Bleed
Castle If Drivin' Easy (self-released) Drivin' Easy
Cinephonic Visions (Marlow) Les Souterrains
Funki Porcini Saxathon (self released) (single) Saxathon
LCon Soundmill - Improvisations (Halocline Trance) Plant VI
No Base Trio NBT II (Setola di Maiale) ST [6]
Amon Tobin Out From Where (Nomark) Mighty Micro People
Emilie Cecilia LeBel Field Studies (Redshift) Drift
Spur Pourier Kiskihitin [Indigenous Meditation Album] (compilation) (Kihêw Waciston) Lakota Prayer Song
April 18, 2023
No Base Trio NBT II (Setola di Maiale) ST [5]
Hint Hot Take Intake (Tru Thoughts) Here's Another One
Toast Dawg HDMOF (Popop) Cold
The Grassy Knoll Positive (Nettwerk) Roswell Crash
Ally Fiola Interblaze (self-released) Circular Beginnings
Castle If Drivin' Easy (self-released) Easy Love
Cinephonic Visions (Marlow) Tribulations
Anthony Tan Susurrus (Genseng) Sublime Subliminal Sublimate
Emilie Cecilia LeBel Field Studies (Redshift) ...the Last of the Sunlight's Lingering Touch of Them (featuring Jocelyn Bell-Burrell)
Jason Doell Becoming in Shadows - Of Being Touched (Whited Sepulchre Records) Of Being Touched (featuring Jocelyn Bell-Burrell)
Sherryl Sewepagaham Kiskihitin [Indigenous Meditation Album] (compilation) (Kihêw Waciston) Kitohpinitin
April 25, 2023
Anthony Tan Susurrus (Genseng) Endlessnessnessness
Emilie Cecilia LeBel Field Studies (Redshift) Evaporation, Blue
Benoit Pioulard Eidetic (Morr) Eidetic
Humanoid Vocal samples Humanoid Radio Humanoid Vocal samples
Toast Dawg HDMOF (Popop) Can't
Cinephonic Visions (Marlow) Penombre
Castle If Drivin' Easy (self-released) Suspension
Dickie Harrell Space Capades (compilation) (EMI) Driving Around the Block
Hint Hot Take Intake (Tru Thoughts) Gallop Track
WheelUP Giya (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Giya (Instrumental, featuring Ed Allen)
Ally Fiola Interblaze (self-released) Intuition
Professor Kliq Antididonai (self released) Teragraph
Jairus Sharif Water + Tools (Telephone Explosion) Humility
Big Brave Nature Morte (Thrill Jockey) The Ten of Swords
Terri Cardinal and Joe Cardinal Kiskihitin [Indigenous Meditation Album] (compilation) (Kihêw Waciston) To My Father
May 2, 2023
A Certain Ratio 1982 (Mute) 1982
Aurora Dee Raynes Ribbon Of Hot Plasma (Tru Thoughts) Underwater Shapeshifter (Instrumental)
Born74 + Onj Mind Vibrations (Tru Thoughts) Is it me? No it's you.
Lonnie Liston Smith, Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad Lonnie Liston Smith JID017 (Jazz Is Dead) Dawn
Ian Dogole Quinta Essentia (Global Fusion) Togo
Jairus Sharif Musicworks 144 (compilation) (Musicworks) Ra Comm 43
Pursuit Grooves 100 Seams (self released) Weaving Recipe's Cure
Benny Reid + Havoc The Infamous Live (Fat Beats) The Start of Your Ending (41st Side)
Castle If Drivin' Easy (self released) Sittin' Chilly
Anushka 4AM featuring Wolfgang Flür (Tru Thoughts) 4AM featuring Wolfgang Flür (Max's Hardware Edit)
Sandoz Ambient Dub Volume 4 - Jellyfish (compilation) White Darkness (Electronic Eye Remix)
Origin One Step In Time (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Just Beginning (Instrumental)
Mats Gufstasson + Joaquim Nordwall Their Power Reached Across Space and Time - to Defy Them Was Death or Worse (Thrill Jockey) Birdbrain (olle ångest)
Beatings Are In The Body Beatings Are In The Body (For the Living and the Dead) Triploop
Christopher Butterfield Souvenir (Redshift) Souvenir (1995)
May 9, 2023
Kid Koala Creatures of the Late Afternoon (Envision) Robohotel 1
Ian Dogole Quinta Essentia (Global Fusion) Svoboda
Mats Gufstasson + Joaquim Nordwall Their Power Reached Across Space and Time - to Defy Them Was Death or Worse (Thrill Jockey) Their New Life Was Their Final Life (vilse)
Seth Smith Musicworks 144 (compilation) (Musicworks) Installation At Broken Glass Rock No. 3
Beatings Are In The Body Beatings Are In The Body (For the Living and the Dead) Rhiza
Kite Musicworks 144 (compilation) (Musicworks) Čhaŋlwášteya Ečé Nakéš Waúŋ (I & II)
Origin One Step In Time (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Babylon 19 (Instrumental)
A Certain Ratio 1982 (Mute) Tombo in M3
Pursuit Grooves 100 Seams (self released) Maker of Things - Interplay
Lonnie Liston Smith, Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad Lonnie Liston Smith JID017 (Jazz Is Dead) Cosmic Changes (featuring Loren Oden)
Born74 + Onj Mind Vibrations (Tru Thoughts) Don't Need My Shadow
Benny Reid + Havoc The Infamous Live (Fat Beats) Survival of the Fittest
Aurora Dee Raynes Ribbon Of Hot Plasma (Tru Thoughts) Reading Fiction (Instrumental)
Space Time Continuum Ambient Dub Volume 4 - Jellyfish (compilation) Oracle
Christopher Butterfield Souvenir (Redshift) Parc
May 16, 2023
Castle If Drivin' Easy (self released) Fifth Gear
The Soft Pink Truth Is It Going To Get Any Deeper Than This? (Thrill Jockey) Toot Sweet
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Psychonavigation 4 (Fax) Entib 2060
Ian Dogole Quinta Essentia (Global Fusion) Reflections by the Bay Window
Benny Reid + Havoc The Infamous Live (Fat Beats) Eye for an Eye (Your Beef is Mine)
A Certain Ratio 1982 (Mute) Tier 3
Kid Koala Creatures of the Late Afternoon (Envision) Frequencies
Born74 + Onj Mind Vibrations (Tru Thoughts) Freedom To Choose
Aurora Dee Raynes Ribbon Of Hot Plasma (Tru Thoughts) Something Sensible (Instrumental)
Lonnie Liston Smith, Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad Lonnie Liston Smith JID017 (Jazz Is Dead) Gratitude
Pursuit Grooves 100 Seams (self released) Kitty's Curtain Panels
Origin One Step In Time (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Dance Again (Instrumental)
Eccodek Recalibrate (Big Mind) Cellular
Slow Pitch Sound Musicworks 144 (compilation) (Musicworks) You Betta Change (featuring Distant Dust)
Beatings Are In The Body Beatings Are In The Body (For the Living and the Dead) Unfetter
Christopher Butterfield Souvenir (Redshift) Frame (2012)
May 23, 2023
Aurora Dee Raynes Ribbon Of Hot Plasma (Tru Thoughts) Maths (Instrumental)
Ian Dogole Quinta Essentia (Global Fusion) Quince y Quatro
Fybe One Don't Let Go + You Go Down Smooth (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Don't Let Go (Instrumental)
Benny Reid + Havoc The Infamous Live (Fat Beats) Give Up the Goods (Just Step)
Origin One Step In Time (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Nuh Money Nuh Fren (Instrumental)
Born74 + Onj Mind Vibrations (Tru Thoughts) Mind Vibrations
Lonnie Liston Smith, Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad Lonnie Liston Smith JID017 (Jazz Is Dead) Love Can Be (featuring Loren Oden)
Kid Koala Creatures of the Late Afternoon (Envision) 1000 Towns (featuring Coelacanth)
Pursuit Grooves 100 Seams (self released) Brave Soul - Precious Observation
Isotope 217 The Unstable Molecule (Thrill Jockey) Phonometrics
High Alpine Hut Network 727 / 16 (Ansible Editions) 16
Funki Porcini Take Me To It (single) (self released) Take Me To It
Mats Gufstasson + Joaquim Nordwall Their Power Reached Across Space and Time- to Defy Them Was Death or Worse (Thrill Jockey) The Day of Days Was There (vardag)
Gordon Grdina's Nomad Trio Musicworks 144 (compilation) (Musicworks) Koen Dori
Speedy J Artificial Intelligence [reissue] (compilation) (Warp) De-Orbit
St. Germain Tourist (EMI) Pont Des Arts
Castle If Driving' Easy (self released) Open Road
May 30, 2023
Piers Oolvai, Raphael Roter, Del Stephen Musicworks 144 (compilation) (Musicworks) Set 3, Excerpt (Audiopollination)
Mira Martin-Grey, Bea Labikova, Fahmid Nibesh Musicworks 144 (compilation) (Musicworks) Set 2, Excerpt (Audiopollination)
Colin Stetson The Menu [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) The First Cheeseburger You Ever Ate
Mats Gufstasson + Joaquim Nordwall Their Power Reached Across Space and Time- to Defy Them Was Death or Worse (Thrill Jockey) There Are Some Worlds Where All Dreams Die (en glad stund)
L Con Soundmill Improvisations (Halocline Trance) Limestone I
Lonnie Liston Smith, Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad Lonnie Liston Smith JID017 (Jazz Is Dead) Fête
Benny Reid + Havoc The Infamous Live (Fat Beats) Temperature's Rising
Fybe One Don't Let Go + You Go Down Smooth (EP) (Tru Thoughts) You Go Down Smooth (Instrumental)
Sharky Memories Of Vortex (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Memories Of Vortex (El Payo Remix) (Instrumental)
Melonyx At The Door (single) (Tru Thoughts) At The Door (Instrumental)
Ian Dogole Quinta Essentia (Global Fusion) United
Kid Koala Creatures of the Late Afternoon (Envision) Hear Now
Kid Koala Creatures of the Late Afternoon (Envision) Things Are Gonna Change (featuring Lealani)
Pursuit Grooves 100 Seams (self released) Woven Memories
William Parker Painters Winter (AUM Fidelity) A Curley Russell
June 6, 2023
Aly Eissa Gouda Bar (Akuphone) Gouda Bar
Bokani Dyer Radio Sechaba (Brownswood) Picturesque
Piers Oolvai Solace Shards (self-released) Materia
Alfa Mist Variables (Anti-) Forward
STR4TA The Demus Dubs (Brownswood) Why Must You Fly (Featuring Omar)
Kuna Maze I Told U featuring Steve Spacek (EP) (Tru Thoughts) I Told U featuring Steve Spacek (Instrumental)
Gordon Grdina The Twain featuring Dojo and Koichi Makigami (Attaboygirl - Black Dot) The Depths
Joni Void Everyday Is The Song (Constellation) Tape
JVXTA Euston Blues (Scissor And Thread) Hold On
DJ Morpheus vs The Bassbin Twins Rare SSR Electronica 1994-01 (compilation) (Crammed Discs) No Hustle
Klik + Frik Regenerar (Nacional) Fuego
Drummachinemike Decommissioned (Drum Machine) Bots and Prayers
Colin Stetson When We Were That What Wept For the Sea (52Hz) When We Were That What Wept For the Sea
June 13, 2023
Miranda Joan I'm Good (single) (Glow Artists) I'm Good (Instrumental)
Alfa Mist Variables (Anti-) Cycles
Artemis In Real Time (Blue Note) Balance of Time
Gordon Grdina The Twain featuring Dojo and Koichi Makigami (Attaboygirl - Black Dot) Nengemisho
Piers Oolvai Solace Shards (self-released) Arise My Charms
Joni Void Everyday Is The Song (Constellation) Negative Loop
Aly Eissa Gouda Bar (Akuphone) Camel
STR4TA The Demus Dubs (Brownswood) Turn Me Around
Colloboh Saana Sahel (Leaving) Mystic You
Asher Gamedze Turbulence + Pulse (International Anthem - Mushroom Hour Half Hour) If It Rains. To Pursue Truth (Live in Cairo)
Colin Stetson When We Were That What Wept for the Sea (52Hz) Infliction
Louise Campbell Sources - Songs Inspired by the St. Lawrence Seaway (Redshift) Songbird
June 20, 2023
Alfa Mist Variables (Anti-) The Gist
Fybe One Bliss (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Bliss (Instrumental)
STR4TA The Demus Dubs (Brownswood) To Be As One (Featuring Theo Croker) (Classical Re Edit)
Artemis In Real Time (Blue Note) Bow and Arrow
Aly Eissa Gouda Bar (Akuphone) Virgin
Piers Oolvai Solace Shards (self-released) Pheromone Box
Colin Stetson When We Were That What Wept for the Sea (52Hz) The Lighthouse I
Joni Void Everyday Is The Song (Constellation) Non-locality
Gordon Grdina The Twain featuring Dojo and Koichi Makigami (Attaboygirl - Black Dot) Gullwing
Drummachinemike Decommissioned (Drum Machine) The Futurist
Phume Rare SSR Electronica 1994-01 (compilation) (Crammed Discs) Freefall
Klik + Frik Regenerar (Nacional) Mycelium
Wheel Up We Are the Magic (Tru Thoughts) Wheel of Karma
JVXTA Euston Blues (Scissor And Thread) Water Temple
Joe Winter Man Moves his Feet (single) (Glow Artists) Man Moves his Feet (Instrumental)
June 27, 2023
Pauline Oliveros Resonance Gathering (Art Metropole) To Valerie Solanas and Marilyn Monroe in Recognition of Their Desperation (Blue Light Section)
Aly Eissa Gouda Bar (Akuphone) Barrel's Dance
Gordon Grdina The Twain featuring Dojo and Koichi Makigami (Attaboygirl - Black Dot) Orochi
Piers Oolvai Solace Shards (self-released) Repose I Sweet - Sour Trumpet Flower
Colin Stetson When We Were That What Wept For the Sea (52 Hz) Long Before the Sky Would Open
Alfa Mist Variables (Anti-) BC
STR4TA The Demus Dubs (Brownswood) City Sounds
Steven Bamidele Dark Sense Of Humour (Farfisa) (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Dark Sense Of Humour (Farfisa) (Instrumental)
Artemis In Real Time (Blue Note) Slink
Drummachinemike Decommissioned (Drum Machine) Slow Dancing
Joni Void Everyday Is The Song (Constellation) Event Horizon
Snooze Rare SSR Electronica 1994-01 (compilation) (Crammed Discs) Killer With A Gun (Fila Brazillia Remix)
July 4, 2023
Devonte Hynes The Master Gardener [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) Sleeping Gunshot
Edzi'u Potlatch In The Box (self-released) 2 Spirit
Dragonchild, Ethiopian Records የኢትዮጵያ ልጅ Dragonchild (FPE) Sera
Arky Starch Dubscales (self released) Through My Roots
JVXTA Euston Blues (Scissor And Thread) Beyond
Funki Porcini Incredible Vinyl (self-released) Incredible Thing
Mary Ancheta Quartet Level Up (self-released) Gotta Get It
Ebi Soda Ugh (Tru Thoughts) Ecchi
Kuna Maze Night Shift (Tru Thoughts) First Order
Dhaivat Jani Sum Parts (self-released) Change is the Only Constant
Cinephonic Visions (Marlowe) Douleur
Castle If Exotic Sounds (self-released) Vermillion Sunset
Ayumi Ishito Ayumi Ishito + The Spacemen, Volume 2 (577) Marsh Vocab
Matts Gufstasson + Joaquim Nordwall Their Power Reached Across Space and Time - to Defy Them Was Death or Worse (Thrill Jockey) Her Eyes…Were Like Cold Fires (slut)
Warm Slimessss Ringo at the Bingo (self-released) Ringo at the Bingo
Soft Fossil Requiem EP (self-released) Miracle Drug
Colloboh Saana Sahel (Leaving) Full Embrace
Boards of Canada Twoism (Warp) Iced Cooly
Piers Oolvai Solace Shards (self-released) Repose II - Edge of Time Itself
Bruce Gremo Atmosphere's Edge - 12 Preludes (ECP) Prelude 4 Altitudes
July 11, 2023
Holy Fuck Youtube live recorded Lovely Alien - Lovely Alan
Soft Fossil Requiem EP (self-released) Converted Airliner
Funki Porcini Incredible Vinyl (self-released) Belisha Beacon
Dragonchild, Sunken Cages Dragonchild (FPE) The Source
Ebi Soda Ugh (Tru Thoughts) Mas the Orc
Dhaivat Jani Sum Parts (self-released) Even If
Devonte Hynes The Master Gardener [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) Flowerbed
Artemis In Real Time (Blue Note) Whirlwind
Peter King Nigeria '70 - Lagos Jump (Strut) African Dialects
Kuna Maze Night Shift (Tru Thoughts) On the Way
Lightening Head - aka Biggabush Me + Me Princess (single / promo) (Tru Thoughts) Me + Me Princess (2023 Remaster) [Instrumental]
Lightening Head - aka Biggabush Me + Me Princess (single / promo) (Tru Thoughts) Me + Me Princess (Jay Darkside remix) [Instrumental]
Mary Ancheta Quartet Level Up (self-released) Grease the Wheel
Warm Slimessss Ringo at the Bingo (self-released) Doo Da
Arky Starch Dubscales (self-released) Chalwa
Edzi'u Potlatch In The Box (self-released) She's My Relative
Punku Punku (Six Degrees) Simi
Ayumi Ishito Ayumi Ishito + The Spacemen, Volume 2 (577) Distant Canopy
Eucalyptus Moves (Telephone Explosion) Snapdragon
July 18, 2023
Nightmares on Wax Car Boot Soul (Warp / Matador) Les Nuits
Devonte Hynes The Master Gardener [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) Magical Bloom
Soft Fossil Requiem EP (self-released) New Shorelines
The Sindecut + Ijeoma Different (promo single) (Tru Thoughts) Different (Instrumental)
Artemis In Real Time (Blue Note) Empress Afternoon
Steven Bamidele Sitting In The Dark (promo single) (Tru Thoughts) Sitting In The Dark (Instrumental)
Funki Porcini Incredible Vinyl (self-released) Six Minutes in Manchester
Warm Slimessss Ringo at the Bingo (self-released) Big Bum
Dhaivat Jani Sum Parts (self-released) Pulwami
Mary Ancheta Quartet Level Up (self-released) Level Up
Ebi Soda Ugh (Tru Thoughts) Zip Your Boots Up Lad
Arky Starch Dubscales (self released) Dread Horn
Kuna Maze Night Shift (Tru Thoughts) Smoke Break
Dragonchild Dragonchild (FPE) Meditation (Ancestor)
Ayumi Ishito Ayumi Ishito + The Spacemen, Volume 2 (577) Focused Intent
Edzi'u Potlatch In The Box (self-released) Raven Clan Welcome
July 25, 2023
Funki Porcini Incredible Vinyl (self-released) The Devil Drives
JVXTA Euston Blues (Scissors and Thread) Lost In Place
Arky Starch Dubscales (self released) Uplift
Dubmatix meets Future Dub Orchestra Frontline Dub (Echo Beach) Samurai Dub
Mary Ancheta Quartet Level Up (self-released) Envoy
Kuna Maze Night Shift (Tru Thoughts) Late Night Tales
Warm Slimessss Ringo at the Bingo (self-released) Wawa Gaga
Dragonchild, Vincent Ama Dragonchild (FPE) LTD
Melonyx Made To Suffer (single) (Tru Thoughts) Made To Suffer (Instrumental)
Ebi Soda Ugh (Tru Thoughts) Spooki
Artemis In Real Time (Blue Note) Penelope
Dhaivat Jani Sum Parts (self-released) Day 21
Ayumi Ishito Ayumi Ishito + The Spacemen, Volume 2 (577) Liquid Bends Light
Kid Koala Creatures of the Late Afternoon (Envision) Decades
Slow Pitch Sound Musicworks 144 (Musicworks) Relaxants
Edzi'u Potlatch In The Box (self-released) Wolf Clan Exit
Devonte Hynes The Master Gardener [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Milan) Opening
Palm Skin Productions Them That Help (single) (Tru Thoughts) Them That Help
Soft Fossil Requiem EP (self-released) Requiem
August 1, 2023
African Head Charge A Trip To Bolgatanga (On-U Sound) Accra Electronica
Ash Walker Astronaut (Night Time Stories) Babylonian Triangle Of Captivity featuring Ebi Soda
Ebi Soda Ugh (Tru Thoughts) Keisha Billip
Ekiti Sound Drum Money (Crammed Discs) Ebi Pa Mi
Al Qahwa Weyn Allah (self-released) Heavens Nay
Pantayo Ang Pagdaloy (Telephone Explosion) Bakal Bote
Rodney Sharman - Paramorph Collective All We Are Made From is Borrowed (Redshift) For Guitar
Ryuichi Sakamoto Travesia (Milan) +Pantonal
Funki Porcini Incredible Vinyl (self-released) Automotive Ride
David Branter - Saxophilia Saxophone Quartet Metamorphosis (Redshift) Four Stories
Piers Oolvai Solace Shards (self released) Overcoming My Doubts
Castle If Exotic Sounds (self-released) Indigo Dawn
Sigur Rós Átta (BMG) Skel
Asta Hiroki Of Seeing Anything (Folded) Never Lose An Opportunity
Dj Pnutz Music Beds For Different Moods (self-released) Dolby Decibel System
Maara ReConceive 2 (compilation) (ReConceive) Climate of Clop
Groundation Meets Damage Dreaming From An Iron Gate (Baco Easy Star) Between Earth and Zion
Bonobo Animal Magic (Tru Thoughts + Ninja Tune) Sugar Rhyme
JSwiss + Michael Leonhart The Chase (single) (Glow Artists) The Chase (Strings Attached) featuring Keyon Harrold + DJ Logic (Instrumental)
Dragonchild Dragonchild (FPE) Hopefulness (Ecogrief FM Radio Edit)
August 8, 2023
Ryuichi Sakamoto Travesia (Milan) Ma Mere Loye
Funki Porcini Incredible Vinyl (self-released) The Magic Hands Of Fernando Del Rey
Pantayo Ang Pagdaloy (Telephone Explosion) Dreams
Asta Hiroki Of Seeing Anything (Folded) Transition
Sigur Rós Átta (BMG) 8
Ebi Soda Ugh (Tru Thoughts) Playstation
Ekiti Sound Drum Money (Crammed Discs) Fuji On One
African Head Charge A Trip To Bolgatanga (On-U Sound) Push Me Pull You
Ash Walker Astronaut (Night Time Stories) Automaton featuring Oscar Jerome + Joe Armon-Jones
Groundation Meets Damage Dreaming From An Iron Gate (Baco Easy Star) Deaf Ears
Unknown Mobile ReConceive 2 (compilation) (ReConceive) Brain Beat
Rodney Sharman - Paramorph Collective All We Are Made From is Borrowed (Redshift) Still Holding
Dj Pnutz Music Beds For Different Moods (self-released) Sunrise
Al Qahwa Weyn Allah (self-released) Little Moments
Castle If Exotic Sounds (self-released) Soft Tide
Piers Oolvai Solace Shards (self released) Foliage
Beatrice Ferreira - Saxophilia Saxophone Quartet Metamorphosis (Redshift) Nightmare Fragments - The Taxidermist's Hallway
August 15, 2023
Asta Hiroki Of Seeing Anything (Folded) Lull
Dj Pnutz Music Beds For Different Moods (self-released) Ya Flippin' Pancake
Groundation Meets Damage Dreaming From An Iron Gate (Baco Easy Star) Spitfire
Sim ReConceive 2 (compilation) (ReConceive) Until Infinity
Dragonchild + Claire Rousay Dragonchild (FPE) Meditation (Reprise)
Ash Walker Astronaut (Night Time Stories) Running Away featuring Yazz Ahmed + Laville
African Head Charge A Trip To Bolgatanga (On-U Sound) I Chant Too
Ekiti Sound Drum Money (Crammed Discs) Ku Ise
Al Qahwa Weyn Allah (self-released) Daff Heart
Pantayo Ang Pagdaloy (Telephone Explosion) Bastá
Ryuichi Sakamoto Travesia (Milan) Break With
Castle If Exotic Sounds (self-released) Djinn's Promise
Margot George - Paramorph Collective All We Are Made From is Borrowed (Redshift) Fruiting Bodies
Beatrice Ferreira - Saxophilia Saxophone Quartet Metamorphosis (Redshift) Nightmare Fragments - I Lay One Million Purple Eggs
Piers Oolvai Solace Shards (self-released) Serenade for Lost Serenity (On an Airship)
Sigur Rós Átta (BMG) Blóðberg
August 22, 2023
Pantayo Ang Pagdaloy (Telephone Explosion) Masanguanan
Ash Walker Astronaut (Night Time Stories) Detroit Velvet Smooth featuring Yazz Ahmed
Dj Pnutz Music Beds For Different Moods (self-released) Beachside Disco
Ebi Soda Ugh (Tru Thoughts) Meow Meow
Cinematic Orchestra Motion (Ninja Tune) Channel 1 Suite
Linda Catlin Smith - Paramorph Collective All We Are Made From is Borrowed (Redshift) Thought and Desire
African Head Charge A Trip To Bolgatanga (On-U Sound) Asalatua
Ekiti Sound Drum Money (Crammed Discs) Mami Wata
Groundation Meets Damage Dreaming From An Iron Gate (Baco Easy Star) Dreaming From An Iron Gate
Castle If Exotic Sounds (self-released) Starlit Island
Asta Hiroki Of Seeing Anything (Folded) A Golden Vision
Ramzi ReConceive 2 (compilation) (ReConceive) Faucon
Violet Archer - Saxophilia Saxophone Quartet Metamorphosis (Redshift) Divertimento - Festive
Piers Oolvai Solace Shards (self released) These Moments
Sigur Rós Átta (BMG) Klettur
Ryuichi Sakamoto Travesia (Milan) The Revenant Main Theme (Alva Noto Remodel)
Pole 2 (Matador) Stadt
Arky Starch Dubscales (self-released) Chalwa Dub BissoMan Dubmix
Kuna Maze Night Shift (Tru Thoughts) Dawn
August 29, 2023
Sigur Rós Átta (BMG) Glóð
Dj Pnutz Music Beds For Different Moods (self-released) Go Ask Alice
Ash Walker Astronaut (Night Time Stories) Afronaut featuring Amp Fiddler + Laville
African Head Charge A Trip To Bolgatanga (On-U Sound) Passing Clouds
Pantayo Ang Pagdaloy (Telephone Explosion) Sapa(n)ahon
Groundation Meets Damage Dreaming From An Iron Gate (Baco Easy Star) They Are Wrong
Funki Porcini Incredible Vinyl (self-released) Oh Boy!
Paramorph Collective All We Are Made From is Borrowed (Redshift) As Medicine?
Ekiti Sound Drum Money (Crammed Discs) a La Carte Part 2
Boha ReConceive 2 (compilation) (ReConceive) God, Speed
Castle If Exotic Sounds (self-released) Ocelot Walk
Fred Stride - Saxophilia Saxophone Quartet Metamorphosis (Redshift) Down in the Basement
Ebi Soda Ugh (Tru Thoughts) Ecchi (Ash Walker Dub)
Palm Skin Productions We Stand Divided (single) (Tru Thoughts) We Stand Divided (Instrumental)
Sade Awele Jo (single) (Glow Artists) Jo (Instrumental)
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Psychonavigation 4 (Fax) Samira
Piers Oolvai Solace Shards (self released) Repose IV - Sollievo Magnifico
Ryuichi Sakamoto Travesia (Milan) Thousand Knives
Ryuichi Sakamoto Travesia (Milan) Lamento
September 5, 2023
Malleus Trio On-Off (Riparian Media) Telescopes
Ash Walker Astronaut (Night Time Stories) Jupiter (featuring Kennebec)
Ryuichi Sakamoto Travesia (Milan) Rio
Aphex Twin Blackbox Life Recorder 21f in a room7 F760 (Warp) Blackbox Life Recorder 21f
Sandunes The Surge (featuring Ramya Pothuri) (EP) (Tru Thoughts) The Surge (Instrumental)
African Head Charge A Trip to Bolgatanga (On-U Sound) A Trip to Bolgatanga
Didon + Dunkelbunt Tunisian Tale Remixed (Electrofone) If Only (Re-imagined)
Warm Smiles Sunny Side Up (self-released) Pineapple Pete
Reuben Vaun Smith Da Cuckoo YaYa (Ubiquity) Da Cuckoo YaYa
J-Zone Intoxicated Skull (Madlib Invazion) Side Eye
Ford Guiding Hand (Foreign Family) Carousel
Call Sender Mad Mark + Nova (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Mad Mark
The Black Dog The Spanners (reissue) (Warp) Raxmus
Palm Skin Productions A Swarm in July (Tru Thoughts) Need is a Friend
High Pulp Days In The Desert (Anti-) Slaw
Bellbird Root in Tandem (self-released) Blurred Season
Nick Maclean Quartet Convergence (Browntasauras) Lie of Easy Attainment
Strata Stratasfear Remixes (Brownswood) City Sounds (Demus dub)
Shark Shark (single) (Donsurf Remix) (Tru Thoughts) Shark (Donsurf Remix) (Instrumental)
Eve Egoyan + Mauricio Pauly Hopeful Monster (No Hay Discos) Temper, Hold, Taper
September 12, 2023
J-Zone Intoxicated Skull (Madlib Invazion) Du Jazz March
Xeper + Black Dog Productions Bytes (reissue) (Warp) Carceres Ex Novum
Aphex Twin Blackbox Life Recorder 21f in a room7 F760 (Warp) Zin2 Test5
Eve Egoyan + Mauricio Pauly Hopeful Monster (No Hay Discos) Single Spore Flexing Gently
Malleus Trio On-Off (Riparian Media) Little Tigers
Strata Stratasfear Remixes (Brownswood) To Be As One (featuring Theo Croker) (Venom Remix)
Humanoid Radio Interview with Piers Oolvai (Recorded + Produced August 2023) (Includes the below mentioned tracks)
Piers Oolvai Solace Shards (self-released) Materia
Piers Oolvai Solace Shards (self-released) Sollievo Magnifico
Piers Oolvai Gynandrous - The Chimera (single) (self-released) Gynandrous - The Chimera
Piers Oolvai Solace Shards (self-released) Overcoming My Doubts
Piers Oolvai, Raphael Roter, Del Stephen Musicworks 144 (compilation) (Musicworks) Set 3, Excerpt (Audiopollination)
Piers Oolvai Solace Shards (self-released) Serenade for Lost Serenity (In an Airship)
September 19, 2023
Call Sender Mad Mark + Nova (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Nova
Warm Smiles Sunny Side Up (self-released) Harold on the Beach
Black Dog The Spanners (reissue) (Warp) Barbola Work
Aphex Twin Blackbox Life Recorder 21f in a room7 F760 (Warp) In a room7 F760
Atypic Black Dog Productions - Bytes (reissue) (Warp) Focus Mel
Naneum Ollopa Othello (Electrofone) Atone
Malleus Trio On-Off (Riparian Media) On-Off
Nick Maclean Quartet Convergence (Browntasauras) Road Warrior
El Train Nostalgia (Glow Artists) Nostalgia (featuring Loelash) (Instrumental)
Didon + Bombay Dub Orchestra Tunisian Tale Remixed (Electrofone) A Faraway Land (Re-imagined)
Reuben Vaun Smith Da Cuckoo YaYa (Ubiquity) Oumbadougou
High Pulp Days In The Desert (Anti-) Solanin (featuring Brandee Younger)
Palm Skin Productions A Swarm in July (Tru Thoughts) The Sword Will Die
Ford Guiding Hand (Foreign Family) Hidden Sound
Strata Stratasfear Remixes (Brownswood) Why Must You Fly (featuring Omar) (Demus Dub)
J-Zone Intoxicated Skull (Madlib Invazion) Calgon
Eve Egoyan + Mauricio Pauly Hopeful Monster (No Hay Discos) Spore
September 26, 2023
Reuben Vaun Smith Da Cuckoo YaYa (Ubiquity) Beams
Didon + Supreme Beings Of Leisure Tunisian Tale Remixed (Electrofone) My Heart's Desire (Remix)
The Black Dog The Spanners (reissue) (Warp) Psil-cosyin
Sacred System Nagual Site (Wicklow) Black Lotus
Malleus Trio On-Off (Riparian Media) Music Box
Eve Egoyan + Mauricio Pauly Hopeful Monster (No Hay Discos) Dive (Wait)
Nenor + Eyal Rob (featuring Eli A) Pick + Choose (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Pick + Choose (Instrumental)
J-Zone Intoxicated Skull (Madlib Invazion) Truck Stop
Warm Smiles Sunny Side Up (self-released) Sunny Side Up
Aphex Twin Blackbox Life Recorder 21f in a room7 F760 (Warp) Blackbox Life Recorder 22 (Parallax Mix)
Plaid + Black Dog Productions Bytes (reissue) (Warp) Object Orient
Ford Guiding Hand (Foreign Family) Magnolia + Blue Moss
Palm Skin Productions A Swarm in July (Tru Thoughts) We Stand Divided
Bellbird Root in Tandem (self-released) Pigeons + Disco
High Pulp Days In The Desert (Anti-) Unified Dakotas (featuring Jeff Parker)
Nick Maclean Quartet Convergence (Browntasauras) Dolphin Dance
October 3, 2023
Anonymous Behaviour Strangers Dance (single) (self-released) Strangers Dance
Amon Tobin Hole In The Ground (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Nomark) Self Collider
Bon-Psy Chaos (Folded) Chaos
Babe, Terror Teghnojoyg (KatSz) Archeoteghnure
Album Portrait De L'Artiste (Telephone Explosion) Genre
Josh Cole Kind Mind (Riparian Media) Inside
Apollo Suns Departures (Do Right!) Horses
Tony Price Hit Piece (Telephone Explosion) Virgo
The Sindecut + Ijeoma Late (Instrumentals) (Tru Thoughts) Better Than Never (Instrumental)
Worm Wurmss Hay Pocy Poachy (self-released) Bust Your Brains
Ol' Gorilla Bones The Dirty Sample - Revenge Volume 2 (Instrumentals) (Hand Solo) You Ain't the One (Instrumental)
Moka Only In and of Itself (Instrumentals) (Urbnet) Just for the Night (Instrumental)
Dubmatix The Dub Sessions Volume 1 (Renegade Studios) Deep Roots
Bellbird Root in Tandem (self-released) If You Can't Swim, Dance
Malleus Trio On-Off (Riparian Media) Cloud Suites
Nihiloxica Source of Denial (Crammed Discs) Kudistro
The Black Dog Spanners (reissue) (Warp) Nommo
October 10, 2023
Audrey Ochoa The Head of a Mouse (Chronograph) The Tail of a Lion
Apollo Suns Departures (Do Right!) Fonxy
Anonymous Behaviour Black Friday (single) (self-released) Black Friday
Worm Wurmss Hay Pocy Poachy (self-released) Gravy Train
Malleus Trio On-Off (Riparian Media) Little Tigers
Ol' Gorilla Bones The Dirty Sample - Revenge Volume 2 (Instrumentals) (Hand Solo) Pillow Head (Instrumental)
Moka Only In and of Itself (Instrumentals) (Urbnet) Do With Myself (Instrumental)
Album Portrait De L'Artiste (Telephone Explosion) Portrait De L'Artiste
Panda Bear + Sonic Boom Reset in Dub (Domino) Edge of the Edge Dub - Adrian Sherwood 'Reset in Dub' Version
Dubmatix The Dub Sessions Volume 1 (Renegade Studios) Breakin' Dub
The Sindecut + Ijeoma Late (Instrumentals) (Tru Thoughts) Soldier (Instrumental)
Bon-Psy Chaos (Folded) Fractured
Amon Tobin Hole In The Ground (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Nomark) Larkspur
Nihiloxica Source of Denial (Crammed Discs) Olutobazzi
The Black Dog Spanners (reissue) (Warp) Frisbee Skip
Ford Guiding Hand (Foreign Family) Ten Dog
Eve Egoyan + Mauricio Pauly Hopeful Monster (No Hay Discos) Effort Grind Braid
Josh Cole Kind Mind (Riparian Media) A Ten Minute Walk From Here
Babe, Terror Teghnojoyg (KatSz) Nepturnal Amazoic
October 17, 2023
Amon Tobin Hole In The Ground (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Nomark) Wolves in the Yard
Babe, Terror Teghnojoyg (KatSz) Casa das Canoagens
Bon-Psy Chaos (Folded) Spiral
Ol' Gorilla Bones The Dirty Sample - Revenge Volume 2 (Instrumentals) (Hand Solo) Lead Belly (Instrumental)
Apollo Suns Departures (Do Right!) Serpentine
Dubmatix The Dub Sessions Volume 1 (Renegade Studios) Lion of Judah
Audrey Ochoa The Head of a Mouse (Chronograph) Every Tragedy Needs a Punchline
Moka Only In and of Itself (Instrumentals) (Urbnet) Take a Whiff (Instrumental)
Worm Wurmss Hay Pocy Poachy (self-released) Dud Rawk
The Sindecut + Ijeoma Late (Instrumentals) (Tru Thoughts) Right Now (Instrumental)
Panda Bear + Sonic Boom Reset in Dub (Domino) Go On Dub - Adrian Sherwood 'Reset in Dub' Version
Album Portrait De L'Artiste (Telephone Explosion) Buee Du Miroir
Nihiloxica Source of Denial (Crammed Discs) Asidi
High Pulp Days In The Desert (Anti-) Bad Infinity
Josh Cole Kind Mind (Riparian Media) The Bar
The Black Dog Spanners (reissue) (Warp) Chesh
Boogieman and Samito Boogieman and Samito Mixtape (Urbnet) End of Time A
Hidden Orchestra Shapes, Collide (Compiled by Robert Luis) (Tru Thoughts) XI - Flight - Cello + Strings
Bellbird Root in Tandem (self-released) Maybe I Won't Go
October 24, 2023
Panda Bear + Sonic Boom Reset in Dub (Domino) Gettin' to the Point Dub - Adrian Sherwood 'Reset in Dub' Version
Dubmatix The Dub Sessions Volume 1 (Renegade Studios) International Dub
Audrey Ochoa The Head of a Mouse (Chronograph) The Con Artist
Apollo Suns Departures (Do Right!) Aeronaut
Amon Tobin Hole In The Ground (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Nomark) Ghost of a Star
Moka Only In and of Itself (Instrumentals) (Urbnet) Tablecloth (Instrumental)
Ol' Gorilla Bones The Dirty Sample - Revenge Volume 2 (Instrumentals) (Hand Solo) Honest Proposal (Instrumental)
Worm Wurmss Hay Pocy Poachy (self-released) Beach Bum Bingo
Nihiloxica Source of Denial (Crammed Discs) Source of Denial
Babe, Terror Teghnojoyg (KatSz) Mesopothance
The Sindecut + Ijeoma Late (Instrumentals) (Tru Thoughts) About You (Instrumental)
Slowe WYLTK (remixes EP) (Tru Thoughts) WYLTK (The Sindecut + Ijeoma Remix) (Instrumental)
Miranda Joan Bada Bing! (EP) (Glow Artists) Bada Bing! featuring Carrtoons (Instrumental)
Bon-Psy Chaos (Folded) Downward
Album Portrait De L'Artiste (Telephone Explosion) Salade
Josh Cole Kind Mind (Riparian Media) Talking Makes It Worse
Nick Maclean Quartet Convergence (Browntasauras) Wisdom of Aurelius
The Black Dog Spanners (reissue) (Warp) Utopian Dream
October 31, 2023
Moka Only In and of Itself (Instrumentals) (Urbnet) Restart (Instrumental)
Ol' Gorilla Bones The Dirty Sample - Revenge Volume 2 (Instrumentals) (Hand Solo) Fly Pelican (Instrumental)
Sandunes Pelican Dance (single) (Tru Thoughts) Pelican Dance
Panda Bear + Sonic Boom Reset in Dub (Domino) Whirlpool Dub - Adrian Sherwood 'Reset in Dub' Version
Dubmatix The Dub Sessions Volume 1 (Renegade Studios) Blazing Dub
Apollo Suns Departures (Do Right!) Beyond the Woods
Amon Tobin Hole In The Ground (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Nomark) Hole in the Ground
Nihiloxica Source of Denial (Crammed Discs) Trip Chug
Audrey Ochoa The Head of a Mouse (Chronograph) It Never Happened
The Sindecut + Ijeoma Late (Instrumentals) (Tru Thoughts) Different (Instrumental)
Bon-Psy Chaos (Folded) The Art of War
Babe, Terror Teghnojoyg (KatSz) Congosymphag
Album Portrait De L'Artiste (Telephone Explosion) Merci
The Black Dog Spanners (reissue) (Warp) Chase The Manhattan
Worm Wurmss Hay Pocy Poachy (self-released) Fun Fun Boogie
Slowe WYLTK (remixes EP) (Tru Thoughts) Fix Me Up (Dutchie Remix) (Instrumental)
High Pulp Days In The Desert (Anti-) Fast Asleep
Josh Cole Kind Mind (Riparian Media) The Subway
James Blake Playing Robots Into Heaven (Republic) Playing Robots Into Heaven
November 2023: Humanoid Radio Hiatus
December 5, 2023
Actress LXXXVIII (Ninja Tune) Hit That Spdiff
Bernie Worrell, Cindy Blackman Santana, John King Spherical (Infrequent Seams) Starpath
Peripheral Vision We've Got Nothing (Step3) Close The Paper And Play
Curtis Nowosad If I Had (La Reserve) Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away
Elusive Between Planets (Alpha Pup) Sushi Roll
Drummachinemike The Space Between (Drum Machine) Self Aware
Matmos Return to Archive (Smithsonian Folkways) Injection Basic Sound
Pierre Bastien + Michel Banabila Baba Soiree (Pingipung) Senseless
DJ Shadow Action Adventure (Mass Appeal) Craig, Ingels, + Wrightson
Blunderspublik Remembering Marnie OST (self-released) The Best West
Anachnid Freak of Nature (Popop Musique Nomade) Freak of Nature
Barry Can't Swim When Will We Land (Ninja Tune) When Will We Land
Badge Époque Ensemble Air, Light + Harmony (Telephone Explosion) Goding Of Think
Elaquent Rediscovery (Mello Music) Tiger Cage II
Kiefer It's Ok, B U (Stones Throw) Hips
Ritesh Das To Begin With (self-released) Dance Drama
Alabaster DePlume Come With Fierce Grace (International Anthem) To That Voice And Say
Hidden Orchestra To Dream is to Forget (Lone Figures) Nightfall
Elisapie Inuktitut (Bonsound) Qimmijuat (Wild Horses)
December 12, 2023
Curtis Nowosad If I Had (La Reserve) By the Time I Get to Phoenix
Actress LXXXVIII (Ninja Tune) Game Over
Blunderspublik Remembering Marnie OST (self-released) Time Goes
Elaquent Rediscovery (Mello Music) Tuscany
Anachnid Freak of Nature (Popop Musique Nomade) Warrior Woman
Alabaster DePlume Come With Fierce Grace (International Anthem) Greek Honey Slick
Barry Can't Swim When Will We Land (Ninja Tune) Sonder
Bernie Worrell, Cindy Blackman Santana, John King Spherical (Infrequent Seams) Auguries
Badge Époque Ensemble Air, Light + Harmony (Telephone Explosion) Lujon
Matmos Return to Archive (Smithsonian Folkways) Music or Noise
Nicole Rampersaud Saudade (Riparian Media) ...And Then
DJ Shadow Action Adventure (Mass Appeal) Free For All
Ritesh Das To Begin With (self-released) King Dal
Drummachinemike The Space Between (Drum Machine) Personal Information
Hidden Orchestra To Dream is to Forget (Lone Figures) Skylarks
Elusive Between Planets (Alpha Pup) Orbits
Kiefer It's Ok, B U (Stones Throw) High
Pierre Bastien + Michel Banabila Baba Soiree (Pingipung) Walk The Talk
Serebii Inside (Innovative Leisure) Soft Control
December 19, 2023
Anachnid Freak of Nature (Popop Musique Nomade) War
Badge Époque Ensemble Air, Light + Harmony (Telephone Explosion) Thinking Of God
Barry Can't Swim When Will We Land (Ninja Tune) I Won't Let You Down (featuring Falle Nioke, Blackboxx)
Alabaster DePlume Come With Fierce Grace (International Anthem) Fall On Flowers
Bernie Worrell, Cindy Blackman Santana, John King Spherical (Infrequent Seams) Stomp-time Shuffle
Elaquent Rediscovery (Mello Music) Mercedes Kairi
Blunderspublik Remembering Marnie OST (self-released) Flower Delivery
Matmos Return to Archive (Smithsonian Folkways) Why
Ritesh Das To Begin With (self-released) Taalu Nitabbil Let's Drum
Elusive Between Planets (Alpha Pup) Compressed Information
Actress LXXXVIII (Ninja Tune) Oway
Peripheral Vision We've Got Nothing (Step3) I've Got Nothing
Curtis Nowosad If I Had (La Reserve) If I Had a Hammer (The Hammer Song)
DJ Shadow Action Adventure (Mass Appeal) Reflecting Pool
Kiefer It's Ok, B U (Stones Throw) Falling
Pierre Bastien + Michel Banabila Baba Soiree (Pingipung) Slow Dance
Hidden Orchestra To Dream is to Forget (Lone Figures) Little Buddy Move
Serebii Inside (Innovative Leisure) Magenta
Drummachinemike The Space Between (Drum Machine) Drum Tech
Hani Tribe Hani Polyphonic Singing in Yunnan China (Sublime Frequencies) Bia Tsa Tsa (Song Of The Bee)
Tristan de Liege + Jambal Enterprises of Great Pith and Moment (self-released) Mirroring
December 26, 2023
Barry Can't Swim When Will We Land (Ninja Tune) Define Dancing
Elaquent Rediscovery (Mello Music) I Made You A Song
Elusive Between Planets (Alpha Pup) Honey Dip
Curtis Nowosad If I Had (La Reserve) Road
Peripheral Vision We've Got Nothing (Step3) The Mask Has Become The Face
Nicole Rampersaud Saudade (Riparian Media) Saudade
Actress LXXXVIII (Ninja Tune) Push Power (Radio Edit)
Alabaster DePlume Come With Fierce Grace (International Anthem) The Best Thing In The World
Bernie Worrell, Cindy Blackman Santana, John King Spherical (Infrequent Seams) Unfunkingstoppable
Hidden Orchestra To Dream is to Forget (Lone Figures) Hammered
Badge Époque Ensemble Air, Light + Harmony (Telephone Explosion) Stalled In Genesis
Blunderspublik Remembering Marnie OST (self-released) Open Window
Ritesh Das To Begin With (self-released) Ot Azoy
Drummachinemike The Space Between (Drum Machine) Speech Patterns
Matmos Return to Archive (Smithsonian Folkways) Lend Me Your Ears
Kiefer It's Ok, B U (Stones Throw) Dreamer
DJ Shadow Action Adventure (Mass Appeal) Reflecting Pool - Forever Changed
Pierre Bastien + Michel Banabila Baba Soiree (Pingipung) Ban Bash Up
Serebii Inside (Innovative Leisure) Enoki
Tristan de Liege + Jambal Enterprises of Great Pith and Moment (self-released) The Great Wave
January 2, 2024
Phil Ranelin, Wendell Harrison, Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad Remixes JID020 (Jazz Is Dead) Running With The Tribe (DJ Nyack Remix)
Sandunes The Ground Beneath Her Feet (Tru Thoughts) Pelican Dance
DJ Shadow Action Adventure (Mass Appeal) Time and Space
Body Negative Everett (Tracker Number) Flowers (The Proverbial You)
Soloists Sound Machine (self-released) Victoria Station
Shn Shn Form[s] (Arbutus) First Light
André 3000 New Blue Sun (Epic) I swear, I Really Wanted To Make A Rap Album But This Is Literally The Way The Wind Blew Me This Time
Ginger Beef Ginger Beef (self-released) Takeout
Barry Can't Swim When Will We Land (Ninja Tune) Woman
Hidden Orchestra To Dream is to Forget (Lone Figures) Scatter
Re:EAP Zoo For Barbers (Lewis) Glimpse
Aga Khan Master Musicians Nowruz (Smithsonian Folkways) Nowruz
Pauline Anna Strom Echoes, Spaces, Lines (RVNG) Mushroom Trip
Mindy Meng Wang + Sui Zhen Origin of You (Music In Exile) 空 Kōng Emptiness
Respectfulchild Re-New (self-released) Fine
January 9, 2024
Pauline Anna Strom Echoes, Spaces, Lines (RVNG) Freebasing
Aga Khan Master Musicians Nowruz (Smithsonian Folkways) Jul Dance
Sandunes The Ground Beneath Her Feet (Tru Thoughts) Masti
Ginger Beef Ginger Beef (self-released) Hocus Pocus
Garrett Saracho, Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad Remixes JID020 (Jazz Is Dead) Altitude (L.O. + Diisko Remix)
Hidden Orchestra To Dream is to Forget (Lone Figures) Ripple
Soloists Sound Machine (self-released) Cosmic Overgrowth
Re:EAP Zoo For Barbers (Lewis) Early To The Underground
DJ Shadow Action Adventure (Mass Appeal) Witches Vs. Warlocks
André 3000 New Blue Sun (Epic) That Night In Hawaii When I Turned Into A Panther And Started Making These Low Register Purring Tones That I Couldn't Control ... Sht Was Wild
Shn Shn Form[s] (Arbutus) One After Another
Body Negative Everett (Tracker Number) Faun and Fawn
Respectfulchild Re-New (self-released) Still
Mindy Meng Wang + Sui Zhen Origin of You (Music In Exile) 疼 Téng Pain
Drummachinemike The Space Between (Drum Machine) Location Services
Matmos Return to Archive (Smithsonian Folkways) Going to Sleep
January 16, 2024
Re:EAP Zoo For Barbers (Lewis) Poet in the City
André 3000 New Blue Sun (Epic) Gandhi, Dalai Lama, Your Lord + Savior J.C. Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, And John Wayne Gacy (Featuring Ekhardt Tolle talk)
Soloists Sound Machine (self-released) Coconut King
Tony Allen + Adrian Younge Remixes JID020 (Jazz Is Dead) Don't Believe The Dancers (Mophono Remix)
Body Negative Everett (Tracker Number) Everytime
Ginger Beef Ginger Beef (self-released) Hedgehog
Analogue Monsta Boom (Young Art) 4th Boom
Aga Khan Master Musicians Nowruz (Smithsonian Folkways) Mehan
Hidden Orchestra To Dream is to Forget (Lone Figures) Broken
Respectfulchild Re-New (self-released) Destruction
Mindy Meng Wang + Sui Zhen Origin of You (Music In Exile) 气 Chi Energy
Pauline Anna Strom Echoes, Spaces, Lines (RVNG) Symphonic Industry
Drummachinemike The Space Between (Drum Machine) User Profile
Shn Shn Form[s] (Arbutus) Iawia
Sandunes The Ground Beneath Her Feet (Tru Thoughts) Earthquake
Matmos Return to Archive (Smithsonian Folkways) Return to Archive
January 23, 2024
Respectfulchild Re-New (self-released) Turmoil
The Midnight Hour Remixes JID020 (Jazz Is Dead) Phoenix (Theon Cross Remix)
Soloists Sound Machine (self-released) Strange Fruit
André 3000 New Blue Sun (Epic) Dreams Once Buried Beneath The Dungeon Floor Slowly Sprout Into Undying Gardens
Sandunes The Ground Beneath Her Feet (Tru Thoughts) Tsunami
Body Negative Everett (Tracker Number) Fraidy Cat
Aga Khan Master Musicians Nowruz (Smithsonian Folkways) Madad
Mindy Meng Wang + Sui Zhen Origin of You (Music In Exile) I Don't Speak Your Language
Analogue Monsta Boom (Young Art) 3rd Boom
Pauline Anna Strom Echoes, Spaces, Lines (RVNG) Organized Confusion
Re:EAP Zoo For Barbers (Lewis) Scene Unseen - Espanaye Requiem
Ginger Beef Ginger Beef (self-released) Kam
Hidden Orchestra To Dream is to Forget (Lone Figures) Cage Then Brick
Matmos Return to Archive (Smithsonian Folkways) Mud Dauber Wasp
Drummachinemike The Space Between (Drum Machine) Sick Note
Nicole Rampersaud Saudade (Riparian Media) Concurrent Panoramas Parts 1, 2, 3
Actress LXXXVIII (Ninja Tune) Azifiziks
Alabaster DePlume Come With Fierce Grace (International Anthem) The Best Thing In The World
January 30, 2024
André 3000 New Blue Sun (Epic) BuyPoloDisorders Daughter Wears A 3000 Button Down Embroidered
Aga Khan Master Musicians Nowruz (Smithsonian Folkways) Samai
Katalyst, Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad Remixes JID020 (Jazz Is Dead) Reflections (Bei Ru Remix)
Respectfulchild Re-New (self-released) Bubble
Matmos Return to Archive (Smithsonian Folkways) The Way Japanese Beetles Sound To A Rose
Soloists Sound Machine (self-released) Is This Balance
Analogue Monsta Boom (Young Art) 2nd Boom
Re:EAP Zoo For Barbers (Lewis) Vue de Froissant
Sandunes The Ground Beneath Her Feet (Tru Thoughts) Indeterminance (Featuring Gideon Crevoshay)
Body Negative Everett (Tracker Number) Persimmon
Mindy Meng Wang + Sui Zhen Origin of You (Music In Exile) Watch My Mum Dance
Drummachinemike The Space Between (Drum Machine) Pagers
Bernie Worrell, Cindy Blackman Santana + John King Spherical (Infrequent Seams) Future-Blues
Ginger Beef Ginger Beef (self-released) No Strings Attached
Pauline Anna Strom Echoes, Spaces, Lines (RVNG) Plot Zero
Hidden Orchestra To Dream is to Forget (Lone Figures) Reverse Learning
Actress LXXXVIII (Ninja Tune) Green Blue Amnesia Magic Haze
February 6, 2024
Xenopraxis In A Sedimental Mood (Halocline Trance) (Side A)
Allison Burik Realm (self-released) Be the Dragon
The Golden Age of Wrestling Scorpion Deathlock (Intraset) Born Inside a Cactus
Off World 3 (Constellation) Impulse Controller
Nadah El-Shazly Les Damnés Ne Pleurent Pas (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Asadun Alay Records) Claustrophobic Love
Midnight Channel Gemini Sunrise (self-released) Split the Atom
Plains Apparition + Light Blending In Window To The Soul (self-released) Escape Vigil
Ultraviolet Ripples + Waves (self-released) Ophidia
Musebots + Arne Eigenfeldt A Walk to Meryton (Redshift) Detached Tone
Carlos Nino + Friends I'm Just Chillin', On Fire (International Anthem) Mighty Stillness (featuring V.C.R, Josh Johnson, Nate Mercereau + Jamire Williams)
Leslie Ting What Brings You In (People Places Records) Julia Mermelstein (for Solo Violin + Electronics)
February 13, 2024
Fauna When (single) (self-released) When
The Golden Age of Wrestling Scorpion Deathlock (Intraset) Paperhouse
Plains Apparition + Light Blending In Window To The Soul (self-released) Theta State - Return to Body
Off World 3 (Constellation) Empasse
Musebots + Arne Eigenfeldt A Walk to Meryton (Redshift) Opinion the Circle
Leslie Ting What Brings You In (People Places Records) Rose Bolton - Beholding (for Solo Violin + Electronics)
Allison Burik Realm (self-released) As the Norms Weave
Nadah El-Shazly Les Damnés Ne Pleurent Pas (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Asadun Alay Records) Mausoleum
Eki Shola Kaeru (self-released) The Opening
Tara Lily 6 Feet Down (single) (Tru Thoughts) 6 Feet Down (featuring Theo Croker) (Instrumental)
Ultraviolet Ripples + Waves (self-released) Nectar
Midnight Channel Gemini Sunrise (self-released) What Are They Gonna Do
Orgone Chimera (3 Palm) Hallowed Dreams
Josiah Soren Samurai (Glow Artists) AEIOUY (Instrumental)
ShyGuy Ray Gun - Here She Comes (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Ray Gun (Instrumental)
February 20, 2024
Musebots + Arne Eigenfeldt A Walk to Meryton (Redshift) For As You Are
Nadah El-Shazly Les Damnés Ne Pleurent Pas (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Asadun Alay Records) Adi
Off World 3 (Constellation) Ludic Loop
Allison Burik Realm (self-released) Solstice 1 (Dreams + Memories)
Josiah Soren Samurai (Glow Artists) Sons of Kermit (Instrumental)
Bruk Rogers Lalela (single) (Tru Thoughts) Lalela (featuring ASAP Shembe Asalato Riddim) (Instrumental)
Orgone Chimera (3 Palm) Basilisk
ShyGuy Ray Gun - Here She Comes (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Here She Comes (Instrumental)
Midnight Channel Gemini Sunrise (self-released) Goose
Ultraviolet Ripples + Waves (self-released) Quantum Jump
Plains Apparition + Light Blending In Window To The Soul (self-released) Interspace
Leslie Ting, Germaine Liu + Matt Smith What Brings You In (People Places Records) Sandplay
India Gailey + Fjóla Evans Problematica (Riparian Media) Universal Veil
February 27, 2024
Leslie Ting + Germaine Liu What Brings You In (People Places Records) What Is The Most Yourself Can Be (with Another)
Musebots + Arne Eigenfeldt A Walk to Meryton (Redshift) Room for a Moment
Carlos Nino + Friends I'm Just Chillin', On Fire (International Anthem) Eightspace 082222 (featuring Kamasi Washington, Surya Botofasina + Aaron Shaw)
Off World 3 (Constellation) Orientation
Josiah Soren Samurai (Glow Artists) Shadow Work (Instrumental)
Plains Apparition + Light Blending In Window To The Soul (self-released) Sleeping Angel
Allison Burik Realm (self-released) Seal Folk
Nadah El-Shazly Les Damnés Ne Pleurent Pas (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Asadun Alay Records) Riad
India Gailey + Andrew Noseworthy Problematica (Riparian Media) GomL (V7 Final Mix - Less Vox - More Verb)
Ultraviolet Ripples + Waves (self-released) Treetop Canopy
Eki Shola Kaeru (self-released) Forest
Sly 5th Avenue Monoxide (single) (Tru Thoughts) Monoxide (featuring MonoNeon, MacKenzie + Peter Knudson) (Instrumental)
Orgone Chimera (3 Palm) Tula Muisi (Dance Like Them)
Midnight Channel Gemini Sunrise (self-released) Quick Blues
March 5, 2024
Antistatic Relics (Cuneiform) Hive 1
Temporal Waves (Shawn Mativetsky) Temporal Waves (People Places Records) I Remember
The Dirty Sample Butter Breath (Mo Gravy) Butter Chicken
ShyGuy Wait, What. Now? (Tru Thoughts) This High (Instrumental)
Amon Tobin Permutation (Ninja Tune) Bridge
Francisco Mela + Zoh Amba Causa y Efecto, Volume 2 (577) Causa y Efecto
Turboprop A Canadian Songbook (TPR) The Inertia of Complacency
Danny Miles Beautiful Music (Urbnet) Caged
Microstoria init ding + _snd (Thrill Jockey) Ecclectrig
BCMC Foreign Smokes (Drag City) The Swarm
Gao Hong + Ignacio Lusardi Monteverde Alondra (ARC) Impressions of Ronda
Nicolas Hurt + Zeke Jarmon Serenade, I Miss You (Oak Recordings) Lemonade
Nova Pon + Turning Point Ensemble Symphonies of Mother and Child (Redshift) Symphonies of Mother and Child I - Entrancement
Bill Laswell + Pete Namlook Psychonavigation 4 (Fax) Arena
March 12, 2024
Temporal Waves (Shawn Mativetsky) Temporal Waves (People Places Records) Water Temple
Tala Matrix Tabla Beat Science (Axiom) Audiomaze
Antistatic Relics (Cuneiform) Angels vs. Peasants
Gao Hong + Ignacio Lusardi Monteverde Alondra (ARC) Skylark Call
Francisco Mela + Zoh Amba Causa y Efecto, Volume 2 (577) Mezo
Microstoria init ding + _snd (Thrill Jockey) Communerism
Danny Miles Beautiful Music (Urbnet) Blue Velvet
The Dirty Sample Butter Breath (Mo Gravy) French Butter Disque De La Frite
Turboprop A Canadian Songbook (TPR) Clumsy
ShyGuy Wait, What. Now? (Tru Thoughts) Violet (Instrumental)
Ronnie Foster Bluenote Remix Project: The New Groove Volume 1 (Blue Note) Summer Song
Nova Pon + Turning Point Ensemble Symphonies of Mother and Child (Redshift) Symphonies of Mother and Child II - Explore and Implore
Nicolas Hurt + Justice Philips Serenade, I Miss You (Oak Recordings) Serenade, I Miss You
March 19, 2024
BCMC Foreign Smokes (Drag City) Ripple in High Tide
ShyGuy Wait, What. Now? (Tru Thoughts) Those Things (Instrumental)
The Dirty Sample Butter Breath (Mo Gravy) Moderate Butter Recommendations
DJ Food Jazz Brakes Volume 4 (Ninja Tune) I'm The Food
Francisco Mela + Zoh Amba Causa y Efecto, Volume 2 (577) Experiencias
Antistatic Relics (Cuneiform) Flag
Turboprop A Canadian Songbook (TPR) Skeletons
Danny Miles Beautiful Music (Urbnet) Hot Summer Nights
Sly 5th Ave Big Brother (single) (Tru Thoughts) Big Brother (featuring Daniel Wytanis)
Temporal Waves (Shawn Mativetsky) Temporal Waves (People Places Records) Cortical Network Oscillations
Microstoria init ding + _snd (Thrill Jockey) 16-9
Nicolas Hurt Serenade, I Miss You (Oak Recordings) The Springs
Gao Hong + Ignacio Lusardi Monteverde Alondra (ARC) Longing for my Lover
Nova Pon + Turning Point Ensemble Symphonies of Mother and Child (Redshift) World Within
March 26, 2024
Gao Hong + Ignacio Lusardi Monteverde Alondra (ARC) Prayer
Microstoria init ding + _snd (Thrill Jockey) Edu
Temporal Waves (Shawn Mativetsky) Temporal Waves (People Places Records) Sprawl Twilight
Francisco Mela + Zoh Amba Causa y Efecto, Volume 2 (577) Mundos Diverso
Ultraviolet Ripples + Waves (self-released) The Alchemist
BCMC Foreign Smokes (Drag City) Foreign Smokes
ShyGuy Wait, What. Now? (Tru Thoughts) Ray Gun (Instrumental)
Turboprop A Canadian Songbook (TPR) Aureole
The Dirty Sample Butter Breath (Mo Gravy) Budder Breath
Funki Porcini Incredible Vinyl (self-released) The Devil Drives
Danny Miles Beautiful Music (Urbnet) Orchid
Antistatic Relics (Cuneiform) Relics
Plains Apparition + Light Blending In Window To The Soul (self-released) Stone Window
Nicolas Hurt + Claire Puckett Serenade, I Miss You (Oak Recordings) Lantern
Nova Pon + Turning Point Ensemble Symphonies of Mother and Child (Redshift) Symphonies of Mother and Child V - Eternity's Sun Rise
April 2, 2024
Ghost Funk Orchestra A Trip To The Moon (Colemine) Achluo
Can Live in Paris 1973 (Mute) Fünf
Eric Hilton Sound Vagabond (Montserrat House) Midnight Milan
Josh Cole Kind Mind (Riparian Media) The Bar
Shn Shn Impressions (compilation) (Age of Leisure) We Could Always Start Over
Lutes Jennings Impressions (compilation) (Age of Leisure) Views
India Gailey Problematica (People Places Records) Thanya Iyer - Where I Can Be As Big As The Sun
Dave Harrington, Max Jaffe, Patrick Shiroishi Speak Moment (AKP) Staring Into The Imagination (of Your Face)
Fabiano do Nascimento + Sam Gendel The Room (Real World) Foi Boto
The Primary Phase Principle Echoes of the Mechatronic Age (self-released) Mechatronic Spectre
Laryssa Kim Contezza (City Tracks) Les Amants d'Osmium - 76 OS
Bryony Jarman-Pinto Willow (single) (Tru Thoughts) Willow (Instrumental)
Rodney Sharman, Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa (Piano) Known and Unknown (Redshift) Opera Transcriptions (Book 3) - II - Tristan und Isolde
Patrick Giguère (Cheryl Duvall, piano) Intimes exubérances (Redshift) Lueurs en Voix
April 9, 2024
Can Live in Paris 1973 (Mute) Zwei
India Gailey Problematica (People Places Records) Nicole Lizée - Grotesquerie
The Primary Phase Principle Echoes of the Mechatronic Age (self-released) The Subdued Mechanist
Fabiano do Nascimento + Sam Gendel The Room (Real World) Kewere
Laryssa Kim Contezza (City Tracks) L'Attente - Auspicio
Eric Hilton Sound Vagabond (Montserrat House) Glass Visage
Ghost Funk Orchestra A Trip To The Moon (Colemine) Eyes of Love
Bardo Pond Volume 9 (Fire) The Nine Doubts
Dave Harrington, Max Jaffe, Patrick Shiroishi Speak Moment (AKP) Ship Rock
Dun-Dun Band Pita Parka Part 1 — Xam Egdub (Ansible Editions) No. 7 (Nilan)
Vessna Scheff Slide (featuring Ivy Cole) (single) (Glow Artists) Slide (Instrumental)
Tara Lily No Way Out (single) (Tru Thoughts) No Way Out (Instrumental)
Bruk Rogers Feel Alright + Murder Sound (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Feel Alright (featuring JSWISS + Onj) (Instrumental)
Sly 5th Avenue Liberation (Tru Thoughts) Water Suite (Thirst) + Water Suite (Drown)
Patrick Giguère (Cheryl Duvall, piano) Intimes Exubérances (Redshift) Corps, Hors du Temps
April 16, 2024
The Primary Phase Principle Echoes of the Mechatronic Age (self-released) Purpose of the Machine
Bardo Pond Volume 9 (Fire) War is Over - Part 1
Can Live in Paris 1973 (Mute) Drei
Josh Cole Kind Mind (Riparian Media) Talking Makes it Worse
Dave Harrington, Max Jaffe, Patrick Shiroishi Speak Moment (AKP) Dance of the White Shadow and Golden Kite
Eric Hilton Sound Vagabond (Montserrat House) Nico
Fabiano do Nascimento + Sam Gendel The Room (Real World) Astral Flowers
Ghost Funk Orchestra A Trip To The Moon (Colemine) Where To?
Laryssa Kim Contezza (City Tracks) Scegli Me - Contesa
Bruk Rogers Feel Alright + Murder Sound (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Murder Sound (featuring Dread MC) (Instrumental)
Gimenoleix Halo (EP) (Lowertones) Halo (Original Mix)
Dun-Dun Band Pita Parka Part 1 — Xam Egdub (Ansible Editions) No. 20 (Once Raw - The Aging G)
Sly 5th Avenue Liberation (Tru Thoughts) Liberation
Rodney Sharman, Rachel Kiyo Iwaasa (Piano) Known and Unknown (Redshift) Narcissus
Masahiro Takahashi Impressions (compilation) (Age of Leisure) Night Wave
India Gailey Problematica (People Places Records) Julia Mermelstein - Bending, Breaking Through
April 23, 2024
India Gailey Problematica (People Places Records) Joseph Glaser - Joinery
Sun Rain Impressions (compilation) (Age of Leisure) Morn
Dave Harrington, Max Jaffe, Patrick Shiroishi Speak Moment (AKP) How to Draw Buildings
Ghost Funk Orchestra A Trip To The Moon (Colemine) To the Moon!
Van Houten The Tallest Room (Glow Artists) Black And White
Fabiano do Nascimento + Sam Gendel The Room (Real World) Capricho
Can Live in Paris 1973 (Mute) Vier
Eric Hilton Sound Vagabond (Montserrat House) Closer
Sefi Zisling Brothers (single) (Tru Thoughts) Brothers (extended version)
The Primary Phase Principle Echoes of the Mechatronic Age (self-released) Fall of the Last Overseer
Bardo Pond Volume 9 (Fire) War is Over - Part 2
Laryssa Kim Contezza (City Tracks) Tum Tum - Cuori In Tumulto
April 30, 2024
Josh Cole Kind Mind (Riparian Media) The Subway
Dun-Dun Band Pita Parka Part 1 — Xam Egdub (Ansible Editions) No. 1
Laryssa Kim Contezza (City Tracks) Obsession - Indomita Mente
Ghost Funk Orchestra A Trip To The Moon (Colemine) Opening
Eric Hilton Sound Vagabond (Montserrat House) Endless Affair
The Primary Phase Principle Echoes of the Mechatronic Age (self-released) Corruption of the Order
Can Live in Paris 1973 (Mute) Eins
Bardo Pond Volume 9 (Fire) Conjunctio
India Gailey Problematica (People Places Records) Sarah Rossy - I long
Fabiano do Nascimento + Sam Gendel The Room (Real World) Cores
May 7, 2024
Skwirl Legs Akimbo (Cold Busted) Extra!
Bruk Rogers Loopholes (Tru Thoughts) Lalela (Instrumental)
Catpack Midnight (single) (Tru Thoughts) Midnight (Instrumental)
Lyric Jones Serato Audio Affect Series Beat Tape (compilation) (self-released) Around The Way (Instrumental)
The Chemical Brothers For That Beautiful Feeling (Republic) The Weight
Caméra Caméra (self-released) Carrousel
Jasmine Myra Rising (Gondwana) Rising
John Kameel Farah + Nick Fraser Farahser (Elastic Recordings) Elevator
Tomeka Reid Quartet 3+3 promo - Turning Inward (Cuneiform) Funambulist Fever
Buildings and Food Echo the Field (self-released) Cadence
Conner Quin God's Eternal Museums (self-released) Bossa Nova De Planta
Farah Kaddour Badā (Asadun Alay) Ḥijāzkār Ḥālek
Jim White All Hits, Memories (Drag City) Soft Material
Brent Birckhead Cacao (self-released) There's Salt in the Honey
Jeremy Gignoux Odd Stillness (self-released) Grouny (featuring Keith Rodger)
Joel Chadabe Emergence (Riparian Media) Diversions for Two Pianos (1967)
May 14, 2024
The Jazz Defenders Memory In Motion (Haggis) Chasing Fantasies
Bruk Rogers Loopholes (Tru Thoughts) Feel Alright (featuring Onj) (Instrumental)
The Chemical Brothers For That Beautiful Feeling (Republic) Fountains
Skwirl Legs Akimbo (Cold Busted) Shhh
Cori Jaye Serato Audio Affect Series Beat Tape (compilation) (self-released) Night Cap
Buildings and Food Echo the Field (self-released) Coasting
Caméra Caméra (self-released) Le Philtre
Brent Birckhead Cacao (self-released) Cacao
Jim White All Hits, Memories (Drag City) Long Assemblage
Conner Quin God's Eternal Museums (self-released) 13 Philosophers Walking out of The Lexicon
Jeremy Gignoux Odd Stillness (self-released) Quimsie (featuring Jiajia Li)
Joel Chadabe Emergence (Riparian Media) Prelude to Naples (1967)
Farah Kaddour Badā (Asadun Alay) Fil-Bamb
The Sindecut + Ijeoma Early (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Get Over (Instrumental)
Jasmine Myra Rising (Gondwana) Still Waters
John Kameel Farah + Nick Fraser Farahser (Elastic Recordings) Twigs
May 21, 2024
Jasmine Myra Rising (Gondwana) Knowingness
Bruk Rogers Loopholes (Tru Thoughts) Get Low (Instrumental)
Brent Birckhead Cacao (self-released) Ging Gang Gong Goong
Buildings and Food Echo the Field (self-released) Flatland
The Sindecut + Ijeoma Early(EP) (Tru Thoughts) Falling (Instrumental)
Caméra Caméra (self-released) Dimanche
Conner Quin God's Eternal Museums (self-released) A Process of Worrying
Jahmal Padmore The Wooz (Telephone Explosion) Denial
Skwirl Legs Akimbo (Cold Busted) Inside
The Jazz Defenders Memory In Motion (Haggis) The Long Haul
Farah Kaddour Badā (Asadun Alay) Bulbul el-Afrāḥ
8ijan Serato Audio Affect Series Beat Tape (compilation) (self-released) Violet Beat
Hector Plimmer Playtime (single) (Glow Artists) Playtime (featuring Laura Misch)
Jim White All Hits, Memories (Drag City) Names Make the Name
Joel Chadabe Emergence (Riparian Media) Street Scene (1968)
Tomeka Reid Quartet 3+3 promo - Turning Inward (Cuneiform) Sauntering with Mr. Brown
Jeremy Gignoux Odd Stillness (self-released) Repeath
May 28, 2024
Bruk Rogers Loopholes (Tru Thoughts) Gravity (featuring Onj) (Instrumental)
Brent Birckhead Cacao (self-released) Jodeci
Nikitch + Alexis Mouzouris Sans Titres (single) (Tru Thoughts) Sans Titres
Caméra Caméra (self-released) Matsutaké
Conner Quin God's Eternal Museums (self-released) What Are The Facts
Buildings and Food Echo the Field (self-released) Sea Second
Skwirl Legs Akimbo (Cold Busted) Yuji
Tvkii Serato Audio Affect Series Beat Tape (compilation) (self-released) Departed Welcoming
The Jazz Defenders Memory In Motion (Haggis) Meanderthal
Farah Kaddour Badā (Asadun Alay) Estehlāl
Jasmine Myra Rising (Gondwana) Glimmers
Jahmal Padmore The Wooz (Telephone Explosion) Not Long Now
Sharky Up Til Now (Tru Thoughts) Hawaii
Jim White All Hits, Memories (Drag City) Here Comes
Tomeka Reid Quartet 3+3 promo - Turning Inward (Cuneiform) Sometimes You Just Have To Run With It
Joel Chadabe Emergence (Riparian Media) Playthings (1978)
June 4, 2024
Caméra Caméra (self-released) Trompe L’œil
Art Test Fever Dreams (Folded) Baby
Conner Quin God's Eternal Museums (self-released) It's Just An Idea
Buildings and Food Echo the Field (self-released) Found Objects
Ldot Adot Serato Audio Affect Series Beat Tape (compilation) (self-released) Rose Coloured Roulette
Chxmeras Terminal City (Virtua 94) Memoria
Alex Henry Foster Kimiyo (Hopeful Tragedy) A Vessel Astray
Afterwald Afterwald (self-released) The Dark Years
Jeremy Gignoux Odd Stillness (self-released) Pedire (featuring Andre Wickenheiser + Carsten Rubeling)
Jim White All Hits, Memories (Drag City) Marketplace
Skwirl Legs Akimbo (Cold Busted) Set It And
Eric Hilton Sound Vagabond (Montserrat House) Mumbai Hustle
Bruk Rogers Loopholes (Tru Thoughts) Pioneers (Extended Instrumental)
The Luvmenauts Ephemera (Do Right!) Doing Jazz
Oren Ambarchi, Johan Berthling, Andreas Werliin Ghosted II (Drag City) Fyra
Karate Boogaloo Hold Your Horses (Colemine) Not for the First Time
Ryan Oliver Quartet Live In Vancouver (Do Right!) Wayfaring Stranger
The Jazz Defenders Memory in Motion (Haggis) There is No Rush
Jeff Bird Cottage Bell Peace Now (self-released) Peace Heart
Josh Cole Kind Mind (Riperian Media) Red Deer
Christina Petrowska Quilico Games of the Night Wind, 12 Nocturnes by David Jaeger (Parma) Nocturne no. 7 - The Red Deer
June 11, 2024
Chxmeras Terminal City (Virtua 94) Subterrain
Art Test Fever Dreams (Folded) Rainbow Brain
Skwirl Legs Akimbo (Cold Busted) Our People Are...
Ryan Oliver Quartet Live In Vancouver (Do Right!) Equinox
Josh Cole Kind Mind (Riperian Media) Expectations
Jeremy Gignoux Odd Stillness (self-released) Curmission (featuring Robin Tufts)
Bruk Rogers Loopholes (Tru Thoughts) Deusa (featuring Onj + Roberta Silva) (Instrumental)
Eric Hilton Sound Vagabond (Montserrat House) Petra
Karate Boogaloo Hold Your Horses (Colemine) Eyes On The Prize
Alex Henry Foster Kimiyo (Hopeful Tragedy) The Edge of Time
Kaunsel Pixel Geometry (Honey Farm) Grain Hopper
Buildings and Food Echo the Field (self-released) Planting a Desert
Caméra Caméra (self-released) Rumeurs
Oren Ambarchi, Johan Berthling, Andreas Werliin Ghosted II (Drag City) Tre
The Luvmenauts Ephemera (Do Right!) Pimp Walk
Jeff Bird Cottage Bell Peace Now (self-released) Peace Today Peace Tomorrow
June 18, 2024
Caméra Caméra (self-released) ...!
Jasmine Myra Rising (Gondwana) How Tall The Mountains
Gaige B Serato Audio Affect Series Beat Tape (compilation) (self-released) G Chop
Bruk Rogers Loopholes (Tru Thoughts) Murder Sound (Instrumental)
Conner Quin God's Eternal Museums (self-released) Better Energy
Ryan Oliver Quartet Live In Vancouver (Do Right!) Peaceful Warrior
Christina Petrowska Quilico Games of the Night Wind, 12 Nocturnes by David Jaeger (Parma) Nocturne Number 3 - Tumult
Alice Russell Gravity (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Gravity (Payfone / Humanoid Philip K. Dick remix)
Eric Hilton Sound Vagabond (Montserrat House) Sound Vagabond
The Luvmenauts Ephemera (Do Right!) Rikki Tikki
Skwirl Legs Akimbo (Cold Busted) Ur M8's Jetta
Art Test Fever Dreams (Folded) The Good Old Days
Karate Boogaloo Hold Your Horses (Colemine) The Early Bird Catches
Alex Henry Foster Kimiyo (Hopeful Tragedy) A Silent Stream
Oren Ambarchi, Johan Berthling, Andreas Werliin Ghosted II (Drag City) Två
Buildings and Food Echo the Field (self-released) Sky-D
Josh Cole Kind Mind (Riperian Media) Daughters
Jeremy Gignoux Odd Stillness (self-released) Meditempt (featuring Rebecca Bruton)
June 25, 2024
Ryan Oliver Quartet Live In Vancouver (Do Right!) Mahjongg
Conner Quin God's Eternal Museums (self-released) Ethics Committee
Jasmine Myra Rising (Gondwana) From Embers
Jeremy Gignoux Odd Stillness (self-released) Brustred (featuring Mark DeJong)
Eric Hilton Sound Vagabond (Montserrat House) Cerro Alegre
Oren Ambarchi, Johan Berthling, Andreas Werliin Ghosted II (Drag City) En
Bruk Rogers Loopholes (Tru Thoughts) Jelly Head (featuring Wipe The Needle)
Josh Cole Kind Mind (Riperian Media) Over The Bridge
Art Test Fever Dreams (Folded) Hallucinations
Chxmeras Terminal City (Virtua 94) Afterlife
Skwirl Legs Akimbo (Cold Busted) Akimbo
The Luvmenauts Ephemera (Do Right!) Biru
Karate Boogaloo Hold Your Horses (Colemine) All Aboard
Alex Henry Foster Kimiyo (Hopeful Tragedy) Of Dreams And Dust
Caméra Caméra (self-released) Angora
Jeff Bird Cottage Bell Peace Now (self-released) Peace Now
July 2, 2024
Alex Henry Foster Kimiyo (Hopeful Tragedy) Too Bright to Crumble
Priori This But More (NAFF) Everything Forgotten Flows
Soft Machine Høvikodden 1971 (Cuneiform) Facelift
Art Test Fever Dreams (Folded) Once Upon a VHS
Colin Fisher Suns of the Heart (We Are Busy Bodies) Mundial Imaginalis
Patche Document (Popop) Balloon
Azalia Snail Powerlover (Cloud) Still Hanging On
Men Seni Suyemin Believe (Omnian) Akshulan's Intro
Errance Errance (Société Holographique de Montréal) Pente Douce
Maple Mountain Sunburst Ecstatic (self-released) Murmuration Awe
Ian Foster Nerve (Leaf) More to Surrender
Christina Petrowska Quilico Games of The Night Wind, 12 Nocturnes by David Jaeger (Parma) Nocturne Number 9 - Lament for the People of Ukraine
Chxmeras Terminal City (Virtua94) Radio Halo
Ghost Note Mustard n' Onions (Artistry / Mack Avenue) Pound Cake
Bryony Jarman-Pinto Below Dawn (Tru Thoughts) Moving Forward (Instrumental)
Alex Pipes Square One (self-released) Square One
Joy Guidry Amen (Whited Sepulchre) Day By Day
July 9, 2024
Alex Pipes Square One (self-released) 552
Alex Henry Foster Kimiyo (Hopeful Tragedy) Under A Luxuriant Sky
Art Test Fever Dreams (Folded) Fever Dream
Maple Mountain Sunburst Ecstatic (self-released) Pop-A-Matic
Colin Fisher Suns of the Heart (We Are Busy Bodies) Terra Lucida
Joy Guidry Amen (Whited Sepulchre) Psalm 138:7
Priori This But More (NAFF) Silicate Tusks
Patche Document (Popop) Mandy
The Luvmenauts Ephemera (Do Right!) Onenotearu
Azalia Snail Powerlover (Cloud) Expert Outlier
Chxmeras Terminal City (Virtua94) Ironwork
Soft Machine Høvikodden 1971 (Cuneiform) Virtually
Christina Petrowska Quilico Games of The Night Wind, 12 Nocturnes by David Jaeger (Parma) Nocturne Number 11 - The Alarm Bell
Ryan Oliver Quartet Live In Vancouver (Do Right!) Canyon
Ghost Note Mustard n' Onions (Artistry / Mack Avenue) Origins
Bryony Jarman-Pinto Below Dawn (Tru Thoughts) Leap (Instrumental)
Ian Foster Nerve (Leaf) I See You in There
Errance Errance (Société Holographique de Montréal) Buoyancy
July 16, 2024
Maple Mountain Sunburst Ecstatic (self-released) Waters of Forgetfulness
Bryony Jarman-Pinto Below Dawn (Tru Thoughts) Moving Forward (Instrumental)
Soft Machine Høvikodden 1971 (Cuneiform) Slightly All The Time
Patche Document (Popop) Document
Colin Fisher Suns of the Heart (We Are Busy Bodies) Luminous Light
Alex Henry Foster Kimiyo (Hopeful Tragedy) Autumnal Processions
Christina Petrowska Quilico Games of The Night Wind, 12 Nocturnes by David Jaeger (Parma) Nocturne Number 12 - Conjure You
Ian Foster Nerve (Leaf) Hard Kiss
Men Seni Suyemin Believe (Omnian) Dark Waves
Ghost Note Mustard n' Onions (Artistry / Mack Avenue) Where's Danny?
Alex Pipes Square One (self-released) Momo (featuring Joe Kaptein)
Azalia Snail Powerlover (Cloud) Trek Light
Art Test Fever Dreams (Folded) Walked Off Into The Distance
Priori This But More (NAFF) Learn to Fly (featuring Sabola)
Chxmeras Terminal City (Virtua94) Javelin
Kaunsel Pixel Geometry (Honey Farm) Music for Error Messages
July 23, 2024
Azalia Snail Powerlover (Cloud) Zap You of That Hate
Men Seni Suyemin Believe (Omnian) A Dream
Bryony Jarman-Pinto Below Dawn (Tru Thoughts) Feel Those Things (Instrumental)
Ghost Note Mustard n' Onions (Artistry / Mack Avenue) Move With a Purpose
Alex Pipes Square One (self-released) Chant
Soft Machine Høvikodden 1971 (Cuneiform) Fletcher's Blemish
Patche Document (Popop) Exactement, C'est ça
Colin Fisher Suns of the Heart (We Are Busy Bodies) Deus Absconditas
Errance Errance (Société Holographique de Montréal) Owl's Head
Alex Henry Foster Kimiyo (Hopeful Tragedy) All of Our Past Future Lives
Luvmenauts Ephemera (Do Right!) Surf Brothel
Maple Mountain Sunburst Ecstatic (self-released) Without Fear
Priori This But More (NAFF) Segue
Ian Foster Nerve (Leaf) Gossamer
Kaunsel Pixel Geometry (Honey Farm) Chromatic Apparition
Chxmeras Terminal City (Virtua94) Skimmer
July 30, 2024
Patche Document (Popop) Triangle
Disaster Pony Disaster Pony (Lovetown) Moons Become Planets
Chxmeras Terminal City (Virtua94) W.P.S.
Azalia Snail Powerlover (Cloud) Take Away His Power
Alex Henry Foster Kimiyo (Hopeful Tragedy) Nocturnal Candescence
Maple Mountain Sunburst Ecstatic (Cuneiform) The Illy-Ally-O
Ian Foster Nerve (Leaf) Dark Patterning
Men Seni Suyemin Believe (Omnian) Demal
Jay Holy Six Instrumentals (A Person Disguised as People) Varispeed Open
Kessoncoda Outerstate (Gondwana) Spaceliminal
Prefuse 73 New Strategies for Modern Crime Volumes 1 + 2 (Lex) Full Recollection
Black Decelerant Reflections Volume 2 (RVNG) Ten
Soft Machine Høvikodden 1971 (Cuneiform) Neo-Caliban Grides
Colin Fisher Suns of the Heart (We Are Busy Bodies) Acts of Light
Bryony Jarman-Pinto Below Dawn (Tru Thoughts) Deep (Instrumental)
Priori This But More (NAFF) Ruins
Brian Eno Eno [Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Universal) Fractal Zoom
August 6, 2024
Disaster Pony Disaster Pony (Lovetown) Dead Neon + The Noon Sun
Black Decelerant Reflections Volume 2 (RVNG) One
Brian Eno Eno [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Universal) Cluster + Eno - Ho Renomo
Ebi Soda Collaborations and Remixes Volume 1 (Tru Thoughts) Soft Peng (JD. Reid Remix)
Jay Holy Six Instrumentals (A Person Disguised As People) Downtown '91
Nuxalk Radio Nusximta (self-released) Ista nts ali
Mestizo Beat Jaraguá LP (F-Spot) Lotsapoppa
Oreglo Not Real People (Brownswood) J.A.C.K.
Avery Sharpe Double Quartet I Am My Neighbors Keeper (JKNM) I See You
Kessoncoda Outerstate (Gondwana) Hammers
Dabrye Super-Cassette (Ghostly International) The Most Deliciousest
Laraaji Glimpses of Infinity (Numero Group) Kalimba 1 (Glimpse)
Eyal Maoz + Eugene Chadbourne The Coincidence Masters (Infrequent Seams) On-the-Spot
Amy Brandon Lysis (New Focus Recordings) Caduceus (2023)
Mark Haney Placentia Bay - Summer of 1941 (self-released) Tempest, Fire and Foe
Benji Bower + The Terra Collective Orchestra Artemis - Whale Lament (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Artemis
Prefuse 73 New Strategies for Modern Crime Volumes 1 + 2 (Lex) A Lord Without Jewels
Future Star It's About Time (Mint) This is the Part That's Too Hard to Explain
August 13, 2024
Laraaji Glimpses of Infinity (Numero Group) Segue to Infinity (Glimpse)
Avery Sharpe Double Quartet I Am My Neighbors Keeper (JKNM) Trust
Disaster Pony Disaster Pony (Lovetown) Hot Like Bugs
Jay Holy Six Instrumentals (A Person Disguised As People) All The Time
Saskatones Mercury (Dadmobile Records) Mariner 10
Prefuse 73 New Strategies for Modern Crime Volumes 1 + 2 (Lex) The End of Air
Nuxalk Radio Nusximta (self-released) Nucwtsalus
Black Decelerant Reflections Volume 2 (RVNG) Two
Brian Eno Eno [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Universal) Eno + Fred Again - C'mon
Kessoncoda Outerstate (Gondwana) KTO
Eyal Maoz + Eugene Chadbourne The Coincidence Masters (Infrequent Seams) Improvisation Enthusiasm
Amy Brandon Lysis (New Focus Recordings) Simulacra (2022)
Dabrye Super-Cassette (Ghostly International) Yaya
Ebi Soda Collaborations and Remixes Volume 1 (Tru Thoughts) Tang of the Zest (Ebi Soda Remix)
Mestizo Beat Jaraguá LP (F-Spot) She's A Rose
DJ Standfast The Northern Letter (Urbnet) Temporary Mad, Man
Oreglo Not Real People (Brownswood) Opedge
Future Star It's About Time (Mint) Real Life
August 20, 2024
Future Star It's About Time (Mint) Pomegranate Seeds
DJ Standfast The Northern Letter (Urbnet) Cold Secrets
Jay Holy Six Instrumentals (A Person Disguised As People) Peninsula
Disaster Pony Disaster Pony (Lovetown) Robot Pain
Avery Sharpe Double Quartet I Am My Neighbors Keeper (JKNM) Unspoken Words
Kessoncoda Outerstate (Gondwana) Greyscale
Brian Eno Eno [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Universal) Daniel Lanois + Brian Eno - The Secret Place
Black Decelerant Reflections Volume 2 (RVNG) Three
Dabrye Super-Cassette (Ghostly International) Toiler on the Creek
Oreglo Not Real People (Brownswood) Peck
Prefuse 73 New Strategies for Modern Crime Volumes 1 + 2 (Lex) Lullabyes and Awakenings
Ebi Soda Collaborations and Remixes Volume 1 (Tru Thoughts) Giraffe Bread (Max Wheeler Remix)
Nuxalk Radio Nusximta (self-released) Uts ii stlhilh Nuxalkmcilh
Saskatones Mercury (Dadmobile Records) Icy Ghost Craters
Mestizo Beat Jaraguá LP (F-Spot) On My Way
Call Sender Lost to the Storm (Tru Thoughts) Mad Mark (Malcolm Catto Remix)
Laraaji Glimpses of Infinity (Numero Group) All Pervading (Glimpse)
Thom Yorke Confidenza OST (XL) The Big City
Eyal Maoz + Eugene Chadbourne The Coincidence Masters (Infrequent Seams) Two Guitarists
Amy Brandon Lysis (New Focus Recordings) Intermountainous (2017)
August 27, 2024
Disaster Pony Disaster Pony (Lovetown) It's Got Tentacles
Laraaji Glimpses of Infinity (Numero Group) Bethlehem (Glimpse)
Kessoncoda Outerstate (Gondwana) The Sum Of All The Parts
Saskatones Mercury (Dadmobile Records) Solar Wind
Brian Eno Eno [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Universal) Brian Eno - Hardly Me
Eyal Maoz + Eugene Chadbourne The Coincidence Masters (Infrequent Seams) Words Are Not Intended
Future Star It's About Time (Mint) My Bright Fantasy
Black Decelerant Reflections Volume 2 (RVNG) Four
Avery Sharpe Double Quartet I Am My Neighbors Keeper (JKNM) My Friend, Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help
Jay Holy Six Instrumentals (A Person Disguised As People) Tropic Sci
Ebi Soda Collaborations and Remixes Volume 1 (Tru Thoughts) Yoshi Orange (Ash Walker Dub Remix)
Nuxalk Radio Nusximta (self-released) Wa skulhlxsaalhts
DJ Standfast The Northern Letter (Urbnet) Bonjour
Dabrye Super-Cassette (Ghostly International) Ring the Cellarman
Prefuse 73 New Strategies for Modern Crime Volumes 1 + 2 (Lex) Clean Up Scene Apprentice
Mestizo Beat Jaraguá LP (F-Spot) Jaraguá
Hector Plimmer Duality (Tru Thoughts) Under
Oreglo Not Real People (Brownswood) Levels
Ari Tsugi Simultaneity (Tru Thoughts) Mezame (覚醒)
Amy Brandon Lysis (New Focus Recordings) Affine (2022)
Benji Bower + The Terra Collective Orchestra Artemis - Whale Lament (EP) (Tru Thoughts) Whale Lament
September 3, 2024
Mas Aya Coming And Going (Telephone Explosion) Dora
Minor Sine Project Fata Morgana (self-released) Easy Does It
Hector Plimmer Duality (Tru Thoughts) Joy + Sadness
N4K3D D1G1TS 00110000 (Panospria) 00100000
Plasma X Ecco EP (Mirela) Atlanta
Humanoid No More Astral Slap (self-released) Astro Seismological Vibes
Louis Carnell + Keeley Forsyth 111 (Mute) One
Chrystabell + David Lynch Cellophane Memories (Sacred Bones) So Much Love
Ryuichi Sakamoto Opus (Milan) The Wuthering Heights
Jason Doell - Rebecca Bruton + Jason Doell A Root or Mirror, Blossom, Madder, Cracks; Together (Riparian Media) To Carry Dust + Breaks Through the Body
Claudio Corona Imagination Unlimited (Vintage League) Top Hat
Jeremy Ledbetter Trio Gravity (CaneFire) Flight
Greg Amirault A Change of Pace (self-released) That's a Fact
Prefuse 73 New Strategies for Modern Crime Volumes 1 + 2 (Lex) Empath Lords
Kessoncoda Outerstate (Gondwana) Dreambend
The Octopus Project Butterfly in the Sky [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Earth Libraries) Green Cravat
Thom Yorke Confidenza [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (XL) Prize Giving
Nuxalk Radio Nusximta (self-released) Axw Ku Kwmanu
September 10, 2024
Ryuichi Sakamoto Opus (Milan) 20180219 (with prepared piano)
Minor Sine Project Fata Morgana (self-released) Fata Morgana
Hector Plimmer Duality (Tru Thoughts) Tipping Point
Chrystabell + David Lynch Cellophane Memories (Sacred Bones) She Knew
Call Sender Lost to the Storm (Tru Thoughts) Wilderness (Mophono Remix)
Prefuse 73 New Strategies for Modern Crime Volumes 1 + 2 (Lex) Fare La Coma
Louis Carnell + Lee Ranaldo 111 (Mute) Two
Mas Aya Coming And Going (Telephone Explosion) Waveless, Windless
N4K3D D1G1TS 00110000 (Panospria) 00110111
Plasma X Ecco EP (Mirela) Ecco
Humanoid No More Astral Slap (self-released) Astral Slap (HNM Slapped Into Space Remix)
Claudio Corona Imagination Unlimited (Vintage League) Bitter Honey
Jay Holy Six Instrumentals (A Person Disguised as People) Albert's Generator
Laraaji Glimpses of Infinity (Numero Group) Kalimba 4 (Glimpse)
The Octopus Project Butterfly in the Sky [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Earth Libraries) Twila
Thom Yorke Confidenza [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (XL) In The Trees
Sefi Zisling The Librarian (Tru Thoughts) The Librarian
Greg Amirault A Change of Pace (self-released) I Wish I Knew
Disaster Pony Disaster Pony (Lovetown) Sly, Dirty Machines
Ari Tsugi Simultaneity (Tru Thoughts) Simultaneity (同時性)
Jeremy Ledbetter Trio Gravity (CaneFire) Song Of The River
September 17, 2024
N4K3D D1G1TS 00110000 (Panospria) 00110100
Humanoid No More Astral Slap (self-released) Devil's Planet Beach Club
Call Sender Lost to the Storm (Tru Thoughts) The Black Dog (Project Gemini Remix)
The Octopus Project Butterfly in the Sky [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Earth Libraries) A Simple Effort of Love
Chrystabell + David Lynch Cellophane Memories (Sacred Bones) The Sky Falls
Jeremy Ledbetter Trio Gravity (CaneFire) Gravity
Ryuichi Sakamoto Opus (Milan) The Last Emperor
Claudio Corona Imagination Unlimited (Vintage League) Hittin' the Strip
Plasma X Ecco EP (Mirela) Poly
Mas Aya Coming And Going (Telephone Explosion) Be (featuring Martina Valdivia)
Minor Sine Project Fata Morgana (self-released) Vespasian
Hector Plimmer Duality (Tru Thoughts) Playtime (featuring Laura Misch)
Prefuse 73 New Strategies for Modern Crime Volumes 1 + 2 (Lex) Onboard, Overboard
Louis Carnell + Ben Vince 111 (Mute) Three
Greg Amirault A Change of Pace (self-released) On a Swing
Oreglo Not Real People (Brownswood) Peck reprise
Disaster Pony Disaster Pony (Lovetown) You're Still A Lousy Fink
Alice Russell I See You (remixes EP) (Tru Thoughts) I See You (Sworn Virgins Remix) (Instrumental)
Kessoncoda Outerstate (Gondwana) Reverie
Michael Scott Dawson The Tinnitus Chorus (We are Busy Bodies) Mojave Flowers (featuring Michael Grigoni)
September 24, 2024
Jeremy Ledbetter Trio Gravity (CaneFire) Two Cousins
Claudio Corona Imagination Unlimited (Vintage League) Burn the House Down
Louis Carnell + Yara Asmar 111 (Mute) Four
Call Sender Lost to the Storm (Tru Thoughts) Palm Forest (Shawn Lee Remix)
Plasma X Ecco EP (Mirela) Quake
Mas Aya Coming And Going (Telephone Explosion) Tú y Yo (featuring Lido Pimienta)
Hector Plimmer Duality (Tru Thoughts) Soft Laughing
Humanoid No More Astral Slap (self-released) Zero-G Tortillas
Prefuse 73 New Strategies for Modern Crime Volumes 1 + 2 (Lex) She Needs No Introduction
Minor Sine Project Fata Morgana (self-released) Strait of Messina
The Octopus Project Butterfly in the Sky [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] (Earth Libraries) An Invitation
Ryuichi Sakamoto Opus (Milan) Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
N4K3D D1G1TS 00110000 (Panospria) 00110010
Manatee Commune Simultaneity (Bastard Jazz) Amaat One
Chrystabell + David Lynch Cellophane Memories (Sacred Bones) You Know the Rest
Rebecca Bruton - Rebecca Bruton + Jason Doell A Root or Mirror, Blossom, Madder, Cracks; Together (Riparian Media) The Faerie Ribbon (I-IV)
Michael Scott Dawson The Tinnitus Chorus (We Are Busy Bodies) I'll Always Answer (featuring Lina Langendorf)
October 1, 2024
Nuxalk Radio Nusximta (self-released) Susqwimtmacwaw
Mas Aya Coming And Going (Telephone Explosion) What Shattering!
N4K3D D1G1TS 00110000 (Panospria) 00110011
Bugseed Soundcraft 2 (Cascade) Carmen
Ty Segall Love Rudiments (Drag City) First Look / First Conversation / Walk Home Part I
Goodge Sunday Soul (Cold Busted) Sunday Soul
Tara Lilly Breathe Now (single) (Tru Thoughts) Breathe Now (Instrumental)
Humanoid No More Astral Slap (self-released) Astral Slap
We Are Winter's Blue and Radiant Children No More Apocalypse Father (Constellation) Tremble Pour Light
Secret Beaches Day Sleeper (Panospria) Stereo Fountains
Manatee Commune Simultaneity (Bastard Jazz) Closure
Minor Sine Project Fata Morgana (self-released) Slam Dancing
Asko Asko (Dine Alone) Sîsîkwan
Victoria Kaspi Excerpts from live talk at the Perimeter Institute (Perimeter Institute) The Song of the Neutron Star - Humanoid + Tim Brady Remix
Tim Brady Instruments of Happiness - Imagine Many Guitars (Redshift) Slow, Simple
Colin Stetson The Love it Took to Leave You (Envision) Hollowing
India Gailey Butterfly Lightning Shakes the Earth (Redshift) Butterfly Lightning Shakes the Earth - II. Golden
Electric Taal Band Electric Taal Band (We Are Busy Bodies) Bhamra
Nuxalk Radio Nusximta (self-released) Xiku
October 8, 2024
Catch92 Soul (Folded) Need You
Electric Taal Band Electric Taal Band (We Are Busy Bodies) 506
Footshooter Obelisk (single) (Tru Thoughts) Obelisk featuring Natty Wylah + Brother Portrait (Instrumental)
Bugseed Soundcraft 2 (Cascade) Mello
Mas Aya Coming And Going (Telephone Explosion) Ocarina
Secret Beaches Day Sleeper (Panospria) Day Sleeper
Ty Segall Love Rudiments (Drag City) Getting Ready / Arrival / The Dance / Walk Home Part II / First Touch
Goodge Sunday Soul (Cold Busted) Lights Out
Jon Hopkins Ritual (Domino) Part 1 - Altar
Jon Hopkins Ritual (Domino) Part 2 - Palace - Illusion
Manatee Commune Simultaneity (Bastard Jazz) Mosaic
Asko Asko (Dine Alone) Wâhkôhtowin
Colin Stetson The Love it Took to Leave You (Envision) The Augur
Jeremy Ledbetter Trio Gravity (CaneFire) Port Of Spain
Eldritch Priest Dormitive Virtue (Halocline Trance) Grave Needs, Rainbow
Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra Sinfonia Alikeness (Leaf) Alikeness (Arrangement for Percussion + String Orchestra by Yoshiaki Onishi) III.
October 15, 2024
Ty Segall Love Rudiments (Drag City) Honeymoon / Life / Confrontation / Argument / Separation / Realization
We Are Winter's Blue and Radiant Children No More Apocalypse Father (Constellation) Dangling Blanket from a Balconey (White Phosphorus)
Asko Asko (Dine Alone) Nisis
Manatee Commune Simultaneity (Bastard Jazz) Faulted
Secret Beaches Day Sleeper (Panospria) Poison Pill
Mas Aya Coming And Going (Telephone Explosion) No Trace
Jon Hopkins Ritual (Domino) Part 3 - Transcend - Lament
Jon Hopkins Ritual (Domino) Part 4 - The Veil
Bugseed Soundcraft 2 (Cascade) Dalila
Goodge Sunday Soul (Cold Busted) Promised Land
Cornelius Bad Advice + Mind Train (EP) (Warner Japan) Mind Train
Colin Stetson The Love it Took to Leave You (Envision) Malediction
Electric Taal Band Electric Taal Band (We Are Busy Bodies) Billy Bombay
Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra Sinfonia Alikeness (Leaf) Alikeness (Arrangement for Percussion + String Orchestra by Yoshiaki Onishi) IV.
Canadian Chamber Choir Where Waters Meet (self-released) Heart of the Water
October 22, 2024
Eldritch Priest Dormitive Virtue (Halocline Trance) Outlaw
Sarah Davachi The Head As Form'd In The Crier's Choir (Late) Prologo
Masayoshi Fujita Migratory (Erased Tapes) Tower of Cloud
Catch92 Soul (Folded) Run Away
Bugseed Soundcraft 2 (Cascade) Nightingale
Goodge Sunday Soul (Cold Busted) Within Myself
Asko Asko (Dine Alone) Nikâwîs
Secret Beaches Day Sleeper (Panospria) Blackout Blinds
Colin Stetson The Love it Took to Leave You (Envision) The Six
Ty Segall Love Rudiments (Drag City) Love Rudiments
Manatee Commune Simultaneity (Bastard Jazz) Closure
Electric Taal Band Electric Taal Band (We Are Busy Bodies) Bongo Shamshad
Aerial M The Peel Sessions (Drag City) Safeless
Mother Mallards Portable Masterpiece Company + David Borden Make Way For Mother Mallard - 50 Years of Music (self-released) The Continuing Story of Counterpoint, Part 1
Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra Sinfonia Alikeness (Leaf) Alikeness (Arrangement for Percussion + String Orchestra by Yoshiaki Onishi) V.
October 29, 2024
Colin Stetson The Love it Took to Leave You (Envision) The Love it Took to Leave You
We Are Winter's Blue and Radiant Children No More Apocalypse Father (Constellation) (Goodnight) White Phosphorus
Mas Aya Coming And Going (Telephone Explosion) Abre Camino
Manatee Commune Simultaneity (Bastard Jazz) Cyclic
Mother Mallards Portable Masterpiece Company + David Borden Make Way For Mother Mallard - 50 Years of Music (self-released) Endocrine Dot Patterns
Electric Taal Band Electric Taal Band (We Are Busy Bodies) Captain Molo
Bugseed Soundcraft 2 (Cascade) Mabuyah
Catch92 Soul (Folded) Sometimes
Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra Sinfonia Alikeness (Leaf) Alikeness (Arrangement for Percussion & String Orchestra by Yoshiaki Onishi) VI.
Aerial M The Peel Sessions (Drag City) Vivea
Asko Asko (Dine Alone) Nôkosiw
Eldritch Priest Dormitive Virtue (Halocline Trance) A Problem with the Stars
Sarah Davachi The Head As Form'd In The Crier's Choir (Late) Trio for a Ground
November + December 2024 : Humanoid Radio on hiatus
January 7, 2025
DJ Moves Bass, Breaks + VHS Tapes (Hand'Solo) The Bill Lynch Midway
Asko Asko (Dine Alone) Sôhkisiw
Ann Annie The Wind (Nettwerk) Opening
Godspeed You! Black Emperor No Title as of 13 February 2024, 28,340 Dead (Constellation) Sun is a Hole Sun is Vapors
Arun Ramamurthy Trio New Moon (Greenleaf) 4 Mirrors
Masayoshi Fujita Migratory (Erased Tapes) Desonata
Electric Taal Band Electric Taal Band (We Are Busy Bodies) P. Augustine
Ebo Taylor, Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad Jazz Is Dead 021 (Jazz Is Dead) Obi Do Woa (If Someone Loves You)
Aerial M The Peel Sessions (Drag City) Skrag Theme
Colin Stetson The Love it Took to Leave You (Envision) So Say the Soaring Bullbats
Calgaréal Vanishing Points (self-released) Cercle
Paradise Cinema Returning, Dream (Gondwana) A Morning in the Near Future
The Headhunters The Stunt Man (Ropeadope) ESP
Jason Stein Anchors (TAO Forms) Crystalline
Mother Mallards Portable Masterpiece Co. + David Borden Make Way For Mother Mallard - 50 Years of Music (self-released) The Continuing Story of Counterpoint, part 12B
Sarah Davachi The Head As Form’d In The Crier’s Choir (Late) Possente Spirito
January 14, 2025
Colin Stetson The Love it Took to Leave You (Envision) Ember
Paradise Cinema Returning, Dream (Gondwana) Returning Dream
Ann Annie The Wind (Nettwerk) Sweet Coast
Arun Ramamurthy Trio New Moon (Greenleaf) Aaji
Electric Taal Band Electric Taal Band (We Are Busy Bodies) Keher Taal Dub
Adrian Younge Jazz Is Dead 021 (Jazz Is Dead) Atlas
The Headhunters The Stunt Man (Ropeadope) Embraceable You
Dan Pitt Quintet Horizontal Depths (self-released) 27 Hours
Godspeed You! Black Emperor No Title as of 13 February 2024, 28,340 Dead (Constellation) Baby's in a Thundercloud
Masayoshi Fujita Migratory (Erased Tapes) Our Mother's Lights (featuring Moor Mother)
DJ Moves Bass, Breaks + VHS Tapes (Hand'Solo) Dragon's Lair
Asko Asko (Dine Alone) Pimohtêwin
Calgaréal Vanishing Points (self-released) Dialogue 1
Jason Stein Anchors (TAO Forms) An Origin
Sarah Davachi The Head As Form’d In The Crier’s Choir (Late) The Crier's Choir
Christopher Whitley Almost as Soft as Silence (self-released) a5 b5 g5
January 21, 2025
Electric Taal Band Electric Taal Band (We Are Busy Bodies) Four Taals
Arun Ramamurthy Trio New Moon (Greenleaf) Bangalore to Brooklyn
DJ Moves Bass, Breaks + VHS Tapes (Hand'Solo) Let The Conguero Get Some
Dom Salvador, Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad Jazz Is Dead 021 (Jazz Is Dead) Os Ancestrais
Paradise Cinema Returning, Dream (Gondwana) Python
Calgaréal Vanishing Points (self-released) Mood Music
The Headhunters The Stunt Man (Ropeadope) Attitude of Gratitude
Colin Stetson The Love it Took to Leave You (Envision) Strike Your Forge and Grin
Ann Annie The Wind (Nettwerk) The Wind
Masayoshi Fujita Migratory (Erased Tapes) Blue Rock Thrush
Asko Asko (Dine Alone) Enoksasant
Godspeed You! Black Emperor No Title as of 13 February 2024, 28,340 Dead (Constellation) Broken Spires at Dead Kapital
Sarah Davachi The Head As Form’d In The Crier’s Choir (Late) Res Sub Rosa
January 28, 2025
Calgaréal Vanishing Points (self-released) Il Lago Accanto
Colin Stetson The Love it Took to Leave You (Envision) Green and Grey and Fading Light
Claire Rousay Sentiment Remix (Thrill Jockey) Sycamore Skylight (More Eaze remix)
Martin Tétreault Vraiment Plus De Snipettes !!! (Ambience Magnetique) From Raymond à Micheline (excerpt)
Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad Jazz Is Dead 021 (Jazz Is Dead) Moreno - The Midnight Hour
The Headhunters The Stunt Man (Ropeadope) The Stunt Man
Electric Taal Band Electric Taal Band (We Are Busy Bodies) Electro-Garba
Ann Annie The Wind (Nettwerk) Silver Creek
Sarah Davachi The Head As Form’d In The Crier’s Choir (Late) Constants
Arun Ramamurthy Trio New Moon (Greenleaf) Walk as One
DJ Moves Bass, Breaks + VHS Tapes (Hand'Solo) The Naked Cage
Masayoshi Fujita Migratory (Erased Tapes) Pale Purple
Godspeed You! Black Emperor No Title as of 13 February 2024, 28,340 Dead (Constellation) Raindrops Cast in Lead
Paradise Cinema Returning, Dream (Gondwana) Tide
February 4, 2025
Martin Tétreault Vraiment Plus de Snipettes !!! (Ambiances Magnetiques) Du Buzz Du Grain Du Horn
Philipp Greter Greter Than Dub (Liquid Sound Design) Hello
Paradise Cinema Returning, Dream (Gondwana) Nowhere, Home
Godspeed You! Black Emperor No Title as of 13 February 2024, 28,340 Dead (Constellation) Pale Spectator Takes Photographs
Sasha Da Vinci, Genius (Night Time Stories) Elegy
Brûlez Les Meubles (Ingrid Laubrock, Marianne Trudel, Jonathan Huard) Folio #5 (Tour De Bras - Circum-Disc) Argentique
Seahawks Time Enough For Love (Cascine) Falling Deep
Blockhead Mortality Is Lit! (Future Archive) All Dorks Go To Heaven
DJ Unknown Leaving Earth (Urbnet) Voices from Outer Ring
Footshooter Obelisk (single) (Tru Thoughts) Obelisk featuring Natty Wylah + Brother Portrait (Instrumental)
Pharmax The Watermelon Diaries (self-released) Drama-Mine
Calgaréal Vanishing Points (self-released) Points de Fuite
Claire Rousay Sentiment Remix (Thrill Jockey) Asking for It (Gretchen Korsmo Remix)
Alexandre David Photogrammes (Collection QB) Quatuor à Cordes — I
Bibio Phantom Brickworks (LP II) (Warp) Suram
Lifted Trellis (Peak Oil) Alright
February 11, 2025
Philipp Greter Greter Than Dub (Liquid Sound Design) Offset
Seahawks Time Enough For Love (Cascine) Messengers
Alexandre David Photogrammes (Collection QB) Quatuor à Cordes — II
Brûlez Les Meubles (Ingrid Laubrock, Marianne Trudel, Jonathan Huard) Folio #5 (Tour De Bras - Circum-Disc) Conscience du Tragique
DJ Unknown Leaving Earth (Urbnet) Desolate Worlds
Bibio Phantom Brickworks (LP II) (Warp) Phantom Brickworks VI
Godspeed You! Black Emperor No Title as of 13 February 2024, 28,340 Dead (Constellation) Grey Rubble - Green Shoots
Martin Tétreault Vraiment Plus de Snipettes !!! (Ambiances Magnetiques) Bonjour From Where
Lifted Trellis (Peak Oil) Open Door
Blockhead Mortality Is Lit! (Future Archive) Your Daily Affirmations
Claire Rousay Sentiment Remix (Thrill Jockey) Ily2 (Maral Remix)
Sasha Da Vinci, Genius (Night Time Stories) Mosaic
Pharmax The Watermelon Diaries (self-released) Cradle Rock
Calgaréal Vanishing Points (self-released) Danza
Paradise Cinema Returning, Dream (Gondwana) Crossing
February 18, 2025
Sasha Da Vinci, Genius (Night Time Stories) Portraits
Lifted Trellis (Peak Oil) Specials
Bibio Phantom Brickworks (LP II) (Warp) Dorothea's Bed
Blockhead Mortality Is Lit! (Future Archive) Earth's Farewell Tour
DJ Unknown Leaving Earth (Urbnet) Starships
Pharmax The Watermelon Diaries (self-released) Guess Which Day I Like
Alexandre David Photogrammes (Collection QB) Quatuor à Cordes — III
Brûlez Les Meubles (Ingrid Laubrock, Marianne Trudel, Jonathan Huard) Folio #5 (Tour De Bras - Circum-Disc) La Vie Commence
Nicola Miller Living Things (Cacophonous Revival) Seagulls
Claire Rousay Sentiment Remix (Thrill Jockey) It Could Be Anything (Patrick Shiroishi Remix)
Martin Tétreault Vraiment Plus de Snipettes !!! (Ambiances Magnetiques) Communication
Philipp Greter Greter Than Dub (Liquid Sound Design) Echo of Confidence
Ezra Collective Dance, No One's Watching (Partisan) Hear My Cry
Pit Pony Vacancy (single) (Clue Records) Vacancy (Instrumental)
Rebecca Vasmant Rooted featuring Paix + Emilie Boyd (single) (New Soil + Women In Jazz) Rooted (Instrumental)
Paradise Cinema Returning, Dream (Gondwana) Night Search
Seahawks Time Enough For Love (Cascine) Sail Across the Moon
February 25, 2025
Chenosky Forest City Series, Volume 6 (compilation) (A Person Disguised As People) Sneaking Into The Night
Martin Tétreault Vraiment Plus de Snipettes !!! (Ambiances Magnetiques) Les Acétates Fatales
Joni Void Every Life Is A Light (Constellation) Death Is Not The End
Trey Gowdy Trill Scan (Constellation) Strewn
Philipp Greter Greter Than Dub (Liquid Sound Design) Noisy Smoke
Pharmax The Watermelon Diaries (self-released) Zachary, How's My Gun
Lifted Trellis (Peak Oil) Warmer Cooler
DJ Unknown Leaving Earth (Urbnet) Farewell
Blockhead Mortality Is Lit! (Future Archive) Dolphin Lundgren
Brûlez Les Meubles (Ingrid Laubrock, Marianne Trudel, Jonathan Huard) Folio #5 (Tour De Bras - Circum-Disc) Vagues - Spider Song
Sasha Da Vinci, Genius (Night Time Stories) Hands
Seahawks Time Enough For Love (Cascine) Time Enough for Love
My Jazzy Child Extracontinent (Akuphone) Exoteric Patterns
Claire Rousay Sentiment Remix (Thrill Jockey) Listening to Every Vocal Track on Sentiment (Andrew Weathers Remix)
Bibio Phantom Brickworks (LP II) (Warp) Dinorwic
Alexandre David Photogrammes (Collection QB) Photogrammes


Humanoid Radio current play-list


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